God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 797 - The goal of the evil soul master

Chapter 797 – The goal of the evil soul master!

“Master, what should we do this time?

The strength of Shrek Academy has exceeded our expectations, and this time we are likely to lose to them.

Although our believers are very strong, but compared with them, they still checked some.

Especially since they have two soul saints, it is difficult for our people to beat each other! ”

The evil soul master who led the team spoke, his tone full of tension.

“Second elder, don’t worry, we already have a countermeasure.

According to the vice-master, we now have a good chance to enter the royal family.

As long as we are held hostage, the only prince of the Tiandou imperial family, Xue Beng, Emperor Xue Ye, will not pose any threat to us.

The great elder and the vice-chief have already set off in advance, and we will leave now. As for the situation here, we don’t care about it for the time being!

Anyway, the game is not over, and they can’t die. We will control the avalanche directly and see what they do! ”

The leader showed a ferocious smile, and the second elder also smiled, and then quickly walked towards the palace.

Carl walked out of the shadows, his complexion stretched out.

He had heard all of the other party’s words, but if they planned to do this, it was not a threat to Carl.

Because of his sight, he can see those people, and there is still a distance from the palace.

In addition, they had to hide from the guards and couldn’t stun them, so the speed was slower.

But Karl only needs two teleports and he can go to the side of Avalanche directly, so there is no need to worry at all.

“Mr. Carl, since you have heard all of them, why don’t you just stop it?”

Just at this time.

The black rose came out of the space.

Her abilities are related to space, and her attainments in space are even higher than Carl.

After all, Carl’s abilities are all in his various powers and swordsmanship, and he doesn’t have much research on space.

Even his research on soul is more than that of space.

However, he can still feel the fluctuations and abnormalities of the space.

And he had already discovered that Black Rose was hiding here, eavesdropping on the other side.

But the black rose appeared earlier than Carl.

It seems that she has been following this leader for some time.

“Black Rose, it’s not too wise to deal with them now.

I plan to put a long line to catch big fish, because I always feel that there are other evil spirit masters behind these little ones.

Even if the leader is the master of the Spiritualism, I don’t think they can come here across the ocean with their abilities.

So behind them, there is a high probability that someone will help to get through the sea.

And I want to try if I can catch the people behind them.

If you can succeed, it is best, if you can’t succeed, then forget it. ”

Carl said so, and Black Rose was a little surprised.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Because she didn’t think so much at all.

“It’s still you thinking deeply, I didn’t think so much at all.

But what are you going to do next? It won’t be long before they can enter the palace.

If you don’t plan to help Xue Beng, he will definitely be harmed by these evil spirit masters! ”

“You don’t have to worry about that, I have already figured out a countermeasure, but since you are here, it is better to say.”

With that, Carl took out a prop and stuck it on his forehead.

I saw this unidentified prop instantly turned into a sticker, and then emitted a dazzling light.


In the eyes of Black Rose, Carl became the image of an avalanche!

Whether it is height or temperament, they are all the same!

There is no change!

Even the voice of speech is exactly the same!

“How is it, can you tell, is there any difference for me?”

“Mr. Carl, you still have this ability?!”

Seeing Carl’s change, Black Rose was taken aback.

Carl shook his head, pointed to the sticker on his forehead and said.

“This is not my ability. This is an accidental product I got when I studied the soul. This is the only one.”

Carl said nonsense for a reason.

This thing, actually he just bought it, cost a thousand transaction points.

As long as you use this thing, within a day, you can change into the image you want to change into.

When the change is successful, not only can imitate that person’s height, body shape and voice, but even breath, soul power, and various details will be imitated in place!

And in the eyes of others, he is the original version, even his strength!

Only Karl himself knows that his current strength is still his own strength, as long as he wants to, he can burst out his strength at any time without having to lift the transformation.

So this kind of transformation sticker is also very easy to use.

In addition, Carl plans to go fishing, so he also wants to know who is standing behind this group of evil spirit masters!

“It seems that you are planning to replace Avalanche with yourself, and then be taken away by them?

If so, what are you going to do with a real avalanche? ”

Hearing Black Rose’s words, Carl smiled slightly, pointed to her and said.

“Just leave it to you. Haven’t you changed the evil and become a true spirit master now?

If you and your husband want to gain a foothold in the Heaven Dou Empire, this is a good opportunity.

As long as you bring Xue Beng to the front of Emperor Xue Ye, and then tell him about my plan.

Let him do the rest. He can plan these things perfectly!

And what I have to do is to save the life of the leader of the gods, let him escape, and see if I can catch the person behind the other side. ”

Hear what Carl said.

Black Rose couldn’t help but stretched out a thumb to Karl to express her admiration.

She had never thought of this at all, and was unable to do so.

But Carl is different.

He has everything, now he is almost lucky.

“In that case, let’s set off quickly. If we fly at the speed of the two of us and go all out, we will soon surpass them!”

Said the black rose.

Although she has the space ability, she can’t move long distances. This section is the only drawback.

Even if she saved the black and white brothers, she just hid them in her martial soul space.

They only came out after the other party left.

Therefore, the Wuhun of Black Rose still has certain flaws.

However, Carl’s ability does not have such defects.

He stretched out his hand and said softly: “Hold on!”

Black Rose was a little confused, but she still grabbed Carl’s hand.

Next second!

After the black rose feels a whirlwind!

They have come to the depths of the palace, the side hall of the avalanche!

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