Chapter 624 – Break time

“Haha, I can finally take a break.

And the next battle is the third place against the fourth place, then the fifth place against the second place, and finally it’s our turn.

In other words, we have five days to rest, which is really cool! ”

Ma Hongjun and Oscar are very excited.

Due to competition system reasons.

There is only one team match a day, and the rest of the time is for them to rest and make plans.

But Carl has no plans yet.

Because their next opponent is Fire Leopard Sect.

Although there were only six people participating in Shrek Academy, there were seven people on the other side.

But the Fire Leopard Sect is really too hip.

At that time, let Ma Hongjun directly cooperate with the Dugu Goose, and then let Ning Rongrong and Oscala assist them to take them away.

As long as there is no accident, Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu can easily solve each other without even using their hands.

There is no way.

Who let the other party, that’s how it is.

And Xiao Wu hasn’t done anything until now.

Her strength has become the biggest mystery in the eyes of others.

After all, everyone had read the information of the contestants and knew that Xiao Wu was a thirty-eighth-level agile attack type soul sovereign.

But her specific martial arts, as well as her soul skills and fighting methods, have never been seen by anyone.

Even if someone had discussed with Xiao Wu before, the time has passed.

They couldn’t calculate how much Xiao Wu’s current strength was compared to before.

The most important thing is.

Xiao Wu at that time was just a great soul master.

Now she is the soul sovereign, and has a third soul ability.

This is the important reason why they cannot speculate.

Insufficient intelligence will lead to defeat.

This is a common situation, so other teams can’t do anything about it.

If it’s a normal team, they can still find reasons to find faults, and by the way test Xiao Wu.

But Shrek Academy has Karl’s presence.

Did they find the fault?

That’s going to die!

So they gave up this idea, still feel at ease, and wait until the game starts.

It can be said that Carl is now the easiest team teacher to set a plan, there is no one!

“Now I’ll take two days off for you. You can play around these two days, but don’t make trouble for me.

Also, you must come back for dinner before dark. This is a rule and must be strictly enforced! ”

“Roger that!”

All the people present suddenly smiled.

Now it’s finally a holiday, they can play whatever they want.

And some time ago, they also praised a lot of money, and now they can go shopping.

Xiao Wu and Dugu Yan plan to go shopping in the Huangdu Commercial Street.

The two of them liked to go there before.(Read more @

I haven’t gone for a long time now, so I naturally miss it.

Dai Mubai didn’t go out, but returned to the room and began to meditate.

Tang San’s words, he has been on vacation all this time, so there is nothing to say.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun are planning to go out for a round.

They have not been to the imperial city at all when they first arrived, so naturally they will not waste this precious time.

As for teachers like Flanders, they also have their own things to do.

After all, they still have some personal feelings to deal with, and Carl can’t control these, just let them go.

The last is Ning Rongrong.

She was here, packed up her things, and was going to live with her father for two days.

Carl didn’t stop him, just let her come back sooner.

After all, on the third day, he still has things to make arrangements.

Ning Rongrong also nodded obediently, and then left here with a smile on his face.

Carl looked at the empty big room as if he had returned to the few months he had just arrived in Heaven Dou Imperial City.

Carl was alone at the time, wandering around in this room boringly.

Although Xiao Wu would accompany herself, she still had to learn royal etiquette, so naturally she couldn’t accompany her every day.

Fortunately, Emperor Xue Ye and Dugu Bo both became true friends with Karl.

They will come to visit often.

And as Carl’s reputation grew.

Although it is a passive increase, some visitors will also appear.

Slowly, Karl took root in the imperial city and had his own network of contacts.

However, there are only a few people, in Carl’s view, they are worthy of deep friendship.

After all, the human heart is separated from the belly.

Even if Karl had his current strength, he couldn’t fully guess the other side’s mind.

“It’s been a long time since I felt alone, now suddenly I feel so relaxed!”

Carl chuckled slightly at the corner of his mouth, then found a rocking chair and moved out of the room, ready to bask in the sun, and take a break by the way.

But just when he was about to lie down.

A familiar figure ran over from a distance.

This surprised Carl.

“Rongrong, what’s your situation? Forgot to take things?”

Seeing Ning Rongrong running back, Carl was a little surprised.

Ning Rongrong took a deep breath, then took a rough breath, and then said.

“I will go again later, because my dad said that he has something to look for you.

Oh yes, besides my father, Grandpa Sword and Grandpa Bone also came with a small sword and a small bone! ”

Hearing Ning Rongrong’s words, Carl looked confused.

I don’t know what the other party is doing.

“Teacher, I will go to the house for a while, call me if I have something to do.

I will stop beating you and talk to my dad. ”

With that said, Ning Rongrong trot all the way and returned to the house.

After a while.

Ning Zhifeng and others also appeared in Karl’s eyes.

“Carl, congratulations on winning the first place!”

“In fact, it’s okay, aren’t you also second? In fact, we are all about the same.”

Carl returned with a smile.

Ning Zhifeng also laughed, and then pushed Jianchi forward.

“Carl, I know that you are a refreshing person, so I won’t be circumspect.

I want to ask you now, are you interested in collecting bones and swords and entering Shrek Academy?

Although both of them are fourteen years old, in any case, they are considered to be in line with your admissions rules, right? ”

“Are you fourteen…”

Hearing what the other party said, Carl frowned, then nodded.

“It’s a good fit, but the age is still a bit too big, and it’s the first time to accept a fourteen-year-old student. I have to discuss it with the dean of Flanders.”

“Flander? One of that golden triathlon? Is he the dean?”

Ning Zhifeng was surprised when he heard Carl’s words.

Not only him, but even Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo had never thought of this.

Because of Carl’s strength, they naturally believed that Carl was the Dean of Shrek Academy.

In the end, he was not at all.

This is a bit oolong…

“No one has stipulated that if you are strong, you must be the dean?”

Carl shrugged and said.

Ning Zhifeng and others looked at each other.

I feel that what Carl said really makes sense!

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