Chapter 634 – One to two!

“Chenxin! No more, I can’t stand it anymore! Come up and help me!”

Although Bone Douluo Gu Rong didn’t want to admit it, it was a fact.

He alone couldn’t withstand Karl’s offensive like a storm.

And the most important thing is.

Every time Carl attacked, Gu Rong’s spirit ability could be destroyed.

The defensive ability he was proud of was shredded in front of Carl, like paper, without any resistance at all.

But that’s not entirely correct, at least his spirit abilities can still block part of Karl’s offensive.

If not, Gu Rong would have already been defeated by now.

And after this not a long battle, Bone Douluo has basically realized what the difference is between himself and Karl.

And this is still the case with the assistance of Ningzhifeng.

If there is no Ning Zhifeng, Bone Douluo feels that although he will not be killed by Carl with a single move.

But it can’t last ten rounds.

Even now, they had gone through twenty or thirty rounds of battle, and Bone Douluo felt that he couldn’t hold on anymore.

As long as he continues to fight for no more than fifty rounds, he will definitely be defeated!

Although Bone Douluo now had spirit power and combat power comparable to level 97, it was far worse than Carl.

At this time Jian Douluo Chenxin rushed into the sky with Gu Rong’s help.

He flies with his sword, like a real sword fairy, handsome and handsome!

Join the battlefield with Chenxin.

Carl’s expression became more solemn.

Although Sword Douluo’s spirit power has been upgraded, and Ning Zhifeng’s assistants have also held the spirit power, as well as various strengths.

But compared to Carl, there is still a clear gap.

However, he and Bone Douluo have been friends for many years.

The two also have a martial arts fusion skill.

The cooperation between them is even more intimate.

So it’s really tricky for Carl to fight.

Of course, he would not think that he would lose to these two people, because in Carl’s view, it is almost impossible!

Join the battlefield with Chenxin.

Gu Rong also settled down and released his ninth spirit ability again, summoning a huge bone dragon.

Chen Xin didn’t hesitate, and directly activated the ninth soul ability to create a hundred-meter long sword!

The two released their spirit abilities at the same time and attacked Karl!

Facing the offensive of these two men, Carl frowned slightly, and the red spirit ring suddenly gleamed!

The hell breath, combined with Carl’s various abilities, enveloped all the surrounding area!

Next second.

The three of them disappeared directly in this space!

This is to prevent the collision between them and cause an explosion in this area, so he directly activated the hell breath and sent himself and the two of them into the hell space.(Read more @

In this way, Ningzhifeng’s ability also disappeared directly.

Because of his auxiliary ability, there is no way to penetrate the space at all.

“How is it possible! They are no longer in this space?!”

Ning Zhifeng felt a little weird after realizing this.

Now in the entire arena, he was left alone, as well as the elders and principals of the Elephant Sect who fell to the ground.

The rest of the audience didn’t even know what happened.

They just felt that a flash of red light suddenly flashed around them.

Then Carl, Chen Xin and Gu Rong disappeared like this.

“What the hell happened? Could it be said that Carl still has the ability to transfer space?

But this is not a space transfer, it is more realistic to create a space alone.

Otherwise, my spirit power would never be interrupted so abruptly!

This means that they must have been there, in another space that I cannot step into!

Only in this way is the most reasonable explanation! ”

Ning Zhifeng came to this conclusion after thinking for a while.

If not, he couldn’t explain why his soul power would suddenly be interrupted.

It’s not just him.

Most people can perceive this at this time, so everyone is also guessing that this is because Karl created a space out of thin air and pulled the two of them in.

And this also caused the people present to take a breath.

They all know that Carl can travel through space to achieve the effect of instant movement.

And Carl’s ability to shatter space and split space is not the first time he has shown it.

So they are not surprised by these abilities of Karl.

But Carl’s hand directly created another space.

And this is the first time for all of them to see Karl’s red spirit ring completely light up!

Even people from Shrek Academy, when Dugu Goose and Tang San were discussing each other.

Carl’s red spirit ring just shone, and it did not emit a shocking light as before.

So they boldly guessed that Karl’s ninth spirit ring was related to this space!

However, just when everyone was speculating wildly.

The blood-red light suddenly shone in the center of the venue.

Carl didn’t know when, he returned to midair, and he didn’t have any injuries except for a torn hole in his clothes!

On the other hand, Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo were already half kneeling on the ground in embarrassment, as if they had experienced something extraordinary.

“Well, now you know the gap between us?

If you are not convinced, it does not matter, you continue to go, I will still accompany you. ”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly.

Before the two of them lost Ning Zhifeng’s notes in the regional space, their strengths directly returned to their original normal level.


Their attacks had no effect on Carl, and in the end, Carl’s clothes could be broken. It was because the two men released the martial arts fusion skill.

But even so.

Carl dealt with the two of them, but it only took ten rounds to solve it in battle.

The time is less than even a minute.

And this is the first time Carl has come to this world with all his strength.

And he also let Chen Xin and Gu Rong see the gap between Title Douluo and the existence!

“We surrendered!”

Chen Xin and Gu Rong looked at each other and said in unison.

Ning Zhifeng in the back doesn’t know what the situation is. He is still a little bit trapped.

“Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, what happened?”

Ning Zhifeng asked, Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

“Go back and talk about it!”

Carl also smiled slightly when he saw this scene, and then looked at Emperor Xueye.

“Xue Ye, can I declare my victory now?”

Hearing Carl’s words, the blood recovered from the shock!

“Now I announce that the Heaven Dou Spirit Master Competition has ended successfully!”

“The winner of the teacher group is Shrek Academy teacher, Tiandu Royal Guest Qing, Death Douluo! Carl!”

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