Chapter 709 – surrender!

‘God selection has been triggered! ’

‘Option 1: Kill all enemies alone and get 100,000 trade points! ’

‘Option 2: Follow the opponent’s suggestion, fight the enemy together, and get 50,000 trading points. ’

‘Choice 3: Take the initiative to surrender, become a slave to the God of Slaughter, and get 10,000 trading points. ’

“In other words, the purpose of the two of you looking for me is to form an alliance with me and then fight the God of Slaughter together?”

Carl looked at the two in front of him, but they were only Grade 91 Title Douluo, and showed a playful smile.

He could see that the bodies of these two people were full of various killing auras.

This means that they have killed a lot of people.

Cooperating with such a person is likely to suffer betrayal.

But the sound of the system surprised him a bit.

Because of the appearance of the system’s voice, it means that they will never do such a thing as betrayal.

Otherwise, this choice would never happen.

“Yes, the two of us have had enough of this, and there is no way to live a human life.

But before, there has never been a chance to break free from the shackles of the god of slaughter.

But now that you appear, we have seen a turning point.

Because your strength is very strong, even I have seen, besides the god of slaughter, the strongest person!

Therefore, I feel that you have a good chance to kill the god of slaughter.

In addition, the God of Slaughter gave us an order that was impossible to complete!

That is to kill you and take your head back! ”

“What’s impossible? If you plan to kill me, just let your horse come here, I won’t be afraid!”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly.

He is not in a hurry to make a choice now, but intends to listen to what the other party has to say.

The two found themselves, and when they came up, they directly said that they wanted to form an alliance.

In this case, it is really a bit suspicious.

Originally, Karl was planning to solve these two people directly, but the appearance of the system voice made him hesitate.

“Mr. Grim Reaper, you don’t understand. The order that the Slaughter God gave us is that in the end, there is only one person who can take your head back and get a reward.

As for the others, they will be killed by the one who wins the final victory.

Even if someone is lucky enough to not die, the God of Slaughter will solve us by himself!

With the strength of the two of us, it can be said that there is no escape, and there is no hope of surviving!

It is precisely because of this that the two of our brothers intend to find you, help you fight the enemy, and fight the God of Slaughter! ”

Hearing what the other party said, Carl was also a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that the God of Slaughter would do things so absolutely!

It seemed that the other party really didn’t intend to keep these subordinates, but took the initiative to let them die.(Read more @

Carl did not expect this situation.

No wonder the system will appear at this time, because the other party has no choice!

Because of the two of them, even if they betrayed Carl and obtained Carl’s head, they would turn against each other, and eventually kill the other for a place to survive.

More importantly, even if the two of them get Karl’s head, they may be taken away by others.

The two of them are the weakest of the nine.

Contend against other people’s problems for a short time, but if you want to beat them, it is completely impossible.

It is precisely because of this that they are desperate and can only take the risk to join Karl’s camp.

“Mr. Grim Reaper, I know we don’t want to see you, but it’s okay, the two of us won’t bother you too much.

At that time, as long as the god of slaughter is dead, we will assume that we have never seen it, and our two brothers will definitely not appear in your sight! ”

Hearing what they said, Karl smiled and asked the last question.

“How do you relieve the price of Huang Quanlu and Bloody Mary?

Don’t even think about counting on me, although I have studied a lot of this stuff, and even have an antidote.

But I will not give it to you easily, so you have to think about how to answer my question. ”

Hearing Karl’s words, the two fell silent.

But at this time, Carl has already chosen the second option.

He intends to form an alliance with the two to fight the god of killing together.

Although the strength of these two people is very weak, that is, they have been killed by the other party.

But one more person is better than no one to help.

More importantly, with the two of them, it would be easy to protect Tang San and Hu Liena from retreating.

“Okay, don’t think about it, you two stretch out your hands.”

Hearing Karl’s words, the two of them looked at each other, and then stretched out their right hand.

Carl did not hesitate, and directly released the breath of hell, giving them a seed.

“Mr. Grim Reaper, what are you?”

Seeing the black silver in the palm of their hands, they suddenly felt a little strange.

They couldn’t perceive this thing. Any spirit power fluctuation was like a tattoo without any power.

But Carl smiled slightly and said.

“This thing does no harm to you, but there is one thing. If you give birth to thoughts that are not good for me, you will fall into hell!

At the same time, I will also feel whether you have come to my hell space, so don’t think about betraying, because this is simply impossible!

By the way, hell space is one of my abilities. If you go in, you will never get out! ”

Hearing Karl’s words, the two of them took a breath, then nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

But at this moment.

Carl looked at the outside window, and then smiled.

“After listening for so long, it’s time to come out?”

“Is there anyone else here?!”

Hearing Carl’s words, the two of them were shocked.

Then they could see that the woman from Ma Pingchuan appeared in their eyes.

The two people who asked for Carl’s surrender suddenly took a breath when they saw her appearance.

“Why are you here?!”

“Could it be that you are already planning to do it?!”

The woman ignored their questions, just glanced at them, and then walked straight to Carl, took off her leather gloves, revealing her ruddy but scarred right hand.

“Come on, give me one too, I don’t want to serve that old thing every day!

In the sixty years of being here, my innocence was wasted. Even to save my life, I even gave up the figure I was so proud of.

So, this is a great opportunity, I have to seize it, and then kill the old thing! ”

The woman’s eyes were murderous.

In order to get rid of the god of slaughter, she did not hesitate to be controlled by Karl, so she would do the same!

It is conceivable that she hates the god of slaughter!

In this regard, Carl did not refuse.

Anyway, one more person is one, and her strength is ninety-five, which can be regarded as a very good help.

At least compared with the first two people, she would not be killed by the god of slaughter.

But the two moves are almost the same.

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