God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 687 - Oscars highlight moment

Chapter 687 – Oscar’s highlight moment!

“Hey, as the teacher said, no one cares about me as a soul master in the auxiliary department.

But sometimes, the truly dangerous people are not the spirit masters of the strong attack system, the sensitive attack system, and the control system, but the soul masters of the auxiliary system like me.

So the teacher is right, no matter what kind of enemy you face, you can’t underestimate it, because it will pay a heavy price! ”

While talking to himself, Oscar sneaked to the back of Wuhun Hall, preparing to launch a surprise attack!

Although, with his strength, it is impossible to deal with those people.

But relying on the explosion of the spirit ring and the physical skills that Karl gave him, defeating one of the opponent’s auxiliary spirit masters, there was no problem.

that’s all.

Oscar touched it quietly, without attracting anyone’s attention, and had already walked around behind the Wuhun Hall auxiliary spirit master.

Even if it is the audience, only Ning Zhifeng, who is also an auxiliary soul master, is paying attention to Oscar’s movements.

Other people, even Bibi Dong, didn’t pay attention to this side.

Because in their opinion, the key to victory or defeat is still in the battle between Tang San and Xiao Wu, and there is no one to assist the spirit master, so he is looking at it.

But it was this arrogant idea that caused them to suffer heavy losses!

I saw Oscar without any hesitation. When he arrived where he was supposed to come, he immediately activated the spirit ring to explode, and then used the pace of the ghost to punch the spirit hall, the auxiliary soul master’s stomach!

This soul master felt a bit wrong at first, because she found that there was one missing person on the Shrek Academy.

But she didn’t care much either, because the young person was just an auxiliary spirit master, and in her opinion, it could not have any influence on the battle situation.

But just as her feelings became stronger and stronger, a sense of crisis came to her spine from behind!

This surprised her colleague also turned to look.

Then I saw Oscar’s picture, a slightly wretched smiling face, appeared in front of me.

Before she could move, Oscar’s fist had already hit her stomach!

“Look at my King Baquan!”

“I fight~~~”

Accompanied by the sound of Oscar’s strange yin and yang, this auxiliary soul master was completely beaten without any power to fight back.

Seeing this, the person who was originally responsible for protecting her felt regretful.

He shouldn’t have tried to solve Dai Mubai quickly at the time, and then he is now restrained, and there is no way to come over.

Oscar took advantage of this opportunity to easily solve the opponent’s auxiliary soul master.

However, his own physique is not very strong.

After releasing the spirit ring burst, he was also vain, so he could only quickly find the referee Ren to announce his end.

This forcibly changing one by one is also within Carl’s plan.

After all, Oscar has only two roles, that is, throwing all his sausages to his teammates.

The second thing is to get rid of the opponent’s auxiliary spirit master, and then just get out of the game.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

As long as these two things are completed, the role of Oscar is to play perfectly without leaving any regrets!

It doesn’t matter if you change one, because Shrek Academy is not at a loss!

After all, Oscar’s sausages can continue to stay on the court to fight.

So this is equivalent to that he is still on the court and has not completely retired.

Coupled with Ning Rongrong’s top support ability, it can be said to be very powerful.

So in the current situation, Shrek Academy has completely taken advantage of it!

And although Oscar played in low order, but he played out, so far, the first highlight moment in the audience!

That is to kill the auxiliary soul master of the Wuhun Palace!

This is something that all previous teams couldn’t do.

They tried every means to solve the auxiliary spirit masters in a small way to improve their team’s chances of winning.

But unfortunately, their protection for the auxiliary spirit masters is in place.

However, on the Shrek Academy side, they succeeded in accomplishing this, and the one who completed this task was still very humble thinking that the food department assisted the soul master.

This situation stunned everyone present.

After all, no one could have imagined that on the Shrek Academy’s side, the sword would go slanting, and the auxiliary system spirit master would be exchanged for the auxiliary system spirit master.

Such an operation is really too shameful.

It was precisely because of this that Wuhun Palace was completely unexpected.

Bibi Dong’s face now is even more ugly.

If it wasn’t because she couldn’t do it now, she would really like to tear the Oscar to pieces!

at the same time.

The battle is still going on.

Since the opponent lacks the auxiliary spirit master, they also don’t have any booster BUFF, and the healing BUFF disappears completely.

In this way, their soul power and physical strength will be consumed more and more.

And more importantly, if they are injured, it will be a disaster for this game!

That’s it, as time goes by.

This battle has lasted for half an hour, and the winner has not yet been determined.

The battle between them was very fierce, and both sides did their best to win the battle.

Especially Tang San’s battle with Hu Liena and Xie Yue.

As well as the battle between Xiao Wu and Qian Renxue, it was even more eye-catching, and there was no way to move his eyes away.

Their strength is the closest, and most people believe that the outcome of the battle between them will completely affect the final orientation of the entire battle.

But just when they all think so.

With two screams.

The two soul sects on the side of the Martial Soul Palace were immediately knocked out and hit the protective cover heavily, without any movement.

The referee took a look and announced that they had fallen into a coma and were disqualified for the game!

Just when everyone was looking at Xiao Wu and Tang San.

Dai Mubai achieved the second highlight on the arena!

He was one enemy two and defeated the opponent!

Although he himself was scarred and panting, he was always victorious.

As a result, Shrek Academy has an extra hand to support other places.

But Dai Mubai did not immediately support him, but chose to retreat to Ning Rongrong’s side.

Ning Rongrong also directly handed him a few sausages, and at the same time released his spirit abilities, responsible for healing him.

Seeing this scene, everyone was very clear that Dai Mubai was also injured very seriously, and he had to take a rest, otherwise it would be difficult to continue fighting.

After all, the two soul sects he defeated were of exactly the same level as Dai Mubai.

It is still very difficult to complete this task.

However, Dai Mubai only took a three-minute rest, then stood up again and released his martial soul.

“Brother Dai, are you sure there is no problem?”

“Don’t worry! I’m okay!”

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