God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 765 - Soul Guidance Device

Chapter 765 – Soul Guidance Device

“The next auction item, although not the one we advertised, is not bad either!

Because this thing is a very rare Soul Guidance Device, and it is still super rare, and there are not a few Soul Guidance Device that can be seen in the entire continent, which can actively release spirit power to attack!

The Soul Guidance Device similar to this kind of thing, currently known, is also the Royal Family of the Star Luo Empire and the Royal Family of the Heaven Dou Empire, respectively.

As for the Martial Soul Palace, it is said that there is no such thing, so this is the third Soul Guidance Device that exists in the world and can actively release its soul power to attack!

Its power will be improved according to the user’s level!

In other words, the stronger you are, the stronger the power of this thing will be.

According to other records on similar spirit guides, if you are a level 85 Contra, holding this thing, you have a good chance to kill a Titled Contra from 91 to 93!

Therefore, the power of this thing should be clear to anyone who has understood it.

So I will stop here. If you want to buy it, it still depends on whether you need it or not.

Now, the starting price of this soul guide is one million gold soul coins!

The price increase shall not be less than 10,000 Gold Soul Coins each time, and the auction officially begins now! ”

Accompanied by a roar from the host.

The whole picture of the Soul Guidance Device suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

This thing, to put it bluntly, is one kind, similar to a cannon.

His body is almost as tall as half a person, and even if it is all erected, it is about one meter, three to four.

This thing is not easy to hold, but the material is really good in Carl’s opinion.

According to his analysis, this thing can withstand at least the spirit power of a level 96 Super Douluo.

And it will also release the soul power into it, directly increasing its strength by 30 to 40%!

In this way, even the 96th-level Super Douluo will have a chance to defeat the 97th-level Super Douluo.

But this thing, if used in battle, is still a little overkill.

Because this is a soul guide for war.

The material, at a glance, knows that it has been weather-beaten, even experienced several wars, and then fell here.

As for why this thing appeared, no one knows.

But those who knew the value of this thing all began to compete to raise the price.

Because of this thing, one million gold soul coins, for them, it is too little!

This kind of priceless soul guide, even if it sells for tens of millions, they are not too expensive, because there are few people who can make this thing now!

Even for the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, the Soul Guidance Device used in warfare was researched successfully through the power of the whole country for nearly a hundred years.

But this is the old calendar, there is nothing to introduce.

It’s just about the origin of this thing, Carl is very puzzled.

Because he could see that this thing had traces of corrosion by seawater. Although it was very weak, he still caught it.

Coupled with the dampness on his body and no one knows his origins, Karl is very suspicious that this thing comes from outside the Douluo Continent!(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

That is the sea outside!

So Carl planned to take this thing down for research, to see if he could develop a more powerful Soul Guidance Device.

After all, Carl hadn’t conducted research on this aspect yet, so he was a little curious about the operation mode of the Soul Guidance Device, what exactly is it.

However, the current price has soared to four million Soul Gold Coins in just a few minutes, and it is still soaring at the price of 30 or 40 thousand Soul Gold Coins per second!

When Carl saw this, he made a decisive move!

“Thirty Million Gold Soul Coins!”

Carl is not short of money, so he directly bid for 30 million Soul Gold Coins in an attempt to stop other people’s mouths.

But at this moment.

There was a voice in the private room of Shrek Academy…

“Thirty-five million gold soul coins!”

“Hahahaha, Carl, are you being cheated by your own students?”

Hearing Dugubo’s ridicule, Carl’s face was a little ugly, because Ma Hongjun was so shameless!

That’s right, the bidder was only Ma Hongjun from beginning to end.

He likes this kind of scene, so he is responsible for every bid, but this time, unfortunately, he called the wrong person.

“Ma Hongjun, if someone increases the fare, you will shut up afterwards. I’m in Dugubo’s box now, so you know what to do?”

Karl didn’t hesitate to call the walkie-talkie over.

Ma Hongjun was even more agitated. He rolled off the sofa and made a loud noise.

“Hug, sorry Teacher Carl, I didn’t pay much attention…”

“If you didn’t pay attention, then pay attention, and that is, after that, you don’t want to ask for the price, just let me do it myself.”

“I know the teacher, I…”

Before Ma Hongjun finished speaking, Karl hung up the intercom, which made him want to cry without tears.

“The teacher hung up, he hung up!”

“Yeah, you almost died too!”

Everyone also sympathized with Ma Hongjun a little at this time.

Because they all heard Carl’s voice, but Ma Hongjun came up, and didn’t recognize that it was Carl’s voice just now.

So he was tragic…

at the same time.

The bidding prices below continue.

After Ma Hongjun poured 35 million in, some people were still tentatively increasing the price of 11 to 10 million.

Carl originally wanted to bid, but suddenly, a loud voice rang.

“Fifty million gold soul coins! I will give out so much. If there are more people than me, I won’t compete with me anymore!”

This is Ning Fengzhi’s voice!

As soon as his voice appeared, the scene was silent, because even the average nobleman could not get the value of 50 million gold soul coins.

But Carl smiled because he knew that Ning Fengzhi was paving the way for himself.

“In that case, I would like to thank you for your kindness, Ning Fengzhi…”

“I quote, 55 million gold soul coins!”

Carl yelled out loud.

This price is enough to discourage many people.

So they all gave up competition one after another.

Ning Fengzhi glanced at Karl’s direction.

They are separated by a layer of one-way glass, you can’t see them if you look inside.

But this did not prevent Ning Fengzhi saluting Carl.

And this one-way glass has no effect on Karl’s ability. He can still see clearly what he should see clearly.

“Sure enough, Ning Fengzhi intends to fulfill me, so that he can directly reach such a high price.

I just don’t know, will anyone pay a high price…”

Carl said so, but as the host counted down, finally this soul guide fell into Carl’s hands.

Other people think that the price is too high. Although they all know the value of this thing late, they think that the price of this thing is still too high!

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