God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 693 - Soul Bone Absorption

Chapter 693 – Soul Bone Absorption

Without too much hesitation.

Tang San absorbed the spirit bone directly.

Because it was a fifty thousand-year-old spirit bone, it caused Tang San’s spirit power level to also rise by two levels.

Even if he is the soul king now, the promotion this soul bone gives him is very big!

Tang San is already a fifty-third level soul king!

Then Karl took out the fourth spirit bone.

This soul bone was added after the subsequent changes to the rules of the Spirit Hall. Its ability is suitable for agile attack type spirit masters, can increase the attack speed of agile attack type spirit masters, and even increase its own spirit power.

Such a soul bone is very suitable for Xiao Wu and Jian Zhu.

In the end, Xiao Wu didn’t want it, and then Karl gave it to Jianzhu.

After Jianzhu absorbed this soul bone, its level had changed from the original forty-seventh to the forty-eighth, which was one step away from the forty-ninth level.

It is estimated that it will not be long before he will become a forty-ninth or even fifty-level soul king.

Then the fifth soul bone is also from the Spirit Hall, this thing is very suitable for auxiliary spirit masters to use, can enhance their auxiliary ability.

But this is not suitable for food-type spirit masters, because this auxiliary ability is a range increase, not a single increase.

So this soul bone was handed over to Ning Rongrong without a doubt.

After Ning Rongrong absorbed this soul bone, his soul power level also reached the forty-two level.

The next sixth soul bone was the one Tang San gave to Karl before.

This is a spirit bone that can increase strength, very suitable for Dai Mubai to use. In addition to him, Xiao Bone and Xiao Wu are also very suitable.

However, after a few of them discussed in the end, Karl still handed it over to Dai Mubai.

This allowed Dai Mubai to upgrade from the original forty-sixth level to the forty-seventh level.

Immediately afterwards, Karl took out the seventh soul bone from the system reward.

This is one of the system reward spirit bones, and its ability is to greatly increase the spirit ability amplification effect of using this, and the amplification intensity is as high as 20%, which is very suitable for assisting spirit masters.

But this ability has a very big limitation, that is, when using the boost, only one spirit ability can be released!

In other words, when the user releases the first spirit ability, he cannot use the second spirit ability, otherwise the increase will not have its effect.

In this way, it is to limit those martial arts that can increase in a large range, but to Oscar, a single auxiliary martial arts, there is a very large increase.

That’s why Carl would give Ning Rongrong the soul bone at first instead of giving it to her.

Because this soul bone not only has no amplification effect on the Nine Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda, it even weakens its amplification effect, which is useless at all.

Therefore, this soul bone was handed over to Oscar without any dispute, so that it could be absorbed smoothly.

Oscar also instantly increased from level 41 to level 42, and he also gained a lot of energy.

Immediately after that is the eighth soul bone.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

This soul bone is a skull, and its ability is to enhance mental power and the effect of martial soul.

This spirit bone will not increase the spirit ability, but directly increase the ability of the individual spirit.

In other words, everyone present is very suitable for this soul bone, which is a universal soul bone.

But the most applicable is the lone goose.

Because the source of her strength is not her own spirit ability, but her own spirit toxin!

So this thing has the biggest increase for her. On the other hand, although there is an increase, it is not as obvious as the Dugu Goose.

So Carl gave this soul bone to the lone geese.

After she absorbed the spirit bone, her spirit power level also increased from level forty-three to level forty-five.

Originally, Dugu Goose was about to upgrade, this soul bone just added a catalytic effect, so she was allowed to upgrade to two levels in a row.

And the ninth soul bone is a spine, its ability is to increase the density of its own bones, as well as the ability of the body and internal organs to fight.

To put it bluntly, this is a defensive spirit bone, a spirit bone that improves one’s ability to be beaten, and is very suitable for defensive spirit masters.

Among the people on the scene, the only defensive spirit master, there was only a small bone.

So Carl gave this spirit bone to him, and after he absorbed it, its spirit power also increased from level 42 to level 43.

In the end there was a soul bone left.

The effect of this soul bone is somewhat ordinary, but there is an advantage, that is, it can improve one’s own perception ability.

This is a general-purpose spirit bone that is not very useful. The only advantage is that it is the second-year-old spirit bone, which is almost forty thousand years old.

In the end, because everyone else had their own spirit bones, Carl gave this spirit bone to Xiao Wu for use.

As a human being in the form of a soul beast, she has a natural resistance to soul bones.

But in order to improve her strength and protect herself, she can only absorb it first.

And when she absorbed this soul bone, her soul power also directly increased to fifty-fourth level, jumping two levels in a row!

I have to say that the spirit bones with a higher age are very helpful for the improvement of spirit power.

In this way, all ten spirit bones were allocated.

Karl let them adapt to their soul bones first, and then talk about other things.

Now the rewards have not been fully distributed, and the spirit bones are just handed over to them.

Carl has more generous rewards, and he is ready!

But before that, they still have to give them a period of activity.

Now that they had just absorbed the spirit bone, it was the best time for them to master the spirit bone, so naturally they couldn’t miss this opportunity.

at the same time.

Flanders and others also came to join in the fun, and then briefly reported something.

Most of these things are about Xiao Wu, and the air-opening speech a month later.

“Flander, please let me know now. Today next month, I will open a public speech.

Come here if you want to listen, if you don’t want to listen, but if you want to make trouble, you can also come.

As long as you are not afraid of death! I don’t mind, kill a few more here and find troublesome guys! ”

“Good! With your words, I will have confidence! Hehe!”

Flander chuckled, then changed and left here.

Carl looked at the back of him leaving, shook his head, and then put his gaze on the students present.

“Okay, the free activities are over, now it’s time for me to issue the second reward!”

“There are even rewards?!”

“Is it so good?”

“It’s really a surprise!”

They thought that spirit bones were already the best reward, but no one thought that Carl still had rewards waiting for them.

This reminds them of the promise that Carl said before!

He really didn’t lie!

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