God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 760 - Ten Thousand Demon King

Chapter 760 – Ten Thousand Demon King

“Teacher Carl, you are really amazing, even the soul beast of four hundred thousand years is not your opponent.

I really don’t know when I will have such power. It’s really desirable…”

Tang San showed a look of yearning, and his tone was quite envious.

“Don’t worry, you will have this kind of strength soon. It won’t take a few years, and it will be fine.”


Hearing Karl’s words, Tang San was a little puzzled instead.

But Tang San nodded and smiled.

“Yes, because in a while, I plan to send all ten of you to Poseidon Island to study.

Although I have never been to this place, it is the opportunity for you to become gods.

If you want to continue to improve your strength and obtain the qualifications to become gods, Seagod Island is the best place.

But it will take a while, at least a year or so.

During this time, you can also fight the royal family, learn about royal etiquette, and rub your murderous aura.

Now the killing intent on your body has been completely refined by you, right? Have you completely mastered the realm of killing intent? ”

Hearing Karl’s words, Tang San nodded and smiled.

“Yes, some time ago, I just happened to fully understand the killing intent domain.

In addition, I also triggered a test called, what is Shura God.

I don’t know what it is, but it feels very powerful, and the requirements for this assessment are not very simple, that is, all my Clear Sky Hammer spirit rings must be over ten thousand years old before they can pass the assessment.

But fortunately, there is no time limit for this assessment, so I plan to wait until I become a Title Douluo, and then consider the question of the second spirit ring.

But this thing, according to the content of the assessment, should give me a lot of rewards, but I don’t know what it is. ”

Tang San said so.

Carl knew that he didn’t lie, because Tang San didn’t even know what the Asura examination meant.

He didn’t even know that he had been targeted by God Shura.

Carl didn’t say anything about this. After all, he still has to let him discover this kind of thing to have a sense of accomplishment.

Now that Carl told him everything, that meant it.

“This is a good thing, so you can pay attention to the assessment, but before that, let’s solve the problem of the soul first.”

As he said, Carl put his gaze into the bush next to him.

The two of them have now entered the domain of the Ten Thousand Demon King.

The environment here is completely different from before.

If we say that the normal Star Dou Forest is a verdant green, a vibrant scene.

So here is an environment full of various and gloomy atmospheres.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Compared with the demon spirit’s relatively cold environment, all the vegetation here has been stained with a layer of black mist, so it looks colder.

But compared to the lifeless and gloomy, the plants here are at least alive.

Carl can clearly distinguish this.

But this is not the main thing.

The main thing is that someone is staring at both of them right now!

Ever since Carl and Tang San stepped into this area, they have always had a pair of eyes, staring at them both from behind.

This made Carl a little uncomfortable, so he stopped and began to observe who it was, monitoring himself.

But when Karl found that there was nothing around him, he immediately reacted. This is the Ten Thousand Demon King’s ability to observe himself and Tang San!

After all, he is the soul beast of the plant system, and can control all the plants in the domain.

This point, just like the Blue Silver Emperor can control all Blue Silver Grass, is a natural ability, and it is not easy to be noticed.

Even Karl, this has just been discovered.

“Ten Thousand Demon King, come out, I know you have been staring at me.

My purpose of coming here is very simple. It is to help Tang San find a soul beast to be his soul.

If you agree, then come out and have a chat, if I wait three minutes and you still don’t come out, then I will treat you as disagreeing.

You can rest assured, even if you disagree, it doesn’t matter, I won’t deal with any reasonable plants and soul beasts, let alone deal with you.

You must know about Mr. Xiong before, so you don’t have to worry at all, as long as you don’t do anything to me, it will be fine.

So, next I will give you three minutes to think about it. If you disagree, you will naturally take Tang San away in three minutes, and will not bother you again from now on. ”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, and then he just sat on a rock and waited.

Tang San also sat next to him and began to observe the weeds here.

By the way, he was also practicing his abilities, controlling the blue silver grass and starting to observe the surroundings.

He rarely uses this ability.

After all, when he obtained this ability, he hadn’t had a long time since the Soul Master Competition.

Therefore, the number of times he has used the ability to control the blue silver grass can be described as a handful.

Especially in the Slaughter City, in order to hide his identity and prevent others except Hu Liena from knowing his identity, he has never used the Blue Silver Emperor Martial Spirit.

As for the Clear Sky School, there is no way to use it.

Because there are all cliffs over there, even if there are plants, they are just crops.

The Blue Silver Emperor’s ability does not affect crops, so he rarely uses this talent ability.

“Mr. Carl, someone is coming!”

Suddenly, through the blue silver grass, Tang San sensed something was approaching quickly!

Carl was a little surprised, because he discovered the opponent’s whereabouts one second later than Tang San.

However, it can also be explained from this that after the Blue Silver Emperor and Blue Silver Grass were connected, the perception range was so vast and the speed was so rapid.

Even Carl’s domineering looks are a bit inferior.

“Human, this is the second time we have met, right?

Last time, we barely spoke, and I didn’t even know your name.

This time, can you let me know you, human kid? ”

The Ten Thousand Demon King turned into an old man’s image and appeared in front of Tang San and Karl.

Faced with this old guy who looked weak and incredibly weak, but whose actual strength was more than 500,000 years old, Carl smiled.

“Of course no problem, my name is Carl.”

“Is Carl, I remember you!”

Wan Yao Wang nodded, then waved his hand and took a plant out of his back, and then gently placed it on the ground.

“I just heard you say that you want to find him a soul. It just happens that this poison ivy’s soul power years are forty-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

Because the deadline has come, he will disappear in less than ten days.

You are here at the right time. If possible, let her become a soul.

But he has no wisdom, just a little pet I keep.

And the most important thing is that if you want to make her a soul, I hope Karl, you can promise me a condition! ”

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