God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 691 - Rongguis hometown

Chapter 691 – Ronggui’s hometown

After spending a few days, Carl and others successfully returned to the Shrek Academy in the Heaven Dou Empire.

When they came back, everyone in the academy was doing it for them.

Even other colleges all rushed over.

By the way, there are some people who want to ask about Xiao Wu’s real excitement and Karl’s thoughts.

Some of them have bad intentions, but some people have a good relationship with Carl, just as friends, and they are more curious about why Carl wants to take in humans who think that monsters are transformed as his sister.

For this, Carl did not explain, but told them that after a while, Carl will release a message, inviting all the teachers from the college to come here and listen to a few words.

And Karl has no restrictions, the opponent must be a member of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Even the Star Luo Empire doesn’t matter.

As for the Spirit Hall, Carl didn’t care either. After all, Bibi Dong knew what Carl was going to do.

So for Xiao Wu who transformed into a soul beast, he didn’t explain why he did it this way.

But the teachers of Shrek Academy, Emperor Xue Ye, Dugu Bo, and Tang Hao knew very well.

Because they are all behind, what exactly does Carl want to do.

Carl told these people about this kind of thing a long time ago, and got their support.

However, the people of the Seven Treasures Liuli Sect still don’t know this situation. Carl intends to let Ning Rongrong tell her father about this.

Sometimes the words of the little princess, Bikar said it would be useful.

And the most important thing is that now Ning Zhifeng has indeed been kept in the dark, and he doesn’t care about three or seventy-one, even risking offending the Spirit Hall to help Carl on the platform.

So Carl felt a little guilty about him, and planned to let Ning Rongrong explain it first, and then personally go over and chat with him about this matter.

And there is one more thing, that is, Carl intends to let the people from the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect temporarily join Shrek Academy.

In this way, Carl can provide shelter to avoid them suffering revenge from the Spirit Hall.

After all, in the current Shrek Academy, in addition to Karl himself, there are two titled Douluos, Tang Hao and Dugu Bo.

Coupled with Flanders and the Golden Iron Triangle’s martial arts fusion skills, their strength can also compete with Title Douluo below level 94.

Not to mention that Carl is sitting here personally.

In terms of overall strength, it was better than Qibao Glazed Sect in any case, and the current configuration was much stronger.

And more importantly, if the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect is linked with Shrek Academy.

In total, this is a meaningless Title Douluo, and a martial soul fusion skill that can match Title Douluo.

Even if it is the Spirit Hall, there is no way to attack them.

So this kind of cooperation is very necessary in Carl’s view, but I don’t know if Ning Zhifeng will agree.

But this matter will be discussed later.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Now they returned to the Heaven Dou Imperial City, and after receiving the commendation from the Heaven Dou Emperor Xue Ye, almost everyone was knighted and held a half-time official position.

Although it was only an empty title, he didn’t even have a fief.

But this is also enough for them to receive enough resources in the Heaven Dou Empire to provide for themselves, or their friends and relatives, to practice.

In addition, Shrek Academy is also allowed to expand its territory and continue to recruit students.

Even Shrek Academy, the original fiefdom, directly doubled!

This kind of treatment, Shrek Academy, is probably the first time in history.

And this and that approach can be regarded as indirectly cheaper for Flanders, allowing him to have a larger academy to manage.

Although Flanders only had an empty title, the title of the president of Shrek Academy was enough for him to’run wildly’ for a while.

that’s all.

After accepting the reward, and having a banquet for a few days, after two days of vacation, a total of one week has passed.

Now all the personnel have returned to Shrek Academy, and Karl is no exception.

Now is the time to announce important things!

“Now, I want to announce an important thing.

At present, all of you meet the graduation standards of Shrek Academy.

Starting today, you will be the graduates of Shrek Academy, and also the first Shrek Monster graduates!

This is the greatest compliment for your strength!

From now on, every five years, Shrek Academy will select ten members to come to the inner courtyard for real monster training.

As seniors, the ten of you can stay in Shrek Academy if you want to help assist in teaching.

But before that, I need you to become stronger, so I hope everyone except Xiao Wu can go out and practice for a few years.

I can’t control where I go, but the communicator must be brought well. If there is a danger, I will rush to the scene for rescue as soon as possible.

So don’t worry about life danger, but don’t take the initiative to provoke right and wrong, because this is not the style of our Shrek Academy.

As for how long it takes to go out and practice, I probably figured it out. Five years is almost exactly right!

In these five years, what I hope to see is a completely new monster, not a waste of unpreparedness! Do you understand! ”

“Got it! Teacher!”

Everyone answered in unison, and looked extremely excited.

Because they finally graduated from Shrek Academy as monsters!

This kind of strength is considered very good to outsiders, and it is even the end of some spirit masters.

But in Carl’s eyes, this is just their starting point!

Because they have a more brilliant future!

“Brother, why don’t you let me go out to practice? Obviously I can too!”

Xiao Wu was a little unhappy, and asked with a pouting mouth.

Carl rubbed her head gently and smiled.

“What is your own situation, don’t you understand?

How could I let you out easily.

But you don’t have to worry about it. I have already made a plan for you. Then you can just follow my plan. ”

“Humph! Obviously I want to go by myself, so what are you planning for me!”

Xiao Wu is a bit rebellious, but she just talked about it.

Because she is very clear about her current situation.

If she left alone, without Carl’s protection, it would be very dangerous.

So she just complained, not really rebellious.

Carl knew this too, so he just smiled and didn’t say anything.

“Okay, that’s it for complaining.

Next is what everyone is looking forward to, prize time! ”

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