Chapter 787 – acquaintance!

that’s all.

The opponents of each team are basically allocated.

There are still three days to go before the official start.

During this time, there is a window period for the players, which can allow them to take a good rest, and by the way, also allow the exchanges between the academies.

And this empty window period is also a time limit designed by Xue Ye Great Emperor in order to recruit talents and facilitate his dialogue with them.

Although it was there before, it was just for the rest of the participants, and there weren’t so many things at all.

But it’s different now.

Every academy, every faction, almost began to take advantage of the empty window period before the game.

After all, they are all aware that the world will soon become uneasy.

So if you can absorb a little bit of strength, then absorb a little bit more.

Even Carl heard that some colleges plan to merge with other colleges in order to protect themselves.

This operation is the same as the Five Elements Academy.

Because of their fear of being retaliated by the Spirit Hall, the five element academies merged into the five element academy.

As a result, their overall strength has directly increased several times.

Even if it was the Spirit Hall, it might not be possible to take them down the first time.

In any case, the people in the Five Elements Academy, at least there are Contras in charge.

Although there is no Title Douluo, to deal with them, at least two Title Douluos must be dispatched.

For Wuhun Palace, this was a waste of resources.

So they didn’t bother to target the Five Elements Academy.

In addition.

The exchanges with other colleges are also very harmonious. There is only one theological college, and there is no exchange with any colleges.

No one even knows where they live.

Because this team is too mysterious. Except for Carl and other insiders who know their identities, no one else knows where these people came from.

Some people even want to win them over, but they can’t find each other.

But fortunately they couldn’t find it, otherwise, these people would be the group that died the worst!

Fortunately, the people of the gods do not intend to cause trouble during this time.

Their goal has always been Great Xueye and Dai Mubai’s father.

So they naturally want to hide it so that they can complete this task by themselves.

If it is exposed in advance, it is meaningless.

It’s just that the gods do not know at all, their existence has long been seen through.

Even these silly people thought that what they were hiding was perfect, and few people knew who they were.

Put aside the teachings of the gods.

Except for the top teams, the popularity of the Blacksmith Academy is still high.

Many people wanted to find them and asked if the Clear Sky School was reborn.(Read more @

But it is a pity that they live in the same hotel as Shrek Academy.

So except for some bold, powerful, and powerful people, no one is close.

After all, there are still few people on Shrek Academy who are willing to offend.

But from here, they could probably guess that Clear Sky Sect and Shrek Academy are considered to be allies.

Otherwise they cannot be so close.

Then, the little dark horse, the Soul Hunting Academy, attracted much attention.

Their existence has also attracted the attention of many people, even Carl paid attention to them.

After all, the main body martial soul is really too rare.

Carl has traveled around the world for so many years, and he has seen too many things, but this is the second time he has seen the body spirit.

The first time he saw the main spirit martial arts, it was in Jianzhu’s body.

Carl was still surprised for a while, but later he figured it out.

And now that there are so many spirits on the body, he naturally needs to pay attention to it.

So Carl personally came to the residence hotel of the Hunting Academy, and wanted to meet their leader, who is also the dean of the Hunting Academy, in person.

After all, the opponent is also a Title Douluo, at least level ninety-one.

So Carl came out to talk with him in person, it can be regarded as respecting his strength.

It’s just that when Karl came here, he saw a lot of people want to communicate with them.

Among them are some college teachers.

But they just sat in the hotel and didn’t dare to say a word, and they could only drink silently.

Because here, there are two people wearing black robes and masks staring at them!

“I tell you, the Soul Hunting Academy is not something you are fighting for!

This place, now we have reserved the venue, until the end of the Soul Master Competition, this place belongs to us!

Therefore, those of you who come from other forces, don’t have to work hard to recruit us, it’s useless!

Because our Soul Hunting Academy does not care about your power, let alone the conditions you give! ”

The man’s voice was louder, and those people were afraid to refute it at all.

Because this speaker is a titled Douluo!

The strength is at least level ninety-three!

Even higher than the soul power level of the Dean of the Soul Hunting Academy!

And the other one is at least level 92 in strength.

Although this person does not speak, if there is nothing in him, the kind of killing intent, if there is substance, makes everyone present sweat!

But what surprised Carl was that the more he heard this person’s voice, the more familiar he became.

He also felt more and more familiar with the figures and breath of these two people.

After observing for ten seconds, Carlton slapped his head and suddenly realized!

“Black and white! It’s really unexpected for you two to be here!”

Hearing someone calling themselves, the two men immediately turned their heads to look, and then they saw Carl’s figure.

After seeing him.

The two shivered immediately and took a step back.

This step made Carl feel hurt.

But there is no way, because these two people are really afraid of Karl!

At the beginning, Carl said that they should try not to have any more contact, so they will be so nervous after seeing Carl again.

As for the identities of these two people.

They are the black and white brothers who helped Carl destroy the Killing City before!

In addition to them, there was also a titled Douluo named Black Rose, whose strength was at level ninety-five.

I just don’t know where she is now.

“It’s Karl from Shrek Academy!”

“Why is he here too?”

“I don’t know, I guess they came to solicit them too, right?”


“Forget it, forget it, let’s go, if Shrek Academy comes, we really don’t have any chance.”

After seeing Karl’s appearance, those who came to recruit the Soul Hunting Academy sighed and gave up without even trying.

In this way, in less than a minute, on the first floor of the entire hotel, there were only three of them left.

The rest, all left here!

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