God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 819 - The hero king who eats every day

Chapter 819 – The hero king who eats every day

“What’s the situation, why did Yanfeng Qili suffer such a serious injury?”

Carl was a little surprised to see Qili Yanfeng, who was lying in the lobby, being treated by Alice Phil.

He just left here for more than twenty minutes.

This kind of thing happened unexpectedly.

It is really surprising.

Even Archer couldn’t help but feel surprised at this moment.

In his memory, Yanfeng Qili is not a hero, but her physical skills and magic, and even all aspects of skills, do not lose too much to the hero.

If he hadn’t had any treasures, he could even face the heroic spirits!

But even so, Yanfeng Qili is one of the humans who can fight the heroic spirit head-on with the body.

Such a human being, as normal, unless it is attacked by the heroic spirits, it is impossible to have such a serious injury.

The current Yanfeng Qili, although his hands and feet are still intact.

But there was a huge wound in his abdomen.

In addition, even the side of his heart was cut open.

These wounds are all of the kind with deep visible bones!

If it wasn’t for the wound at the heart position, which was slightly offset, otherwise this blow would be enough to pierce his heart!

“Huh! This chopstick wants to go to Liudong Temple to check the situation without his own strength.

The aura inside, even I dare not act rashly, but he rushed forward.

If I didn’t think he was in danger, and he was rescued in time, this guy would have died inside! ”

Gilgamesh, who was drinking red wine not far away, said so.

But Carl could see that his hand for drinking wine was not his habitual right hand, but his left hand.

And his right hand trembles unconsciously.

This caused Karl Bingmai and Gilgamesh to be injured!

“It seems that you have been careless about the oldest king, otherwise, how could your right hand be injured?”

The corner of Carl’s mouth raised slightly, and he directly broke through Gilgamesh’s disguise.

But the other party didn’t say anything.

He just snorted, then turned his head away and stopped looking at Karl.

Enkidu, who was sitting next to Gilgamesh, smiled at Karl and said nothing.

But looking at the dust on his body, Carl can also guess a rough idea.

The three of them, Yanfeng Qili first went to Liudong Temple alone.

Gilgamesh followed in, but both of them were attacked.

According to Gilgamesh’s true strength, he would not be injured at all.

But his character is so arrogant!

As long as he doesn’t face a real life-and-death crisis, or an enemy he recognizes, he will not try his best.

It is precisely because of this.

In many versions of the Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh was dead.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

His own strength is very strong, but because of his love for waves, he was eventually overturned by the enemy.

Therefore, he will be injured, and the probability is also because of this problem.

In the end, both of them would escape, obviously Enki did it.

Otherwise, it is possible for both of them to stay directly at Liudong Temple and never come back.

However, according to the normal plot development, the Caster of Liudong Temple does not have the strength at all, leaving Gilgamesh and the strength of Yanfeng Qili.

Even if her magic tricks are good, they are good at best.

In addition, if this Caster wants to use the power of large-scale magic, he must arrange magic arrays in a targeted manner.

Therefore, the current situation of Liudong Temple is indeed very strange.

“Alice Phil, go and rest, just leave it to me here.”

Hearing Karl’s words, Alice Phil just wanted to say something.

But suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and immediately moved away from her side.

“Leave it to you, Mr. Carl.”

“give it to me!”

Carl nodded, and then released the Healing Flame to help Qili Yanfeng quickly recover from her injury!

The healing magic of Alice Phil just now worked well, but it only helped him stop the bleeding.

If you really want to recover from the injury, you can’t do it without a few days’ work.

After all, Yanfeng Qili’s injury is too serious.

However, Carl’s Healing Flames can help Yanfeng Qili recover from his injuries in just an instant, and at the same time make him sober.

“As expected of Mr. Carl…”

Yanfeng Qili could not help sighing as she felt the continuous power in her body.

He knew that the gap between the magician and Carl was really getting bigger and bigger!

Not only the magician, but even many heroes were surprised to see this scene.

Although they have seen people who can heal injuries very quickly, they have never seen the ability to heal injuries in an instant!

“Humph! Every time I see your abilities, I am surprised. It seems that there are still too many things I don’t know in this world!”

Gilgamesh said so.

Karl also just smiled, and then released his ability to help Gilgamesh and Enkidu to recover from their injuries.

“Now we can talk about what is going on at Liudong Temple, right?

Why are you both hurt, even if the three of you go together, you will be so embarrassed.

What happened in Liudong Temple? ”

After Carl helped them heal, he asked about Liudong Temple.

Because everyone on their side chose to observe quietly, and did not intend to attack.

So now their information can only be told by Yanfeng Qili and others.

“Huh! There is nothing to say about this! I don’t want to mention it again!”

Gilgamesh was still so arrogant.

Because he was embarrassed, he didn’t want to talk about it again.

Yanfeng Qili opened her mouth and wanted to say, but Gilgamesh glared at him and glared back.

Seeing this scene, the people around were a little helpless.

Because Gilgamesh is too capricious.

But at this moment, Enki stood up, patted Gilgamesh on the shoulder lightly, and then said.

“If they don’t say it, let me do it.”


Hearing Enkidu’s words, Gilgamesh didn’t say anything, just a cold snort, which was regarded as acquiescence.

He couldn’t say this kind of embarrassing thing himself, and he didn’t allow others to say it.

But Enki was not a victim, but a close friend of Gilgamesh.

So there are some things that he can say, but others can’t!

I have to say that Gilgamesh still favors Enkidu very much.

“In fact, the outside of Liudong Temple is no different.

When we first went to Liudong Temple, we thought there was nothing wrong with it! ”

Enqidu said slowly.

But suddenly, his tone became heavier and his expression became more serious.


“The calmness of Liudong Temple is nothing more than the effect of barriers!

Caster deceived all of us with enchantment!

Inside Liudong Temple, the magic power of the entire Fuyuki City is gathering and supplying the Holy Grail! ”

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