God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 725 - Coming to the Star Dou Great Forest again

Chapter 725 – Coming to the Star Dou Great Forest again

Dai Mubai is currently at the 61st level and has just become the soul emperor.

Sword Chi’s words are at level fifty-nine, and he is practicing with great concentration, striving to break through to the Soul Emperor level.

Then there is Dugu Yan, her level is fifty-eight.

The spirit power levels of Ma Hongjun, Xiao Gu, and Ning Rongrong were all very consistent at level 56.

Then Zhu Zhuqing’s spirit power level has also been raised to level 53, which is considered a very good talent.

As for the last Oscar.

Flander can’t contact him at the moment, but knows that he is still safe. As for his strength and where he is now, that is totally unknown.

“Oscar didn’t even contact you anymore, which is really interesting.

But if he doesn’t contact you, how do you know he is safe now? ”

Hearing Karl’s question, Flender took out a letter and the broken walkie-talkie.

“This is Oscar’s walkie-talkie. About a year after his departure, it was sent back with his envelope.

And more than one, all the spare walkie-talkies are broken, so I can also imagine that he must have gone to a very dangerous place!

However, he would send a letter every seven days, and the time for the letter to be sent was exactly seven days.

Almost when I received a letter, his next letter was already on the way.

If he didn’t write to me within seven days, according to his original meaning, he asked me to go to a hut in the forest of the far north and collect his belongings.

Fortunately, he always fixed points every time and sent me beliefs, and I can guarantee that these are his notes.

Because this kid has a bad habit, that is, when he writes, he doesn’t follow the normal stroke order.

So I know that he is still safe now, but life is a bit hard. ”

Carl nodded and breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Flander say this.

“Since he is still alive, then the problem is not big, but a food-type spirit master went to the far north, which even I did not expect, his courage would be so big.

But if he can come back alive in the end, I am afraid he will make rapid progress with this practice!

You know, the far north is a very dangerous soul beast gathering area no less than the core circle of the Star Dou Great Forest!

Even the core circle of the sunset forest is not comparable to the outer periphery of the Far North.

This time, he was really desperate! But having said that, did he do this for Rongrong? ”

Flander nodded, agreeing with Carl’s words.

In this regard, Carl could only helplessly sigh, and then smiled.

“This character really doesn’t look like him.

But forget it, this is his own choice, and I respect him.

And for a person, you can choose to take the initiative to change yourself, this is a real man! ”

Carl sighed, and then left Flanders’ office.

But before he left, he told Flender that he was going to the Star Dou Great Forest for a few days in two days.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Carl is not sure when he will be back.

“Don’t worry, just leave it to me here. After all, you have been away for more than two years before, and I have always been busy here. Seriously, I am a lot more tired than when you were here! Haha”

Flender said with a smile, as if joking.

But Carl could hear some other smell, and then squinted his eyes.

“Yes, you did a very good job, but if you want to complain, it’s better to say it in front of your face. It’s a little bit unpleasant to hear it.”

Carl’s words made Flanders a little embarrassed.

In response, Carl just smiled, didn’t say anything, and then left here.

When he was gone, Flander breathed a sigh of relief.

“The chat was so hot that I almost said the wrong thing, my mouth, I really have to deal with it!”

Time goes by little by little.

Two days later, Carl came to the long-lost Star Dou Great Forest.

Here he saw the long-lost hut, as well as Daming and Erming who set off Xiao Wu.

The two of them are completely supporting roles here. Although their bodies are huge, they can only pray for a foil to Xiao Wu’s beauty.

I haven’t seen it for such a long time. Not only has Xiao Wu changed her clothes, she has also become a lot more mature.

More importantly, she also opened up.

Originally, Xiao Wu’s elevation was about 1.5 meters to 1.6 meters.

The current cabin not only needs to have a figure, but also a height of about 1.7 meters. It is a standard tall beauty.

This is exactly the answer to the old saying, that is the eighteenth change of women.

Another point is that her long and flowing pink hair is very smooth and beautiful.

Even if it was the first time Karl, he almost thought he had admitted the wrong person.

It was the iconic bunny ears on Xiao Wu’s head, letting Karl know that he didn’t recognize the wrong person.

“Xiao Wu, I haven’t seen you for such a long time, you have become beautiful again.

To be honest, the first time I saw you, I thought it was someone’s little princess. ”

“Hey, how about Brother Carl, am I looking better now?”

Xiao Wu jumped off the shoulders of the Titan Great Ape and said cheerfully.

Carl also nodded, then touched Xiao Wu’s head and smiled.

“Yeah, you have seen a lot better, and how have you been during this period of time? There is no major difficulty, right?

If there is anything, tell me right now and I will help you solve it. ”

“Don’t worry, Brother Carl, I have had a good time this time without any difficulties.

Even Lord Beast God, during this period of time, pointed me twice, so that I can smoothly break through to the seventieth level.

However, although I am at level 70 now, I haven’t obtained the spirit ring yet.

I mean, I’m planning to wait until Carl Brother, when will the soul be researched out, I will try it. ”

Hearing Xiao Wu’s words, Carl blinked, feeling a little surprised.

“You mean, you are practical now?”

“Yeah, of course, Brother Carl, am I good?”

Xiao Wu said excitedly.

Obviously, she is also very satisfied with this improvement in her strength.

Carl took a breath.

He originally thought that Xiao Wu was now at level sixty-seven and eighth.

This was calculated based on Tang San’s talent and his own experience with Xiao Wu.

No matter how bad, Xiao Wu’s level would have to be sixty-sixth.

But Carl did not expect that she would have been promoted to the seventieth level!

This is really an exaggeration!

“Brother Carl, you don’t know, Lord Beast God has helped me for a long time this time.

Especially a month ago, Lord Beast God saw that I was stuck at the sixty-ninth grade for about half a year, so he gave me a hint.

No, just yesterday, I just broke through to the seventieth level! Hehe, are you surprised or surprised? ”

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