Chapter 838 – Draw up a plan

“So what can this prove?”

Gilgamesh sneered and continued to mock.

But Karl watched him smile without saying a word, and then pointed to the lines on the ground that radiated faint light.

“This is the vein of the spirit vein?”

Enkidu asked, and Carl nodded.

Gilgamesh frowned further when he saw this.

“Do you want to express that the vast empty spiritual veins are continuously absorbing, and the magical power of spiritual veins elsewhere?”

“You are finally smart once, Gilgamesh!

I thought that your head was always filled with water, but there was still some paint in it. ”

“Hehe, if I can’t see such a simple thing, what qualifications do I have to call myself the King of Heroes?”

Gilgamesh sneered and said proudly.

But in the next second, his expression became a little cold, because he reacted, and Karl seemed to be scolding himself.

But as the king, he should be more generous, so he didn’t care about Karl, but to see what he would say after he discovered this.

“To be honest, since I came here until now, I have been observing the whole of Winterwood City and the spirit veins around Winterwood City.

Now I finally discovered that these seemingly normal spiritual veins have actually been corroded by the black mud!

All the veins in Fuyuki City have been completely corroded clean.

These seemingly normal contexts have become large hollow special magic power transmission channels.

And those spirit veins that are still struggling to support will be sucked and squeezed out by this Roshan, there is nothing left!

Fortunately, these spiritual veins are quite strong, even if they have been squeezed in this way, at least in a short period of time, there will be no major problems.

At most, it is affected by a small earthquake in Fuyuki City. ”

Carl’s voice just fell.

The ground trembled suddenly, which immediately attracted the attention of the three of them.

Then Gilgamesh and Enkidu both looked at Karl with weird eyes.

Because he had just finished talking about the earthquake, an earthquake actually broke out below, but it was small in scale and did not cause any casualties or losses.

But from the sky, it was obvious that the ground was shaking due to the earthquake.

When Carl saw this, he scratched his head in embarrassment, then dialed his cell phone and asked about the situation in Einzbernberg.

After learning that it was safe there, Carl also let out a sigh of relief, and then hung up the phone.

“Okay, the things here are almost observable, let’s go back first, I have something, I want to talk to everyone.”(Read more @

With that, Karl used the void to walk directly, teleporting to leave here.

Gilgamesh and Enki both saw this and couldn’t help but stare at each other.

However, Gilgamesh’s reaction was somewhat indifferent and disdainful. On the other hand, Enkidu’s expression was somewhat joyful.

“Just one night later, Karl’s strength seems to be stronger than yesterday.

Especially with this spatial mobility, I could see his shadow before, but now I can’t even see a shadow at all, what a terrible man!

Fortunately, he is only a demigod now. If he really becomes a god, even the lowest-level god, I am afraid he will not be weaker than the middle-level god, right? ”

“Huh! Whatever he does, it has nothing to do with us anyway!

Now let’s go back and see, what on earth does this guy have to say! ”

Gilgamesh snorted coldly, and then directly drove Vimana towards Einzbernberg.

After a while.

The two of them also returned to the conference room and sat at the end of the round table.

Enkidu was a serious author, but Gilgamesh hit his legs on it, lying on the chair, presenting a magical angle of forty-five degrees, and he had not fallen down yet.

This kind of angle can’t be imitated by most people, otherwise it would be considered good to throw a concussion.

However, except for their followers and adults, Shiro Weimiya and the children did not participate in this meeting.

Because they are practicing magic, ready to protect themselves when facing monsters, and then contribute more, their own strength.

After all, they can’t come up with any good ideas, so it’s better to practice their magic with the companionship of the maids of the Einzbern family.

The meeting in the conference room is now officially started.

Although they discussed some content before, most of them were useless.

Now Carl returned here with the latest news and shared it with everyone.

He first explained that the large hollow spiritual veins below the Liudong Temple had violently expanded.

Even every minute, every second, it is expanding at an imperceptible speed.

If you stare at it every day, you may not be able to find out what changes have been made in this spiritual vein.

However, if you observe carefully after a period of time, you will find that the spiritual veins are swelling very obviously.

In addition.

If you are sensitive to magical perception, you can also observe from high above.

Just like Karl, Gilgamesh and Enkidu, they did the same thing they did before, looking down from a height.

This can be seen very clearly.

Then Karl explained in detail that the source of the magic power of this Roshan is basically relying on the vast empty spiritual veins to be so powerful.

Then Karl said in detail, the veins of these spiritual veins have connected those spiritual veins in the entire Winterwood City.

Even the small spiritual veins around Winterwood City have quite a few veins, connecting the large hollow spiritual veins.

So Karl said all these things, even the consequences.

“In other words, if you don’t stop the other party, these spiritual veins will be completely drained, right?”

Kirishu Eomiya frowned and asked.

Carl nodded, then shook his head.

“What you said is right, but not all right, because this matter may have even greater consequences.

At that time, let alone a city of Winterwood, even the entire earth will have to fall into a huge crisis! ”


Everyone showed their surprised faces, and then looked at each other.

Carl looked around, then sighed and continued.

“Because after I personally contacted the other party, I found that the other party was the embryo of the ancient god creature.

As for what the ancient god creature is, I don’t need to say more.

And if all these spiritual veins are absorbed by the other party, no one can guarantee that this thing will awaken the real ancient gods!

This is the biggest crisis of the earth, even the world! So I suggest that the first thing next is not to attack the opponent, but to find a way to cut off all the spiritual veins and cut off the magic power supply of the absolute square! ”

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