God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 781 - First battle Oscar

Chapter 781 – First battle! Oscar!

“Ahem, everyone is ready to start the first game now.

Give each of you one minute to start selecting members to play. After one minute, you will immediately come to the court when you hear my words, otherwise you will be deemed to have automatically abstained and you will be replaced directly!

Also, pay attention to the strength of your shots, and don’t hurt the other party. This is for you, don’t laugh! ”

Flander briefly spoke about the rules, and then glared at Ma Hongjun.

This guy didn’t put Flander’s words in his ears, and then he was scolded.

“Who shall we send out first? Should I go or Zhu Zhuqing?”

Ma Hongjun asked.

Among the people present, apart from the two auxiliary spirit masters, only he and Zhu Zhuqing had the lowest levels.

Even if it is a small bone, it is still fifty-nine level.

According to his plan, he intends to break through to the sixtieth level on the eve of the final, and then give everyone a surprise!

Therefore, his strength cannot be calculated according to the normal soul king, he must be regarded as the soul emperor.

Therefore, besides him, there are currently two battle-type soul masters, who are more than fifty-level.

“Why don’t you let me come first, after all, I also have a little fighting ability, just to test how deep their water is.”

Oscar took the initiative to ask.

His current strength is level fifty-five, and among the auxiliary spirit masters, he is considered a very talented existence.

But he is Chairman Wu’s soul master after all, and it would be difficult to win if he played.

“Oscar, I know you have become a lot stronger, but in this kind of competition, you still don’t want to play?”

Hearing Ma Hongjun’s persuasion, Oscar shook his head, then grabbed Ma Hongjun’s hand and made a small mouth directly.

“Sigh! It hurts, what are you doing!”

“Let your blood use it!”

Oscar chuckled, then walked straight up.

Because he had been alone for too long, after leaving the team at this time, his body suddenly exuded a breath like a beast!

The appearance of this breath changed Ma Hongjun’s face.

“Is this still the Oscar I know? How did it change completely?”

“It seems that the experience of his alone time has changed him a lot, otherwise, he will not be what he is now.”

Tang San said.

This feeling was familiar to him, because he had been alone for a while.

That kind of loneliness, and the vigilance that must be guarded at all times, must be maintained at all times, otherwise it is easy to be eaten by other people!

So Tang San felt the same about Oscar’s situation.

After all, he spent this way before Karl went to the killing capital.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

“Tang San, do you think he will lose in the first round?”

Dai Mubai asked, Tang San shook his head and replied, “I feel that he will have to at least be defeated in the second or third round.

With Oscar’s current strength, as long as the fifth spirit ability is used properly, even a soul emperor level opponent can fight, not to mention a soul king level opponent like him.

However, the soul master of the food system is still at a congenital disadvantage in terms of combat, so I am not very optimistic that he can win too many games. ”

When Tang San said this, Dai Mubai and others also nodded.

Their current thinking is basically the same.

But Oscar’s side is full of confidence.

“Come on, let me see how well your team is!”

Seeing that Oscar was the one who played, the first one to play was directly dumbfounded.

In order to improve their chances of winning, the first person sent out was the Soul King with a strength of up to fifty-third level!

And he is also the fourth-ranked existence among the ten people in spirit power!

But it is a pity that among the members of a team, there is only the strength of the team leader, who is of the soul king level.

The other members are all forty-level soul sects.

From this we can see how big the gap between them is!

But they are still young, and everyone is considered a good player who can leapfrog.

Even some soul kings are not their opponents.

It is precisely because of this that they were able to pass the Flanders selection and qualify for the first team.

But to compete with such strength, to be honest, getting a top ten is considered a good result.

After all, the rules this time were somewhat different from those of the last Soul Master Competition.

In addition, all the powerful enemies are on the stage.

Even the Clear Sky School has appeared, so their side is basically equivalent to sparring.

But it doesn’t matter.

After experiencing today’s blow, it doesn’t matter if they experience a blow in the follow-up.

Anyway, the age of these people is not more than 23 years old, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Look back on the playing field.

This more than forty-level soul sect, facing the fifty-fifth level of the soul king auxiliary soul master Oscar, chose to strike first!

His martial spirit is a mutant bear, with great power.

But the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, a little lack of speed.

But he used his flexibility to make up for the lack of speed.

It’s just that no matter what he does, there is no way to meet Oscar.

This situation made him feel a little anxious.

Although there is a gap between the soul king and the soul sect, it is not too bad, a situation that can’t even be touched.

This is all that Oscar’s basic skills are very solid, and the physical skills that Carl asked him to practice have also been fully practiced at home.

It is precisely because of this that he looks so elegant!

But this man, although he could not beat the Oscar, it is difficult for the Oscar to hurt the opponent.

This is where the auxiliary soul master is embarrassed.

Without the help of spirit guides or hidden weapons, auxiliary spirit masters would really have no attack methods at all.

Although Oscar has mastered the method of condensing spirit power in the body, he can even use the spirit ring to explode.

But if every time he faces the enemy, he uses this kind of more extreme moves, which is too expensive for him!

This is the natural defect of the auxiliary system spirit master, it is difficult to directly participate in the battle.

But Oscar now has the fifth spirit ring, which gives him the capital to fight anyone!

“Are you ready? It’s almost ready!”

For about three minutes, Oscar used his agile pace to avoid the opponent’s attack every time.

At the same time, he also used this time to see clearly the opponent’s moves, and at the same time forced out all the opponent’s spirit abilities!

In this way, he had mastered all the information, and then released his fifth spirit ability, imitating Ma Hongjun’s return spirit!

Although he could not release Ma Hongjun’s spirit abilities, relying only on his own spirit power and the strength of the Phoenix Martial Spirit was enough to cause great harm to the opponent!

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