God-level Evolution Starting From One Piece

Chapter 832 - Another tong sakura

Chapter 832 – Another tong sakura

“At this moment, someone called me?”

Carl frowned.

Because the last time he came to the world, Karl had changed everyone’s phone calls.

Now they are based on Carl and used magic to make the performance of their phones better.

As long as they are still in the same space and within the earth, they can get through even where there is no signal.

For example, now.

Originally, there was no signal in this enchantment, but phone calls could still come in.

Just because of the magic here, the phone can be connected!

“Hey, Alice Phil, what do you want?”

Karl temporarily stopped the attack. After seeing that Karl was no longer attacking, Roshan directly controlled the black mud and launched a crazy attack on Karl.

But Carl directly released his ability to isolate all the black mud, and none of them could touch his body.


“An army of monsters also appeared outside, and Weimiya Kirishu is also being chased by monsters?

How is Einzbern, is there anything now? ”

Carl was surprised.

He didn’t expect that Roshan would actually send a monster to hunt and kill Eomiya Kirishu outside, which is really surprising.

“Okay, I know, I’ll go to rescue them now. You stay in Einzbernberg first, then don’t go.”

With that, Karl hung up the phone, then waved his hand to release a powerful slash, cutting the upper half of Roshan directly!

But the other party’s recovery speed was very fast, and he recovered in the blink of an eye.

“Unexpectedly, you guy still knows how to use tricks.

This is after confining them, and then planning to come out to encircle Wei and save Zhao, right?

It seems that you really can’t stay! ”

Carl said so, but instead of continuing to attack, he teleported away directly!

Since there is nothing to do with him right now, let’s save people first.

Then they will discuss countermeasures together.

With so many people, there is always a way to eliminate each other.

Wait until Karl leaves.

The black mud of the entire enchantment gradually returned to the underground of Liudong Temple.

The originally huge Roshan gradually shrank after it had no enemies, and finally turned into a pitching ball about the size of the Liudong Temple temple, piled up on the roof.

After a while.

A little shadow appeared on the ground.

Assassin, Caster and Lancer three blackened servants emerged from the shadows, and then knelt in front of Roshan.(Read more @ wuxiax.com)

It’s not just the three of them.

All around for a while, densely packed, thousands of monsters appeared, clinging to each other tightly!

The total number of these monsters is very large.

It seems that the monsters sent out to attack should have all returned.

But as the black shadows grow more and more.

In front of these three servants, there appeared a female figure who could not see her face but had a very graceful figure.


The three followers shouted in unison, and the female figure without a face glanced at her body and her hands.

She did not move, these black shadows slowly faded from her body, gradually revealing her familiar face!

After all the shadows receded, the face on which this dark shadow appeared was Ma Tong Ying!

But unlike Ma Tongying, her face is even more vulgar, and there is a trace of madness in her eyes.

More importantly, her temperament is completely different from the current Ma Tongying!

There isn’t even a place for lovesickness!

She also looks alike, her figure is almost the same as Ma Tongying.

If someone familiar with Ma Tong Sakura appears here, he will definitely recognize this person, not the real Ma Tong Sakura!

“You three get up…”

The voice of “Matong Ying” was a little hoarse, and it didn’t sound very coherent, as if she was familiar with the body and speaking.

However, the three servants stood up obediently, and stared at the ‘Matong Sakura’ in front of them intently.

She did not continue to speak, but beckoned, only to see a unconscious woman lifted out of the shadows.

This person is the Master of Jack the Ripper!

But Jack is dead, she is no longer the Master.

“Be more sober, don’t you want to protect your children?

Now I give you a chance, if you use your life to exchange your child back, would you like it? ”

“Can…do it?”

The woman woke up slowly, and she was a little delighted when she heard such a sentence.

But her tears are still falling.

“I can help you do it, but I need you to take the initiative to sacrifice your soul!”

“I am willing! For the sake of my child, I am willing to do anything!”

Hearing the other party’s words, “Ma Tong Ying” showed an evil smile, and then released a large amount of black mud, swallowing it!

“With this sentence, that’s enough!”

The purpose of her inquiry is not for human considerations, but for the sincere consent of the other party.

This is equivalent to a contract, only after the other party agrees from the heart, she can help the other party complete the content of the contract!

So Ma Tong Ying used this method to completely swallow the soul of the other party, and even the power of Ling Shu was not let go!

Next second!

The real Assassin appeared in front of them.

But before the other party wakes up, this Assassin is directly swallowed by the black mud.

After the other party opened his eyes, he immediately knelt down, and cataloged the fierce mans.

“Thank you Master for giving me a new lease of life, I will definitely live up to Master’s expectations.

But I hope that Archer can be solved by me. I have to kill him personally and avenge my mother! ”

“No problem, you are free at this point, but you have to pay attention to it. Your strength is strong for women, but it is still weaker for men.”

“Master, I understand, I will pay attention!”

Assassin nodded, then got up and stood by.

‘Jiantongying’ nodded, and then glanced at the six spell curses that emerged from her hand.

“Originally, one Master was swallowed, but there were only three enchantments, but now one has swallowed, there are six.

It’s a pity that there were some accidents that caused the people in that church to run away, otherwise, my curse would only be more. ”

The voice of “Matongying” also gradually became normal.

Then he set his gaze on Sasaki Kojiro’s body.

“Now, in the name of the Holy Grail and Master, I give you the real Assassin title and give you the treasure you deserve!”

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