Chapter 829 – Kill!

“Jie Si, hurry up, I’m going to start drag racing!”

As soon as Jiuyu Wumi spoke, she began to put in gear, then slammed the steering wheel and turned the front of the car directly!

Eimiya Kiritugu used the fastest speed to fasten his seat belt, and at the same time he fastened the bullets of the gun, and pulled the window directly to the bottom!

“Wu Mi, be careful, these monsters are immortal, so don’t run into them, or you won’t be able to get out!”

“I know that when I came, sister-in-law Alice had already told me!”

Hearing Maiya’s words, Eimiya Kiritugu smiled lightly, and then the two began their escape journey.

Those monsters behind saw that their prey was fleeing, they suddenly roared and started chasing!

The gunfire sounded.

A monster fell, but with a roar, the monster stood up again!

With the help of the power of the Holy Grail, they have immortality!

So they are not afraid of bullets at all!

But the strange thing is.

No matter how noisy the street is, the surrounding houses are not affected at all.

The citizens of Fuyuki City stayed quietly at home, and no one came out to check the situation outside.

It is as if the entire Fuyuki City has become a dead city!

But Keiji Eomiya knew very well that Fuyuki City was still alive.

The reason why those people are not affected is probably because they can’t see this scene in front of them!

In other words, this is deliberate by the Holy Grail!

For the time being, the other party only wants to solve those who are threatening to him, and he does not want to directly slaughter the people in Fuyuki City!

That’s why he pursued Weimiya Kiritugu.

Thought of this.

Keiji Eomiya looked at the road next to him and found a parking lot in a shopping mall.

Although it is night time, there are still many people in this large shopping mall.

“Mumi, go to the top floor of the mall, I’ll contact Alice and let her find a way to support us!”

With that said, Kirisu Eomiya opened the gun while making a call, asking for support!

Because he knew that he would definitely not be able to get away by himself, so he would not care about his own face.

After all, fate is the most important thing.

And these monsters, if the follower really meets, I am afraid they will be defeated by the follower cutting melons and vegetables.

After all, Kirisu Eomiya was able to withstand the full blow of the monsters head-on. It is conceivable that the strength of these monsters is not as strong as imagined.

The only thing worth worrying about is their healing power.

This is the headache.

at the same time.(Read more @

Archer, who was fighting with Assassin, also felt a feeling of heart palpitations at this time.

Originally, relying on his projection magic, he was playing back and forth with Assassin, and even suppressed each other.

Due to the characteristics of Assassin, there is no way to release treasures to people other than women.

Even if it is forcibly released, its power will be halved.

Only when it is released to women, the power will increase exponentially.

Therefore, even if she releases the treasure, she might as well make a direct call like this.

But now, both Assassin and Archer felt that there was an unknown breath, gradually approaching both of them.

This breath is disgusting, it will cause a certain amount of confusion in the human brain, and even become violent.

Especially Assassin, her mental state was originally not very stable, but now after being affected by this breath, she is even more violent like Berserker.

On the other hand, Archer’s side was not affected too much because of resistance. It just felt a bit tingling in the brain.

But he still needs to beware of the source of this breath, so now it has become a situation where he was suppressed by Assassin.

But this situation did not last long, and he saw a lot of monsters appearing around him!

“That guy, really intends to take the initiative!”

Archer sneered, and then started projecting without hesitation!

In the next second, the victory of imitations and the sword of oath are instantly liberated!

The powerful light cannon directly wiped out all the enemies in front of him, and even Assassin was affected.

If she is still sane, it is impossible to be hit by this straight attack.

But because of the influence of the black mud, she became violent, so she was completely swallowed by the light cannon!

The current Assassin is dying, as long as it is given to her again, she can understand her life and help her liberate.

But just when Archer was about to do this, a black paper man appeared in front of him without warning and attacked him.

See this scene.

While Red A was surprised, he did not forget to fight back!

Seeing his smooth blow, he said that the opponent’s body was split in half!

But the scarred Assassin had already been swallowed by the shadows!

He has no time to pursue it.

However, Red A is not in a hurry, but has a word, and the magic in his hands has begun to converge!

“Projection! Start!”

“The Spear Pierced Deaththorn—”

Accompanied by the projected treasure, after liberating the real name, powerful magical fluctuations instantly gathered in this blood-red spear!

Following Archer’s throw, Assassin was pierced into the heart by the Piercing Death Spike before he could get into the shadows, and at the same time he spewed a large mouthful of blood!

She can’t live anymore!

Even with the help of black mud, the effect of piercing the Spear of Death Thorns will destroy the opponent’s heart after it must hit!

Unless the opponent has several lives, similar to the Berserker’s twelve lives, it can resist the power of the Spear that pierces the Deaththorn.

Otherwise, she would never survive!

So after Archer finished all of this, he didn’t continue to stay, but rushed in the direction where the aura of Eimiya Kirisu was located!

Since there are so many monsters here, it must be the same over there!

This is Archer’s idea, so he has to save people!

Regardless of the reason, since this World Health Miyakishi is still alive, Archer will never let the other party die again!

And just when he sprinted to Eomiya Kirisu’s side.

The situation at Liudong Temple is also very Bi Miao.

The entire Liudong Temple, which had been demolished seven or eighty-eight, was left with one room and one sarcoma left here.

And the surroundings are densely packed with monsters that can’t be counted!

Obviously, this sarcoma has used his best to deal with Carl, and even released his hole cards, that is, so many monsters to deal with him.

But unfortunately, he failed!

These monsters were originally more numerous, but now they have been wiped out by Carl at least half!

So the other party flinched and planned to confront Karl himself.

But at this moment.

The unconscious woman, as well as the dead Assassin, appeared in front of Karl.

This made him understand that the plan on the other side had been successful.

What they have to do now is to concentrate on fighting against this huge sarcoma in front of them!

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