God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 758 - Soul Beast Mr Xiong

Chapter 758 – Soul Beast Mr. Xiong!

“I found several places, but none of them are suitable. If you haven’t found a suitable one by tomorrow morning, use the Human Face Demon Spider to make a living.

Anyway, when the time comes, it shouldn’t be difficult to find a demon spider with a human face who is more than 30,000 years old and has no wisdom.

This kind of creature is not very intelligent, and Emperor Tian will not come to us for trouble for this race. ”

Carl said as he walked with Tang San.

They have searched for the early morning, but still can’t find the soul beast that is willing to become the soul.

This is somewhat similar to Xiao Wu’s situation before.

But a little bit different from last time is that most of these spirit beasts have heard of Karl’s things, so they are still willing to communicate with him.

As long as they are wise, they are willing to communicate with Kaldor, but they are not willing to become souls.

The reason is simple. They all want to try whether they can reach the level of 100,000 years in their lifetime.

If it doesn’t work, they are willing to become souls for the remaining thousands and hundreds of years.

But it is absolutely impossible now, because they still have goals to sprint.

So this is the hardest point.

Even Carl couldn’t overcome it.

After all, if you want to make spirit beasts become spirits, the best way is to let them sacrifice voluntarily.

This is the most perfect solution, but also allows them to exert their strongest strength.

Unfortunately, this method does not appear to be feasible at present.

“Mr. Carl, there seems to be movement over there, shall we go over and take a look?”

Tang San noticed movement in front of him and asked.

Carl was also aware of the situation over there, but he planned to walk around.

Because he saw Lord Xiong, who was over 400,000 years old, was catching spirit beasts and eating there!

This guy, when he first appeared, left a very bad impression on Carl.

Because he hates humans very much, and their race has no good feelings towards humans.

Jun Xiong will kill all the humans who dare to invade his territory!

This kind of brutal guy, even Di Tian couldn’t help him, let him be safe and obedient.

Even if it is suppressed by the force value, this guy will still violate the Yin and Yang when he is behind the scenes.

After all, Di Tian is impossible, paying attention to this guy every second.

Although Carl was not afraid of him, he still chose to take a detour in order to produce extra problems.

After all, the territory not far away belonged to the Ten Thousand Demon King.

This guy’s attitude towards humans is still relatively gravitational.

In addition, he himself is also a plant-based soul beast, so if he is lucky, maybe he can still find a soul beast willing to become a soul.

But just when Karl was planning to leave with Tang San.

Suddenly there was no movement on Jun Xiong’s side.

This made Carl feel a little puzzled, but also felt a little bad.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

“Tang San, stay away from here!”

Karl didn’t hesitate to throw Tang San out.

At this moment!

A huge impact of soul power fell from the sky, directly on Carl’s body, causing a huge hole in the ground!

not only that!

The whole ground began to tremble!

This is the power of Jun Xiong!

He fell from the sky and wanted to attack Karl and kill him directly!

But he doesn’t know, Karl has been wary of each other.

The moment Xiong Jun stopped moving, Karl already knew that he was coming!

So he kept defending, and when Jun Xiong arrived, he immediately launched his defense!

Although this is a full blow from Mr. Xiong, it can sink the ground!

But Karl was floating in the air, unharmed!

This situation caused Jun Xiong to frown.

Tang San on the side was even more frightened.

He was completely unaware of the appearance of Jun Xiong!

He was only at the seventieth level now, not even a soul beast.

So when facing a soul beast over 400,000 years old, Tang San didn’t even notice it, he couldn’t even do a defense!

Even if he tried his best, he would probably be able to take one finger of Xiong Jun to the party.

And even so, Tang San would have to pay a very heavy price, for example, the bones all over his body would be shattered before he could stop it.

After all, soul beasts over 400,000 years old are rare in the world!

Such an existence is equivalent to a rank ninety-eight titled Douluo, but it is below the rank ninety-nine titled Douluo.

If you have to say it, you need at least two Level 98 Super Douluos, or one Level 98, plus two to three Super Douluos above Level 96, to be able to compete with the current Lord Xiong. Flat!

This is Jun Xiong’s combat effectiveness!

In this world, it is not said that it is invincible, but there are few rivals!

But for Carl, the opponent’s strength is not worth mentioning at all.

“Mr. Xiong, I don’t know why you hate humans, so you came back to attack me.

But it doesn’t matter, I promised Ditian that I won’t kill you, so now I don’t plan to do it, get out of here! ”

Carl said softly, not paying attention to Jun Xiong at all.

Had he not had to worry about Tang San’s safety, he would have started to teach Xiong Jun a long time ago.

This guy who doesn’t know the height of the sky and the earth doesn’t know how to take a look at the strength gap.

It’s so stupid!

“Humans! All deserve to die!!!”

Jun Xiong roared and didn’t even plan to communicate with Karl.

Even if Karl started taunting him, he didn’t respond.

This guy is full of mind with only one thing, and that is to kill humans!

Apart from that, Jun Xiong will not think about other things.

According to Ditian, Mr. Xiong’s brain capacity is very small. Although he is wise, his IQ is not very high.

Coupled with some of his previous experiences, he hated humans deeply, and he wished to slaughter all humans directly!

Had it not been blocked by the Emperor Heaven, this guy would have been able to directly enter the human world and then be killed!

This shows how naive this guy is.

But this guy, as long as he recognizes one thing, he will never look back unless he gets a miserable lesson.

Before he was dissatisfied with Ditian’s discipline, and then he was beaten by Ditian almost unable to take care of himself, and then he was much more honest.

Now he wants to kill Carl, so Carl plans to also come to a wave of classic re-enactments, and take care of the other party!

“Since you are so disobedient, let me come and teach you a good lesson!

Tang San, stay away, but don’t leave me too far, after all, this is the territory of spirit beasts, it’s not safe! ”

“If you know the teacher, you should be careful too!”

Tang San nodded, and then left here, running farther and farther.

Carl looked at Mr. Xiong, who was running towards him, and smiled.

“For your sake, I won’t kill you!”

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