God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 823 - Ancient Gods and Ancient God Creatures

Chapter 823 – Ancient Gods and Ancient God Creatures

“Aren’t you nonsense? Even if it is a god, it is impossible to know everything, let alone me?”

When Karl heard Gilgamesh’s words, he couldn’t help rolling his eyes.

“Although I said before, I know ancient and modern, and I can even see through each of you.

But this does not mean that I can’t predict the future even more before knowing the gods.

So there is no need to deify me. After all, I am also a human being, but I am relatively strong. ”

Such Versailles speech by Carl immediately made Gilgamesh uncomfortable.

He didn’t expect that he originally intended to mock Karl’s words, but let him directly flip it and turn it into a pretending quotation.

This made Gilgamesh completely unacceptable.

So he didn’t say anything at all, and he didn’t even want to answer what the ancient god creature was.

Seeing this scene, Carl felt a little helpless, and then glanced at Enkidu.

“Enkidu, as my only friend, do you want to stand by my side?”

Gilgamesh said suddenly.

Enqidu nodded, then smiled.

“My king, you are still so careful, can’t you be more generous?

I remember, when you treated your own people, you were very generous and gentle. Why have you become so small now? ”

Gilgamesh snorted coldly when he heard Enkidu’s words, then glanced at Karl.

“He is not my subject, and I don’t have such a strong subject, so I can’t treat him generously.

More importantly, this guy has damaged me time and time again. How can I accept this? ”

“So that’s why you don’t want to talk about it?”

Hearing Gilgamesh’s explanation, Karl couldn’t help sighing, and then continued.

“Enkidu, you said you would do me a favor in this world.

So you can help me explain whether the ancient god creature and the ancient god are the same.

Between them, is there any difference.

Because I have a hunch that this time the Holy Grail War is likely to be related to the ancient gods. ”

“No problem, if you plan to use this opportunity here, I can tell you the difference between ancient gods and ancient god creatures.

But before that, I have a question for you. ”

“what is the problem?”

Hearing Enkidu’s words, Carl frowned slightly, and the other party asked with a smile.

“The two names of ancient gods and ancient gods creatures have not been mentioned since the end of the gods.

Even the demigods and the gods left behind have forgotten the ancient gods and ancient creatures.

The reason why Gilgamesh and I will remember is that we are all heroic spirits of the gods.

But why do you, as a human being after the gods, know about ancient gods and ancient gods?

Although you only know these two words, where did you know it? “(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

Enqidu said so many words in a series, which made Carl realize that the ancient gods and ancient god creatures are extraordinary!

Otherwise, it will not be deliberately forgotten.

“Sorry Enkidu, I can’t answer this kind of question.

Because of my seventh sense, these two words suddenly popped out.

That’s why I asked you this question. ”

“The seventh sense…”

Enki nodded, but he obviously didn’t believe Carl’s words.

“Forget it, I know you have a secret, but if you don’t want to say, I won’t force it.

Since you want to know the difference between ancient gods and ancient god creatures, I can tell you now…”

With that said, Enqidu also put his gaze on other people.

“You are all listening. Under normal circumstances, this kind of secret cannot be known by humans.

But this time the situation is quite special. I hope that all of you will keep this secret and not let it out.

Otherwise, it is likely to cause the true ancient god to wake up.

Although the ancient gods have no desires and desires, they will not be hostile to any creatures.

But their every move is enough to destroy the world and shatter the galaxy.

If the ancient gods appear on the earth, they don’t even need to wake up. They simply sleep and roll over, and the whole world will be turned upside down.

Therefore, the fewer people who know the ancient gods, the safer it is. This is also to prevent people from looking for the ancient gods and let them descend on the earth. ”

Enqi said a lot of precautions.

Regardless of whether these people can understand or not, he said it anyway.

If they don’t believe it, the consequences will be borne by them themselves.

Anyway, Enqi didn’t take the blame.

Afterwards, Enqidu took a sip of tea and began to tell the details of the ancient gods and their creatures.

Gilgamesh said about the situation of the ancient gods before, but did not say everything.

The creatures of ancient gods also have a particularly powerful ability that even gods cannot avoid being affected.

And his ability can unconsciously affect any creatures around him!

Even if you are just a cell, you will be affected by the ancient gods, and then automatically gather in front of the other party and gradually merge with them.

This is also the reason why there were so many sacrifices to the ancient gods before the gods.

They were not crazy, but were affected by the unconscious power emanating from the ancient gods.

Then gradually became distorted and crazy.

But this pot of ancient gods really doesn’t memorize it.

Because what the ancient gods liked most was to sleep, other than that he was not interested in everything.

Even if someone sacrifices to himself, he will ignore it at all.

But some people went too crazy, and started to think of the ancient gods, and finally succeeded in getting some cell tissues from the ancient god’s body.

But for the ancient gods, these cell tissues are equivalent to a piece of dandruff on humans.

If it is dropped, it will drop, and it will have no effect.

But those who got the cell fragments of the ancient gods thought it was a gift from the ancient gods, and then ate these things in a frenzied trend!

Finally, the ancient god creature was born!

These ancient gods creatures, to put it bluntly, are crazy supporters of the ancient gods.

They have the power no less than gods, but they are not gods, but a group of crazy and twisted monsters!

These monsters have no self-awareness.

Their only idea is to make more creatures look like themselves!

Plus there is more than one ancient god.

Each of these ancient gods has different beliefs.

As a result, it triggered a conflict that was only seen by believers of ancient gods.

In the end, the ancient gods awakened from their deep sleep and discovered that the believers they had not paid attention to were frantically starting the war.

There are no stops all day long.

So the ancient gods were so noisy and unable to sleep by these ancient god creatures, so they simply destroyed them, and then separated and went to different places to sleep.

After being affected by the ancient god creatures.

God’s generation is here.

The gods, also under this situation, are gradually born!

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