"This is the last suspicious place. If there is no one here, there may be some problems with our thinking."

Carl talked as he entered the cave.

Iskandar on the side did not speak, and he was ready at this moment, not daring to relax.

The two of them practiced their hands to explore, and they searched nearly a dozen places carefully.

But no Caste was found


Now this cave is the last place. If there is not yet, then you can only reorganize your thinking and set off.

Carl's vision is domineering, although he can see the surroundings, but the exaggerated magic power of Fuyuki City has caused a little problem in his perception.

Carl has no way to perceive things that are fused with magic.

As a result, for those children who were tortured and killed, Karl was completely unaware of the location of their bodies!

Because the corpses and blood of these children have become magical and have been casted


It is precisely because of this that Karl will be so passive.

However, as Carl and Iskandar deepened, the smell of blood suddenly appeared on the tips of their noses.

This makes them understand that they have found the right place!

This cave is where the other party committed the crime!

Without any reason, Karl flew directly in, and the speed was so fast that Iskander next to him was dumbfounded.

"So fast?!"

Iskandar was stunned for a second, and then rushed out unwillingly.

However, his speed was slower than Karl's by many times.

After he came here, Carl had stopped here for a long time.

"Is this hell?"

Iskandall looked at the huge heart in front of him, and the tentacles around him climbing on the rock wall, the heart missed a beat.

The thing in front of me is very huge, if it is allowed to extend out completely, it will be at least sixty or seventy meters in height!

And the height of this cave is only about 50 meters!

And the most important thing is that Karl can feel a very strong atmosphere of evil from this thing similar to a big octopus!

Don't ask how the evil breath is felt.

Just look at the hideous appearance of this big man and the **** breath emanating from him, you can know.

This thing is definitely not a good thing!

And more importantly, Carl found several bones here.

Carl simply analyzed it and found that it was a child's thigh bone under the age of six!

Obviously, the big guy in front of him was the culprit in the disappearance case.

But what puzzled Carl was.

In the center of this big guy, two people lay.

One of them is Caste holding a treasure

, The other is young male youth.

But if you look at it, this man is not very old, only about twenty years old.

But Karl knows that this person is Caste


It’s him who summoned Caste

Such a pervert.

Fortunately, the current development is not the same as the original, otherwise there will be more than that few missing children.

"Since the culprit has been found, take advantage of the other party's awakening and destroy him directly!"

Iskandall couldn't bear this violent temper anymore, and he directly chose to kill the opponent.

He drew out his short sword and summoned the thunder to strike at the opponent.

But this blow not only caused no harm to the opponent, it even awakened Caste who was sleeping in it.

And his master.

"Someone is coming?"

"Hehehehe, what a coincidence, someone has come before my ancient **** has fully awakened. What a pity!

But it doesn't matter. Although the nourishment of the ancient gods has not been absorbed yet, the absorption of heroic spirits is much more reliable than children! "


With a harsh smile, in the middle of the big man, he opened his magic book.

This magic book is Caste

The treasure of Luoyang City is also his unique treasure.


There is no magic literacy originally, as an alternative to using magic in this magic book.

What I have to say is his exclusive treasure as a magician. It has nothing to do with the owner's skill. The magic book itself will replace the magic and ritual spells.

This huge monster was also summoned by his magic book.

And besides this big guy, he can also summon many little water monsters.

Although the strength of these water monsters is very weak, they are completely inferior to the heroic spirits, they can only be killed by a spike.

But there is no problem at all to contain it!

It's just that Carl doesn't plan to get used to each other at all in this situation!

"Iskander, you are here to guard, I will solve him!"


Did not wait for Iskandar to speak.

Carl instantly used the **** breath to create a **** space, forcibly pulling all the enemies into the space!

Seeing this scene, Iskandar was stunned again.

He also didn't expect that Carl had inherent space, which made him a bit speechless.

"Sure enough, no one is simple. Although this guy is not a hero, he is stronger than a normal hero!

I just don't know what the inherent barrier of this guy ~www.readwn.com~ looks like, if I can go in once, maybe I will know. "

Iskandar directly sat down cross-legged.

There are no enemies around, he just needs to be on guard to prevent fish from slipping through the net.

However, his gaze has been fixed on the few bones not far away.

Iskandar's eyes became sharper and sharper, eventually becoming full of murderous intent.

"This Caste

And his master, really not a thing! "

"Even when I was conquering the world, I would never do such a thing.

This **** is really disgusting, and I don't know how he became a hero! "

"I bother!"


at the same time.

Carl, who was in the **** space, didn't know Iskandar's ridicule.

He now controls the breath of hell, as well as the shadow clone of Hades, and begins to clean up the little water monsters.

At the same time, Caste

Also controlling the big water monster, stood up slowly.

I saw his tentacles supporting his body, walking tremblingly in hell.

This water monster hasn't formed yet, so it looks a little weak.

But even so, this guy's personal sense of oppression is also very great.

Carl can clearly feel that the source of life for this thing is Caste

And his master!

If you want to destroy this big water monster, the only way is to kill Caste

This pair!

But just when Carl was about to do it.

The big water monster suddenly roared into the sky.


And his master, were swallowed inside at the same time.

The magic power increased several times instantly!

The surrounding water monsters doubled directly!


Knowing that I was going to die, so I chose to swallow myself to start the runaway mode!

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