Chapter 658 – Game start

‘God selection has been triggered! ’

‘Option 1: Get individual battles in the Soul Master Competition, top five in points, and get 5,000 trading points! ’

‘Option 2: Get individual battles in the Soul Master Competition, top three in points, and get 10,000 trading points! ’

‘Choice 3: Obtain the individual station of the Soul Master Competition, first place in points, and 30,000 trading points! ’

The long-lost system voice finally sounded in Carl’s mind.

The system that has been upgraded for nearly ten years, now appears to make Carl some tears.

Then he backhanded and chose the third task!

Although this choice is basically nothing to do with Carl, this is something that needs to be done by his own students.

However, Karl has already given them an order, in addition to winning the final first place, even if it is a personal station, he must give me the first place in points!

Because only in this way can you let the other party see your own strength!

Fortunately, the competition system this time, because the Wuhun Palace was dead on its own, there was some deviation from the original.

So it was cancelled, and the teams that went directly to the semi-finals turned into the current model.

But it doesn’t matter, even if there is one above, the golden generation of Wuhun Palace is pressing down, Karl also believes that in terms of personal standing, they cannot be opponents of his students!

He also has full confidence in his own students!

Let’s not talk about Tang San’s strength.

As far as Xiao Wu and others are concerned, compared to the original, their strength has more than doubled!

This situation is also the first place in the many soul master contests that gives Carl confidence!

Especially in Shrek Academy, there are two characters that are not described in the original book, but only appear on the background board, that is, Jian Mo and Xiao Bone.

Their strength is also particularly strong, which gives Carl a lot of confidence.

But in addition to this choice, Carl also tried to ask the system if there were other choices.

But the system is still the same, without saying anything, which makes Carl a little speechless.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as the game is played well, he doesn’t worry about whether there are other tasks that can be triggered.

After all, this is the Hall of Martial Spirits. If there is a conflict like the original, the system will definitely come out to issue tasks.

In this regard, Carl is very aware of the virtues of the system.

that’s all.

Time soon came to the beginning of the game.

On the first day of the battle, two elemental academies competed.

The two teams of Kamikaze Academy and Blazing Academy are old friends and rivals.

The fight between them can be described as fierce, and there is no difference between the winner and the loser.

However, Kamikaze Academy was slightly better in the end, winning the key game in the final round.

The current Kamikaze Academy’s points are 1 point, and the Blazing Academy’s points are -1 points!

That’s right.

For the rules of this competition, the demerit system was chosen!

The small points of individual stations are not counted, only the big points for winning the game!

If you win, then add one point, if you lose, you will get one point deducted!(Read more @

This can increase the intensity.

Because no one wants to be deducted points and then fall from the original ranking.

It is precisely because of the announcement of this rule that many people have seen the cruelty of the game.

Those academies who want to fish in troubled waters and divide them can only bite the bullet this time.

Otherwise, the lower their scores, the more passive they will be in subsequent draws!

Because the order of the lottery is determined according to the points ranking.

The first place is the first draw, and so on.

So in terms of points, just draw the top five, and the bottom five are completely selected teams.

Of course it is also possible that the two front teams collide together.

This is not impossible. After all, the lottery is a matter of luck.

that’s all.

Kamikaze Academy was the first to play, and temporarily ranked first with 1 point.

And Blazing Academy, because it lost a game and deducted a share, directly from and tied with other academies in the rankings, fell to the last place.

Their points and nouns are even more dazzling than the Kamikaze Academy, which ranks first!

After all, no one thought that the points system would be changed to this look.

And this is what Bibi Dong made bad, the purpose is obvious, is to tell other colleges, you are just like that!

In this way, the Wuhun Palace was basically offended, and many academies were present.

But they don’t care, because Bibi Dong already has its own plan!

that’s all.

The game on the first day ended after more than an hour.

At other times, the winning team is waiting for the next round of competition. By the way, it can simply celebrate and then rest for two days.

As the losing team, Blazing Academy did not have such good treatment.

In addition to being educated, they will continue to train in the next few days in order to win the next game.

As for the other teams, they are in the midst of intense preparations and dare not care.


The time came to the next day.

This time, it was Tiandou Royal Academy against Tianshui Academy.

However, although the people of Tiandou Imperial Academy are strong, they are not as popular as Tianshui Academy in terms of popularity.

There is no way.

Who told Tiandou Royal Academy there were only two girls.

On the other hand, at Tianshui College, all of them are girls!

And every one of them is all over the country, all of them are big beauties!

The most important thing is that their strength is not bad, and the one with the weakest strength is already the Soul Venerable.

And they are also useful, three soul masters of the Soul King level.

In this regard, compared to the hemming of the Tiandu Royal Academy, it is not bad at all!

After all, there were only four Soul Kings on the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, and they didn’t have any advantage.

Although Tianshui Academy is one of the elemental academies in the Heaven Dou Empire, their academy address is not in the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

So they have not been in contact with Shrek Academy.

But Tiandou Royal Academy is different.

They almost grew up in the shadow of Shrek Academy.

As the saying goes, there is no motivation without pressure.

It is precisely because of Shrek Academy that these monsters in the inner courtyard are oppressing, so their strength is also growing rapidly!

This is not only reflected in the spirit power, but even their combat ability, like a rocket, soars all the way.

Even they often have friendly competitions with Shrek Academy.

There is no suspense in the result.

Beating the inner court disciples, that is, Xiao Wu and the others, was tortured.

They can also bully, those students in the outer courtyard.

But even so, they also let the students of the outer courtyard see what is called a monster that can trample geniuses under their feet!

And today’s game is also a game for Tiandou Royal Academy to test their true strength!

And the final result is also very gratifying.

They defeated the seven people of Tianshui College with the result of three people coming off the field!

The students of Tiandou Royal Academy finally stood up!

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