God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 778 - Evil Soul Master

Chapter 778 – Evil Soul Master!

“It’s almost here.”

Carl came to the outskirts of the Star Dou Great Forest, stopped here, and landed on the treetops aside.

At this moment, he kept his eyes fixed in the shadow not far behind him.

But soon, the breath in this shadow disappeared without a trace.

It’s just that Carl’s perception ability is also very strong, and he immediately discovered the other party’s new hiding place.

The other party saw Carl’s gaze, followed him, and immediately changed to a new place.

But Carl’s eyes have been staring at each other, and he has never left!

This also allows the other party to understand that he has been discovered!

“You really deserve to be a teacher from Shrek Academy. The news that our God Spirit Sect has inquired that you are a ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo. Now it looks really extraordinary!

My ability, even Bibi Dong, a level ninety-eight super Douluo, can’t see it, but you have discovered it, which is really surprising. ”

With a hoarse voice appeared.

A man wearing a black robe and a black mask slowly emerged from the shadows,

at the same time.

The spirit ring on his body also appeared in Karl’s eyes.

White, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black and black, a very non-standard spirit ring configuration, appeared in front of Karl.

If he put aside the first white spirit ring, and then added a black spirit ring, that would be the most standard configuration.

But it is a pity that his first spirit ring is the white ten-year spirit ring!

The power of this spirit ring is basically very weak, and it is difficult to exert any power.

It wasn’t until his second spirit ring started that this gradually became normal.

But compared to the spirit ring with the normal configuration, his configuration is really a bit bad.

If it is a normal spirit master, facing a spirit master like him, you can’t say sling, but there is no problem in defeating the other party.

But that is only for ordinary soul masters.

The man in front of Carl is an evil spirit master, and he cannot be judged by common sense!

Even if his current spirit ring is very substandard, it does not mean that his strength is very poor!

After all, evil spirit masters have the strength to exceed ten levels and defeat their opponents!

This is the case unless it is a Spirit Douluo level facing a Titled Douluo level soul master.

So if you use this method to convert, the evil spirit master in front of you, although he doesn’t seem to be very strong, he can at least fight beyond the fifth level!

And Carl can probably tell that the spirit power level on his body is fluctuating up and down at level eighty-one!

This is the special feature of the evil spirit master.

Although their strength is strong, most of their own strength comes from others.

So this caused their spirit power to be eroded, become wicked, and even unstable.

It is precisely because of this that ordinary people can’t figure out their rank at all.

Therefore, the evil spirit master also uses this to confuse the enemy, weaken the opponent’s strength in a disguised form, and make him cast a rat-avoidance weapon.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Although the true strength of the Evil Soul Master can be discovered after contact, but at the very beginning, the Evil Soul Master uses this method, which is quite bluffing.

“Evil soul master, right? If you don’t hide, you still dare to appear in front of me. Isn’t this afraid of death?”

“Jie Jie Jie Jie, although your level is ninety-nine, you can’t kill me!”

Hearing this, Carl raised his eyebrows and felt a little amused.

“Are you so sure?”

“Jie Jie Jie Jie, I fought against Title Douluo several times, killed many Title Douluo, and escaped from the hands of many Super Douluo.

Although you are a peerless Douluo at level ninety-nine, you still can’t kill me!

But naturally I am not your opponent, so this time I am not here to fight, but to find you to get back what belongs to us! ”

“What belongs to you?”

Hearing what he said, Karl frowned, then took out the Dagger Soul Guidance Device.

“This is what you’re talking about?”

“Yes, besides that, there is also the Soul Guidance Cannon to hand over!”

“You give it to you? How old are you!”

Hearing this inexplicable speech from the other party, Carl wanted to give him a circle.

Because of this guy, it is so inexplicable.

“Jie Jie Jie Jie, Karl, if you don’t give it, you are at your own risk!

Although we can’t touch you, the students of Shrek Academy…”

The Evil Soul Master Hua didn’t finish speaking, he immediately felt that a powerful reality came from Karl’s body!

at the same time.

There is also a more evil aura than him, which surrounds him!

After feeling this breath, the Evil Soul Master’s triumphant aura completely changed!

“How is it possible! Why do you, a normal soul master, have such a powerful and evil aura!”

“If you say, this is my own, do you believe it?”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, then he took out his Hades, and gently slashed into the air.

Next second!

The arm of this evil soul master was immediately taken off!

Even if he is shrouded in shadows, there is no way to escape Karl’s slash!

“How is it possible? My martial soul can make me imaginary, and powerless attacks are completely useless to me. How did you attack me!”

“Physical attack is ineffective? This is ridiculous!

But I also understand why you say I can’t hurt you anymore.

It turns out that you rely on this ability to survive! ”

Hearing the ridiculous tone of the other party, Carl couldn’t help but said mockingly.

“In that case, let me tell you, my attack can cut through space.

Therefore, the blur is not valid for me, as long as you are still in this world, I can attack your body! ”

Hearing Karl’s explanation, the man took a breath.

Then in the next second, there was a sharp pain coming from his lower body!

Carl has cut off his right leg by the root!

“Want to start with my students? Do you have this capital?”

Carl sneered, then walked gently to the other person, showing a sneer.

“Now I ask you to answer!”

“Tell me, where is your nest!”

“I won’t say it!”

The man roared, resisting the pain of his body and turning into nothingness, and attacked Carl!

Facing this kind of offensive, Carl just waved Hades lightly and cut it down easily!

The eighty-one evil spirit master had no power to fight back in front of Karl!

“Go ahead, as long as you say it, I will give you a happy one.”

Carl showed a devilish smile and drew closer.

At this time, the opponent’s hands and feet have been completely cut off!

He has become a stick!

But he still didn’t say, instead he gathered his spirit power all over his body, and then burst out!

After feeling this power, Carl frowned slightly, then released the hell breath to protect himself.

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