God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 681 - On the eve of the final

Chapter 681 – On the eve of the final

On the eve of the decisive battle.

Carl and others are gathering together to discuss countermeasures.

In the previous individual competition, the reward for winning the first place in the competition has already been credited.

Now a full 30,000 trading points, which is completely profitable for Karl.

It’s just that the new choice hasn’t appeared yet, but he is not in a hurry either.

After all, the duel hasn’t started yet, now is the time to discuss tactics.

And tomorrow’s battle, for them, as long as they play normally.

After all, the Wuhun Palace is really a bit strong.

That’s four soul kings!

Even if Hu Liena was completely restrained by Tang San, Hu Liena could completely merge with Xie Yue and martial arts.

As a result, Tang San couldn’t completely restrain the opponent, and would even be countered by the opponent.

This is the situation that Carl is most worried about.

As for the others, Jianlun and Xiaogu can also use the martial soul fusion technique to completely drag a soul king.

Xiao Wu continued to fight Qian Renxue.

Therefore, the allocation of personnel on their side has basically been aligned.

And next, Dai Mubai was needed to fight alone!

Because he is very likely to play one-on-two next!

On the side of the Martial Soul Palace, no matter what, there will also be an auxiliary soul master.

And Karl’s plan was to send Ning Rongrong and Oscar, these two auxiliary spirit masters.

Although the pressure was on Dai Mubai’s body at that time.

However, the presence of two auxiliary spirit masters can provide more help than Shangma Hongjun or Lonely Goose.

After all, the ability of the Dugu Goose had no effect in this battle.

Because the soul master in the Wuhun Palace not only has a spirit power level two levels higher than that of the Dugu Goose, but its martial spirit is a kind of spirit that can detoxify and completely restrains the Dugu Goose.

That’s why Karl didn’t let her play.

Because of Dugu Goose’s toxin, once it is restrained, her support ability can only be said to be very ordinary.

And the most important point was that her physical skills, spirit power, and even her level were completely inferior to Dai Mubai.

Although she is a bit stronger than Xiao Gu, Xiao Gu is a sword idiot anyway, as well as martial arts fusion skills.

Therefore, although she was very active in the previous battle, when facing the Martial Soul Palace, she paled in comparison.

As for Ma Hongjun…

Not to mention him.

Although his strength is very strong in the eyes of outsiders, it is also considered to be the bottom of the existence, which is a bit similar to Zhu Zhuqing.

Although he was not at the bottom in terms of spirit power, his role was not as powerful as the two auxiliary spirit masters.

The same is true for Zhu Zhuqing.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

So Carl won’t let them both play.

Although Zhu Zhuqing cooperated with Dai Mubai, they would have powerful martial arts fusion skills.

However, the current situation is not suitable for them to join hands against the enemy. On the other hand, Dai Mubai alone needs to be more flexible.

In addition, Karl also gave Dai Mubai a death order, that is, to hold down the opponent’s two personnel!

In a word, they must not be allowed to approach Ning Rongrong!

Because Ning Rongrong is the key core of this battle.

As for Oscar, he still came up to mention that Ning Rongrong was blocking the knife, but he blocking the knife also had his own use.

Because Oscar is an auxiliary spirit master, no one will focus too much on him.

It is precisely because of this.

Oscar made sausages to help them regain their strength, and then looked for opportunities to approach the opponent’s auxiliary spirit master.

The current Oscar, although not top-notch in terms of support ability, he is definitely the one who can play the best among the support system spirit masters!

none of them!

Therefore, as long as he finds a chance, the auxiliary spirit master of the Spirit Hall can definitely be eliminated by Oscar.

In this way, it greatly reduces the pressure on other people, and at the same time gives them a chance!

With support on one side and no support on the other, the ending is self-evident!

This is Carl’s general battle plan.

The specific implementation should be discussed in light of the actual situation.

After all, talking about soldiers on paper is just empty talk, and only after really entering combat can the real battle plan be determined.

Shrek Academy has always done this.

And it was very successful every time.

“Tomorrow we will be fighting the Wuhun Hall. Due to their personnel changes, the current situation is very unfavorable for us.

Especially Qian Renxue, after joining the first team of Wuhun Palace, their strength has directly improved to a level!

Now that they have a camp of four soul kings and three soul sects, even I dare not say that they will win them! ”

Carl sighed.

Although the battle plan has been discussed, the opponent’s hard power is still here.

This is the one thing that gives Carl the most headache.

“Don’t worry, teacher, we will definitely help you get it back first!”

“That’s right, brother! Don’t worry, this matter will be handed over to us!”

Dai Mubai spoke first, and then Xiao Wu stood up and waved a small fist at Karl to cheer.

Carl suddenly laughed when he saw himself being cheered.

“Well, well, I will believe you, if that’s the case, let’s work hard together! Fight for the destruction of the Martial Soul Palace!”

“Come on!”

With a shout, everyone suddenly became excited.

Then Carl briefly resumed the game. After the recent battles in the Spirit Hall and their strength, this gave all the members a half-day vacation to let them relax.

Although the decisive battle is imminent, but now he has been straining his nerves, and it is easy for things to happen in the end.

It is better to relax them for a long time, so that they are not so nervous.

But while Karl continued to make preparations, Tang San walked in from outside.

“Teacher, I have one thing I don’t know if it should be said or not.”

“what’s up?”

“Didn’t someone attack us before? One of them dropped this thing. I looked like a soul bone, but because there was no one around, I secretly picked it up.

My thought at the time was that I wanted to absorb it by myself, but I struggled for a few days to decide, so let the teacher make the decision. ”

Hearing Tang San’s words, Carl was a little surprised.

Then he found that this bone was indeed a spirit bone.

However, this soul bone was a bone on the arm, and after some investigation, it was discovered that this thing was a soul bone that could increase power.

For Tang San, this was considered a relatively good thing, very suitable for him.

However, besides him, it was also very suitable for sword idiot and Dai Mubai.

“A good spirit bone, with a life span of between 10,000 and 15,000 years, can effectively increase strength.

But this thing is useless for you to be sensible, because if you use it, you will give the Wuhun Palace an eloquent statement.

Leave it to me for the time being. After the game is over, I will return it to you, and then you can choose to use it or not. ”

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