Chapter 653 – Calm Wuhun Hall

After Carl’s threat, Dai Tian finally fell into the hands of the Heaven Dou Empire, and the most important thing was that Carl used his own abilities to really draw some words from the inside of the opponent.

Originally, Carl thought that the other party would know something about spreading rumors.

Because it is this guy who has been telling the emperor of the Star Luo Empire that the Heaven Dou Empire is going to develop.

That’s why Dai Mobai’s father sent him as a messenger to inquire about intelligence.

And Dai Tian’s real purpose here is not to inquire about intelligence, nor to make peace, nor to clarify rumors.

All he had to do was to take Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing away, and then, in the name of an accident, let them die halfway along the way.

Anyway, when the time comes, just kill a Title Douluo casually.

Relying on their strength is absolutely unstoppable.

This is Dai Tian’s original plan.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that the situation here is far more complicated than he thought.

So he was caught by Karl now.

But this is also to blame for being too arrogant, not paying attention to Carl and others at all.

If he acted quietly, maybe he could really take Dai Mubai away without knowing it.

After all, with Dai Mubai’s strength, there was no way to resist Dai Tian.

It’s just the arrogance of the other party that made him ruin himself here.

At the same time, the person who rebelled to Wuhun Hall was also punished as he deserved.

Only one thing is needed now, and that is to let the other messengers go back and report to Emperor Xingluo about Dai Tian.

In addition, through Dai Tian’s mouth, he also found out the spies in the Spirit Hall, the spies planted in the Heaven Dou Empire!

That is Xueqinghe!


Her real name was Qian Renxue, Xue Qinghe had already died, and was replaced by Qian Renxue!

This situation shocked everyone present, especially Emperor Xue Ye, who almost fainted on the spot.

Because he had never thought that his best son would be Bibi Dong’s daughter Qian Renxue!

This is really amazing.

But when they tried to find Qian Renxue, the other party had disappeared.

“What should I do next? Should the subsequent mainland elite martial arts contest be held as usual?”

Ning Zhifeng asked.

He knew that this matter had dealt a great blow to Emperor Xueye, but the All-Continent Elite Soul Master Competition was also the best way for the two empires to pick seeds.

However, the matter of the Wuhun Temple has all been exposed, and if it wants to continue, Emperor Xueye will be very uncomfortable.

Only after he was silent for a moment, he gritted his teeth and said.

“Let the notice go on, the All-Continent Soul Master Elite Competition will be held in Zhaochang in half a year!

Everything is going forward in accordance with the normal process, and the qualifiers after three months will start as usual!

Even if the Spirit Hall and the Star Luo Empire are not held, I will continue to hold the Soul Master Competition!(Read more @

It is impossible for me to miss this kind of competition to attract talents! ”

Emperor Xueye’s big heart!

Even if he has learned that his son is dead, he knows very well that a person cannot be resurrected from the dead.

What should be done is still to be done.

Especially this grand age of the whole continent, naturally cannot be let go.

After all, the Heaven Dou Empire also relied on the Soul Master Competition to attract its own talents.

Only after this incident, the Spirit Hall and Star Luo Empire might not insist on holding it.

that’s all.

The official of the Heaven Dou Empire announced the news of the Soul Master Competition, and at the same time announced that Xue Qinghe was dead, and the current prince was his only son Xue Beng!

At the same time, Xue Ye also told the world, explaining that her former son Xue Qinghe was Bibi Dong’s daughter Qian Renxue!

The real Xueqinghe is already dead!

And the other sons of Emperor Xueye were also killed by Qian Renxue!

This is also the reason why the Tiandou royal family is gradually withering.

At the same time, he specifically notified the Xingluo Empire, telling them that Dai Tian was a traitor to the Xingluo Empire!

This made the inside of Xingluo Imperial’s room furious!

Then they sent someone to investigate the truth, and it turned out that it was true!

Then Dai Tian was pressed back by them to the Star Luo Empire and strictly guarded them. By the way, the two empires were pointed at the Spirit Hall at the same time, and they asked why Bibi Dong did this!

However, Bibi Dong didn’t say a word, just announcing to the outside world that he was going to retreat for half a year.

At the same time, the mainland elite soul master contest will also be held as usual.

She even added a lot of new rewards.

The original reward was three very high-level spirit bones for the team that won the first place!

Now the reward is directly added to five yuan!

And more importantly, the teams that won the second and third places can choose any treasures as rewards from the treasure house of the Wuhun Temple.

The second-ranked team can choose three treasures.

The third-ranked team can pick a treasure.

This treasure can be a weapon, some rare props, or space props, or some herbs or the like.

Even poison is fine.

But spirit bones are not counted among these treasures.

So the range they can choose is to eliminate the reward of spirit bones.

As soon as this announcement came out, a large number of soul masters who wanted to participate were extremely excited.

However, the royal academy belonging to the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire was not so excited.

They all know that apart from the first prize, the second and third prizes are of no use.

Because Wuhun Palace would definitely not display the best, so this reward would be very tasteless even if you get it.

And the most important thing is.

The Wuhun Palace is very beautiful!

Bibi Dong directly used the high rewards and the enthusiasm of the Soul Master Competition to divert the questions of the Star Luo Empire and the Heaven Dou Empire.

Take all the people away.

Now no one cares about why Bibi Dong wants to place his own people in the two countries.

They only care about which three teams will eventually win the top three in the Continent Soul Master Elite Competition!

Especially the people of some sects and colleges, they themselves are neutral beings, so naturally they don’t care about those behaviors of the Spirit Hall.

In addition to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and Shrek Academy.

After all, both of them, in name, still have a lot of relations with the Heaven Dou Empire.

It’s just that a little thing has happened recently on Shrek Academy’s side.

That is Jian Mo and Xiao Gu, who will be taken out for special training by Jian Douluo and Bone Douluo.

The two titled Douluo of them must personally teach these two people to complete the martial arts fusion skills!

Because the two of them already have seedlings of martial arts fusion skills, but Karl is not familiar with this aspect, so they need their teaching.

But Ning Rongrong stayed. After all, she would only be lazy when she went back, so it’s better to stay here and continue practicing.

Dugu Goose was also brought back to her hometown by Dugu Bo, where she used toxins for training, striving to make her green phosphorus snake venom to a higher level.

The last is Tang San!

He was directly captured by Tang Hao, and he didn’t even give a reason, only saying that he would definitely come back within half a year.

It is really speechless.

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