Chapter 703 – Title Douluo!

“It turned out to be Title Douluo?”

“Could it be that Slaughter Arena, has the rules changed recently? Why is my opponent a Title Douluo?”

Seeing the man appearing in front of him, Carl felt something wrong.

at the same time.

The system sound also rang.

‘God selection has been triggered! ’

‘Option 1: Choose to admit defeat, leave the killing capital, and get 10,000 trading points. ’

‘Choice 2: Defeat the Titled Douluo in front of you, become one of the kings with 100 consecutive victories, and get 30,000 trading points! ’

‘Choice 3: Kill the opponent, and face the anger of the God of Slaughter, get 100,000 trading points, freely assignable skill points: 3, freely assignable attribute points: 3. ’

See the choices that appear in the system.

Carl chose three without hesitation.

In this killing arena, he killed from beginning to end, and has been killing until now.

It is precisely because of this that his title of Death God has also gained a great reputation here.

And Karl weighed the pros and cons, and felt that it would be more profitable to kill the person in front of him directly.

After all, he killed ninety-nine, not bad for the one in front of him.

And the people in the Slaughter City, except Tang San and Hu Liena, most of the others are considered to be the ones to be killed.

So Carl will not show mercy to them.

Thinking of this, Carl smiled, and then carefully looked at the opponent’s strength.

This Contra’s spirit power fluctuates, probably at the ninety-three level, to the ninety-fourth level.

Although his spirit power level is not very high, but if his killing intent is real, it is higher than other people, I don’t know how many grades it is!

With such a power as him, it’s almost impossible to condense the killing field!

But the last kick is the realm that most people can’t break through.

This person is no exception.

But it cannot be denied that his current strength is indeed very strong, which is beyond doubt.

If it were placed in the outside world, I am afraid that his power is now fully deployed, and he will not be weaker than the ninety-five, or even the ninety-sixth level Title Douluo!

Even if you defeat them, it is not without problems.

It might be a little difficult to face the Titled Douluo of Level 97.

But from here it can also explain how powerful his current strength is!

“Reaper, I don’t know where you came from, and for what reason you chose to enter the killing arena.

But I can tell you that the God of Slaughter has an order and wants us to take action to solve you!

We sent so many people to fight with you before, but none of them were your enemy.

Now, I want to see what you have in the end that can force me to end in person! ”

The man’s voice was a bit gloomy, and then he released his martial soul.(Read more @

It was a kind of martial spirit that resembled a ghost, with black mist covering its whole body, which looked very gloomy.

At the same time, Carl could see that above this huge martial soul, there were a pair of red eyes, which gave people a shuddering feeling.

This sense of oppression brought by the spirit of martial arts was also passed on to Carl, but it did not affect him.

It’s just a little bit of a headache.

After all, the titled Douluo in front of him is still a bit strong. If Karl wants to solve him, he really can’t do it if he is not serious.

It’s just that the words he just said made Carl a little surprised.

He didn’t expect the other party to be so honest, so he told his plan.

This is too touching!

However, he guessed that he was very confident in himself, so he would say this, but he obviously miscalculated Karl’s strength.

“Since you have said so, then come on, I want to see what kind of ability your subordinates of the god of killing have, dare to speak out in front of me!”

“Huh! Kid, today I will let you see what is meant by absolute strength suppression!

The people you dealt with before are only half-hearted, but I am different!

I’ve said Jingjing, a strong man baptized by the Lord of Slaughter!

You met me and was killed, you can only be considered unlucky, but if you can defeat me, Lord Slaughter, you may even look at you high.

At the same time you will join the adult’s command and become the adult’s servant! ”

“Don’t be funny, I don’t want to join him, and you think you can survive in my hands?

Tell you the truth, after I kill you, I will kill Tang Chen next step, which is the god of killing in your mouth! ”

“What?! How dare you be so presumptuous, looking for death!”

Hearing what Carl said, the man became furious, and his eyes became extremely red, as if he was tainted with blood.

At the same time, the killing intent on his body also broke out at this moment.

The Wuhun without substance, it merged with his body, and his body was also covered with a layer of black smoke.

At the same time, a layer of bone claws with metallic luster appeared on his hands and wrists!

See this scene.

Carl was slightly surprised.

Because he can see that these bone claws are his external spirit bones!

In this way, the opponent’s strength is stronger than Carl thought.

But it doesn’t matter.

Carl still has the winning ticket!

“go to hell!!!”

Facing Carl, the man said contemptuously, but he still tried his best to kill Carl!

Because he knew that even if Title Douluo didn’t use spirit abilities, it was still very strong based on physical fitness alone.

So in his case, facing Carl’s previous enemies, in addition to the latter two, he can also achieve a one-shot seckill!

It is precisely because of this that he will do his best to Carl!

But facing the opponent’s all-out effort, Karl just shook his head indifferently, and then took Hades in his hand.

“Hades, you never had a chance to play before, because the enemy is too weak.

Today, let’s make you shine once! ”

As Karl’s voice fell, Hades exuded a strong demon power, and the blade trembled slightly.

And at this moment, the opponent rushed up, claws digging into Karl’s heart!

Seeing that the opponent’s attack was so straightforward, Carl blocked it lightly and took a step back.

Upon seeing this, the other party showed a smile and directly launched a storm-like attack!

The powerful strength and extreme speed are continuously transmitted to Carl’s body through the bone claws.

This force, even if it is placed outside, few people can break free.

But Karl, it only took a few seconds to get acquainted with the opponent’s rhythm, and then he could block them all!

At the same time, Karl also found a chance and gave the opponent a knife backhand directly!

Ling Li’s sword energy pierced the sky, tore the opponent’s chest, knocked it back tens of meters, and directly hit the wall on the other side!

But this is not over yet!

Karl’s power broke out again!

Dozens of slashes, like rain in an instant, tilted down!

Did not give the other party any chance to breathe!

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