God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 776 - Decided to participate

Chapter 776 – Decided to participate!

Early the next morning.

Carl gathered Tang San and others in the square of Shrek Academy.

Flender and Tang Hao are not here, nor are Dugu Bo.

Last night, Flender had already traveled to the Heaven Dou Empire according to Karl’s instructions to inform the Xueye Great Evil Soul Master.

Dugu Bo’s words were because Carl needed some herbs to guard against evil spirit masters.

These herbs are not very precious, they are just ordinary herbs, so Carl doesn’t take it with him, and then troubles Dugu Bo to run around, buy a little, and by the way, go back to his ice and fire two eyes, picking some better ones. Authentic herbs.

Then there was Tang Hao.

Karl told him, let him go back to Clear Sky Sect, let Clear Sky Sect be born now, and participate in this Soul Master Competition!

Carl has been in the Clear Sky School for a while, so it is clear that a large part of the current internal disciples of the Clear Sky School are very powerful!

Many of them are about to reach the Soul Emperor level, just one or two levels short, and their age is just right for the competition!

Among them, Tang Yixiao’s age is also in full compliance!

In addition, one or two of them were also at the Soul Emperor level, and they happened to be stuck at the age of twenty-seven.

So if you let them participate, although it will increase the difficulty, it will also make the evil spirit master very uncomfortable!

Because of the power of the Clear Sky Hammer, it happened to restrain the evil spirit master’s evil spirit power!

After all, the Clear Sky School is known for its strength, and its destructive power is quite amazing!

And more importantly, their power still has a kind of righteousness!

It was precisely because of this relatively special awe-inspiring righteousness that allowed the Clear Sky Hammer to suppress some of the evil forces.

So evil spirit masters are very afraid of encountering this type of opponent.

Among them, the martial souls of the light system and the angel martial souls of Qian Renxue are all considered the nemesis of the evil soul master!

Even on Karl’s side, there are Ma Hongjun’s Phoenix Martial Spirit, Tang San’s Second Martial Spirit Clear Sky Hammer, as well as Jianlun’s own sword intent and Ning Rongrong’s Martial Spirit, all of which can suppress the evil spirit master.

Especially Ning Rongrong’s Nine Treasure Glazed Pagoda.

The light radiating from this martial soul is a very powerful light force.

Although it will not cause any harm to people, it can dispel a part of the darkness.

Can effectively suppress the power of evil spirit masters.

Although not many suppressed, but at least it will make the other party feel very uncomfortable.

This is also one of the passive abilities of the Nine Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda, and it is also an ability that the Seven Treasure Glazed Glaze Pagoda does not possess.

After all, the Nine Treasure Glazed Glass Pagoda, but a very powerful martial soul, naturally cannot be as simple as two more towers, which can accommodate two more spirit rings.

as time flows.

Karl’s students gradually got up, and then one by one came to the center of the square.

Today is not a graduation ceremony, but tomorrow will be.

So they were all awakened from their sleep.

They all wanted to sleep in at first, but who knows that Carl will not let them go today.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

“Mr. Carl, did you have anything to do today? We were called out early in the morning.”

“That’s right, we were called out before we got enough sleep. It’s really hard to sleep in now.”

Ma Hongjun and Oscar went one after the other, speaking out the aspirations of everyone.

Even the most diligent Tang San and Jianchi could not help but nod their heads.

After all, these two people were called out by Karl at the time when they were halfway through cultivation.

“I asked you to come out, naturally there are important things.

But before that, I want to ask you, does anyone know the evil spirit master? ”

“Evil Soul Master?”

“what is that?”

“Can you eat it?”

Oscar, Xiaogu and Ma Hongjun take turns playing treasures.

The others also looked at each other, only Dai Mubai frowned.

After a while, he was uncertain and said: “Evil Soul Master, I seem to have seen it in ancient books, but I’m not sure.

Teacher Carl, the characteristic of the evil spirit master, is the spirit power full of evil aura, and is also surrounded by bloody power?

Does their cultivation method rely on devouring flesh and blood to enhance their strength? ”

“Yes, that’s it. It’s really a guise for the Star Luo Empire. I still know a lot.”

Carl nodded in satisfaction, while Dai Mubai scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

“It’s okay, I just saw some of them when I was young, and now I almost forget them.

But Teacher Carl, why do you mention the evil spirit master now? Could it be that the other party showed up? ”

“Yes, the evil spirit master has indeed appeared!”


Hearing Karl’s words, everyone was taken aback.

When they heard Dai Mubai’s words just now, they had already realized that Evil Soul Master might be a very bad existence.

But they had never heard of it, which meant that the evil spirit master was probably extinct.

But Carl said that the evil spirit master has reappeared!

This is a bit intriguing!

Next, Carl gave them popular science, about the evil spirit master.

It took almost half an hour before he explained the basic situation of the evil spirit masters and what they were going to do.

“Now you understand the evil spirit masters and some of their plans.

So is anyone willing to participate in this Soul Master Competition?

This time the Soul Master Competition is definitely more dangerous than the last one, so it doesn’t matter if you don’t participate.

But I want to remind you that if you participate, you will not only be attacked by the Evil Soul Master, but also be blocked by the Spirit Hall, so I thought about it and answered me. ”

At this point, Carl paused for a while, then continued.

“Originally, I didn’t plan to let you participate. After all, you will no longer be students of Shrek Academy starting tomorrow.

So this matter is entirely voluntary, and I will not force you to participate. You can rest assured. ”

Hearing Karl’s words, everyone looked at each other again.

They didn’t speak, they just looked at Carl silently and began to think.

But when everyone was thinking, Xiao Wu was the first to take a step forward.

“Brother Carl, I didn’t want to participate before because I think this competition will be boring.

But the Great Xueye helped us so much, and the evil spirit master is likely to hurt the lives of innocent people.

So I plan to participate! As for graduation or something, let him postpone it, I don’t care! ”

Xiao Wu was the first to express his position, which Carl did not expect.

Then after Xiao Wu finished speaking, Dugu Yan and Ning Rongrong immediately stood up and expressed their willingness to participate!

Seeing the three female voices stand up, others also raised their hands to express their participation!

In the end, only Tang San was left.

He stared at Karl silently, and then asked a question.

“Teacher Carl, if evil spirit masters are flooded, what will happen to this world?”

“What will happen… probably it will be destroyed!”

“In that case, I participate! In order to eliminate the evil spirit master!”

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