Chapter 801 – Thousand Daoliu!

“It is really spine to give up running away and let your leader go first.

Just rush to this point, I will make you die easier! ”

The corner of Tang Hao’s mouth raised slightly.

He carried his Clear Sky Hammer, and the spirit ring on his body came out first, causing endless pressure on the opponent!

This kind of feeling made the vice-master can’t breathe at all!

Although his spirit power was as high as level eighty, based on the strength of the evil spirit master, Title Douluo below level ninety-two was not his opponent at all.

In addition, with the Soul Guidance Device in his hand, a Title Douluo of level ninety-three and ninety-four, he can also fight!

It is not necessarily able to kill.

So from this point of view, the strength of evil spirit masters is not a little bit stronger than that of ordinary spirit masters.

But the Super Douluo that appeared in front of him was unfathomable!

Even if he still has strength with all his own experience, he can’t detect the strength of this person!

In other words, his spirit power not only surpassed level ninety-five, but even reached a higher level!

So he also knew very well that he would definitely die if he stayed.

But as the deputy leader of the gods, it is his duty to keep the leader alive!

Therefore, the deputy leader did not speak at all, but directly transformed into a gray mist and rushed towards Tang Hao.

But the next second.

Tang Hao just wielded the Clear Sky Hammer, bringing a strong wind, and spit out a mouthful of blood!

The gap in strength is completely insurmountable!

Facing such a powerful enemy, he has only one dead end!

“Now, let me end you!”

With a smile on his face, Tang Hao waved his Clear Sky Hammer without hesitation!

at the same time.

Segues left the Heaven Dou Imperial City with the “Avalanche” and set off in the direction of the sunset forest.

In Sunset Forest, there is a place where he communicates with the person behind the scenes.

So he planned to run here, ask for asylum, and by the way pay tribute to the “Avalanche”, hoping to save his life.

“My lord, I brought Prince Xue Beng over here. The Title Douluo of Heaven Dou Imperial City is chasing me down. I hope you can keep your promise and protect my life!”

Seggs shouted loudly, but no one answered.

But he is used to it, because every time he comes, the other party will not respond immediately, but needs to wait a few minutes, or even ten minutes.

So he just sat here, waiting quietly.

During this period, he did not forget the “Avalanche.”

“You kid, to me now, it’s a life-saving talisman.

I really didn’t expect that they didn’t care about you at all, but chose to do it to you.

You guy, you are really unlucky! It’s really sad too! “(Read more @

Seggs mocked “Avalanche” contemptuously, then took a sip of water and sat here to rest.

“The sad thing is you, the leader of the Spiritual Sect!”

“I’ve heard about the things in the city. You are in a mess this time, and you even threw this hot potato to me. Is this intended to make me take the blame?”

Just at this time.

A man wearing a hood said with a hoarse and processed voice.

His entire face is hidden in the shadows, making it impossible to tell who he is.

And the breath on his body is also very messy, with all kinds of breath.

This is also done deliberately to make acquaintances unable to help him come.

It can be seen that this person should have a great reputation, that’s why he pretends to prevent others from seeing his true identity.

“My lord, I have completed these things in accordance with your plan. Isn’t it next…”

“It’s a waste, I’m not qualified to negotiate terms with me here!”

Not waiting for Seggs to finish.

I saw the man casually raised.

The power surpassing Super Douluo has erupted from this moment!

As the leader of the gods and spirits, as the strongest evil spirit master known so far, Segus was killed directly by the opponent’s blow!

Even the body is completely broken down!

This kind of power, even a level 98 Super Douluo doesn’t have it!

Therefore, the opponent’s strength can only be a level ninety-nine limit Douluo, or even a demigod!

At present, the only people with such power in this world are Karl, Di Tian, ​​Qian Daoliu, and the sleeping Posey.

Tang Chen is already dead, so there is absolutely no need to count him in.

So “Avalanche” is Karl. At this time, based on the other party’s behavior and habits, as well as the aura that was exposed just now, it is completely possible to guess who the other party is!

After all, there are only so many people who possess demigods, or are close to demigods.

Carl himself was here, Bo Saixi could not leave Seagod Island, Di Tian could not leave Xinghu, plus Tang Chen was already dead.

Therefore, the identity of the person in front of you has already been called out!

But Karl didn’t jump out directly, but wanted to see what he wanted to do.

“What a poor prince, he was treated as a chess piece, and he didn’t know that he was used to destroy the evil spirit master.

But if you stay here, it is also a scourge to me, so let’s get rid of you.

This would not only weaken the national power of the Heaven Dou Empire, but would not even affect the development of the Spirit Hall.

Therefore, for the sake of Wuhun Palace’s plan, I still ask you to die! ”

Without any hesitation.

Qian Daoliu directly revealed his true colors, and he didn’t even bother to pretend!

He burst out with great power directly, wanting to kill the humble’Avalanche’ in front of him in seconds.

But he never thought of it.

Suddenly nine spirit rings lit up on Xue Beng’s body!

At the same time, the colors of these spirit rings surprised Qian Daoliu even more!

“You are not an avalanche?!”

“Finally found it!”

‘Xue Beng’ opened his eyes and smiled, then tapped his forehead with his right hand.

I saw a sticker with golden pupils, which fell off his forehead by itself, turned into dust, and drifted away in the wind.

As long as the change is removed, the sticker will disappear directly, and there is no such thing as a secondary use.

Because this thing is one-off.

“Carl! It turned out to be you!”

Seeing Karl appearing here, Qian Daoliu was a little shocked.

“I really didn’t expect you to have the ability to pretend to be someone else.

Although it was my carelessness, but with my perception, I didn’t find you.

It seems that your ability to disguise is even stronger than Xiaoxue’s best soul bone! ”

“Don’t compare me with soul bone, that thing is not worthy!”

Carl waved his hand and said with disgust.

Although soul bone is a good thing in this world, to him, this kind of thing is simply rubbish!

It’s useless at all.

Then Carl just wanted to speak, but the system voice suddenly rang.

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