God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 729 - Reasonable Black Dragon King

Chapter 729 – Reasonable Black Dragon King

“Unexpectedly, you even touched the realm of gods like artificial spirit rings.

I really don’t know what to say about you, because you are so smart, even a little silly!

If you can make a man-made spirit ring, if the gods in the sky know about it, you will never escape to death!

The realm of gods, not people like you or me, can be easily touched, and they also have their own rules!

If you make a spirit ring, make a plan for peace between humans and spirit beasts, they won’t bother to pay attention to you at all.

After all, the world is at peace, and there will be fewer things they should worry about.

But do you get a manmade spirit ring? This is clearly fighting against the gods’ company!

This kind of behavior is just as ridiculous as a mortal saying in front of the gods to create a man! ”

Hearing Ditian’s words, Carl smiled and said nothing.

He knew that the artificial spirit ring had touched the realm of gods, and because of this, he hadn’t started work up to now, just mentioned some theoretical knowledge.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t plan to do it now. According to my plan, after I become a god, maybe I will do it.

The most important thing now is the plan of the soul. Only by carrying forward the soul can there be hope of achieving peace between humans and soul beasts. ”

Hearing Karl said this, Ditian didn’t know whether to laugh at him or breathe a sigh of relief.

Anyway, he now feels that the person in front of him is like a lunatic.

Still the kind of madman who is not afraid of anything!

Even Di Tian started to be a little afraid of him, after all, there is no normal human brain circuit that can keep up with Carl’s current operation.

“Okay, since that’s the case, I’ll see what you do.

But before that, you need to answer me, how do you control the power of God in your body! ”

“It’s simple, but before I talk about it, let me tell you a little story.”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, and then briefly compressed the events of the time he entered the killing capital.

About half an hour passed.

Carl put himself in it, studying the soul and killing breath, and said all the things.

At the same time, he also informed Di Tian of the drop of blood that Tang Chen left him.

Carl can control the power of the gods. In addition to this drop of blood, the research on the soul and killing intent is also very important.

Without these two studies, Carl did not dare to directly contact this drop of divine power at the time.

But this is all secondary, just to help Karl, better grasp the power of the gods.

After all, the breath of God in the system mall is automatically integrated into Carl’s body, and it can be mastered perfectly without any practice.

Therefore, the power of God contained in that drop of essence and blood was kneaded by Carl’s various powers, and finally blended into his body perfectly.

However, Carl didn’t tell Di Tian all these things about the system, he just talked about the things in the Slaughter City and the drop of blood.

Regarding this, Ditian could only sigh helplessly.

Because he knows that this method cannot be copied.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

After all, this is the purest blood of God left to Karl by others.

Although this kind of thing is not as convenient as offering a spirit ring, it can gain spirit ring and spirit power regardless of level.

But this thing only needs to be used by Super Douluo above level ninety-five.

The strength of this person can be promoted to level 98 at the worst.

If the talent is strong, the future achievement of a demigod is not a problem.

Because this kind of blood has removed many impurities, it can be easily absorbed by people.

So when Carl absorbs this blood, it will go smoothly without any flaws.

Di Tian knew that this method was not supportable, so he didn’t ask any questions.

“In that case, I’m going to make preparations now, do you want to go up with me?

My plan is to let Xiao Wu or the soul of her first, and then let another student of mine acquire the soul of one and a half years later.

At that time, you can watch here, how I did it. ”

Hearing Karl’s words, Di Tian nodded.

But when Carl was about to leave, he came to Carl in an instant, blocking his way.

Such a scene caused Karl to frown, not knowing what the other party wanted to do.

“Ditian, what do you mean?

Or, do you regret it? ”

“Don’t get me wrong, I just thought of something suddenly and I planned to take you to meet someone.”

“Meeting people? Who?”

Hearing Di Tian’s words, the customer frowned and felt that something was not quite right.

He really didn’t know what the story behind Di Tian looked like.

Even if it was Di Tian, ​​he had learned all the information from Xiao Wu.

At most, Carl knows Huo Hang and Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

Everything else is really unknown.

So he didn’t know exactly who Ditian was going to take himself to meet.

Di Tian didn’t speak either, just leading the way.

Although Carl wanted to leave, he was driven by curiosity and wanted to follow up and take a look.

And even if there are traps, it doesn’t matter. With Karl’s current strength, although it is very likely that he will not be able to defeat Di Tian, ​​the opponent cannot kill himself.

Carl is not afraid even if it is the seal.

Things like hell space are specifically used to break through the seal.

So he was not afraid, Di Tian set himself up.

In this way, Carl followed Di Tian into the deepest level of the cave!

Here, Carl saw a huge cave that was extremely dark.

Visually measure the depth of this cave, at least one kilometer!

And it’s pitch black below, even with Karl’s eyesight, you can’t see anything!

But Carl’s domineering looks, but he can’see’ below, there is a huge creature huddled together.

This creature is in deep sleep, whether it is body, spirit, or soul, it is in deep sleep!

In addition, Carl can feel that there is a lot of soul power in the opponent’s body!

Phase spirit power is even stronger than Ditian’s!

In addition, the opponent’s body also contains a lot of the breath of God!

This is the most amazing!

“The existence below this is a god?!”

Carl really couldn’t think of anyone with such a strong breath.

Di Tian smiled, then nodded.

“She is a god, but she is not a true god, because the Lord is the Silver Dragon King who landed on this continent in ancient times!

The dragons are born gods, and the silver dragon king is the best among the dragons.

So don’t think I am the Black Dragon King, but the blood in my body is even less than one-thousandth of the Lord’s!

But even so, this one-thousandth bloodline makes me a demigod.

Now you understand, how powerful is the power of the gods! ”

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