God-level Evolution Starts from the Pirate

Chapter 512: Respective opponents


"Haha, in front of our Six Demon Generals, dare to say that a magician is a monster in a small area, you really have no experience!"

Just when Gray and Leon were bragging about Karl.

The man spit out a **** sputum and stood up swayingly.

At this time, his expression was a bit savage, and he looked completely unconvinced.

Obviously, Carl's slap did not let him discover Carl's strength.

In his eyes, Karl was only lucky to hit him.

But now that Carl has left, he can only deal with the two little ghosts in front of him first.

"Go to hell! Today I will let you know how powerful the Six Demon Generals are!"

"Grey, be careful!"

"No need to remind you!"

Both Gray and Leon were ready at the same time.

But in the next second, the two of them looked dumbfounded, and were brought down by the other side at the same time.

Because of his speed, it is too fast!

"Hahahaha, see it, this is the power that surpasses you, die for me!"

With an angry shout.

His attacks continuously fell on Leon and Gray, making the woman hiding next to him shiver.

"It can't go on like this, come out, clay puppet!"

With a soft sound, a huge clay giant appeared in front of everyone, dissolving the opponent's attack.

But it doesn't work at all.

Because the opponent sprinted directly, he broke up the clay giant.

Even knocked her out.

"A mere woman, don't want to affect my speed!"

As he spoke, he repurchased his head and showed a sneer.

"Next, it's your turn!"



at the same time.

Carl and others are heading towards the station of the Six Demon Generals.

But at this time, Jura was still a little worried about Gray and the others, and wanted to go back and help.

After Carl's reminder, plus his own perception, he can probably guess what the opponent's ability is.

If you let him go, you can easily solve the opponent.

But Karl stopped Jura and didn't ask him to help.

"Leave it to the young people. Their strength and potential are not weak. If you don't give them fighter skills, you can develop their potential.

They may be doing nothing in Tawau all their lives. I don't think you want to see this scene? "

Hearing Carl's words, Jura nodded and folded his hands together, which is considered to have followed Carl's suggestion.

But he was still a little worried about their safety.

There is no way.

Who made the Six Demon Generals sordid?

Ordinary magic guilds can't fight against one of the six generals.

This shows how dangerous this guy is.

But Carl did the opposite.

He has great confidence in Gray.

After all, this guy still contains magical potential in his body, which makes Carl fascinated by it.

Not even weaker than Naz!

It's a pity that he doesn't know this potential, nor can others see it.

Although Carl could see it, he didn't know how to motivate him, so he had to leave it alone.

But this battle might help Gray stimulate his potential.

This is not impossible.

But at this time.

A beautiful figure suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

She is Wendy who was captured before.

At this time, Wendy was startled when she saw everyone, and then ran over crying and began to complain.

"Sorry, I resurrected Geral..."

Wendy cried and told the story.

Although she did a wrong thing.

But she was fortunate to say it bravely, so that it means that she is still saved.

In addition, Wendy is only about ten years old now, so her age is too young.

It is normal for a child to make mistakes or something.

Among those present, no one would blame her.

But he hasn't waited for Karl to comfort Wendy.

A huge magic beam of light appeared in front of everyone.

The intense energy caused some shaking in the entire forest.

The moment the beam of light appeared, a large piece of black magic appeared around it, wrapped around the beam of light.

This kind of magic made Carl think of the magic wizard power.

And at this time.

A general of the Six Demons appeared in front of everyone, blocking everyone's path.

"It's a magnificent scene. In this way, no matter what you want to do, you can be satisfied!"

One of the six demon generals appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing his appearance, Carl wanted to do something, but was stopped by Jura.

"Leave this person to me. That huge beam of light is disturbing. I can feel that I can't contain this power.

Carl, I hope you can help and destroy this beam of light! "

Although Jura didn't know what this beam of light represented.

But as the Saint Ten Sorcerer, he can still see that there is a large amount of dark magic in this beam of light.

So this thing must be eliminated.

Otherwise, it will definitely affect the world.

Carl nodded ~www.readwn.com~ Since Jura intends to stay behind, Carl doesn't bother to waste time to solve the other party.

"Natz, you are carrying Wendy on your back, we shall hurry unless!"

"Oh! Go!"

Naz didn't have any mercy.

He directly lifted Wendy's soft body, and then ran all the way, even faster than Carl.

Seeing this scene, Hobby and Xia Lulu both widened their eyes and immediately chased after them.

"Naz, wait for me!"

"Asshole! Let go of Wendy in my house!"

When Carl saw them so energetic, he also smiled, and then released a healing flame covering Jura's body.

"Let's do it, the healing inflammation can last for twenty minutes.

In these twenty minutes, as long as your heart and brain are not pierced, and your head is not cut off, any injury can be recovered! "

After leaving this hand.

Karl stepped away, chasing Naz.

He can feel it.

This guy who has been crying is much stronger than the guy before, who uses feeling magic to deceive people.

Although they are both generals of the Six Demons.

But this person's hard power is relatively stronger!

That's why he would help Jula with a BUFF.

"Next, it's the battle between the two of us!

My name is Jura, an S-rank Sorcerer of the Scales of the Snake Girl, and one of the Holy Ten Sorcerers.

But I can't compare to those monsters, my strength is just the end of Saint Ten! "

Jura, a real man, blew himself up when he came up, which is considered to have given enough benefits.

The other party was in tears and showed a smile.

"It doesn't have to be so cumbersome, you just need to know that I am the one who is about to kill you!"

"My name is Heteai!"

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