"This man is crazy!"

Carl spit out.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Because of the appearance of this magical dragon, the scene was out of control and fell into a very chaotic state.

And the most important thing is that this guy doesn't care about the casualties of civilians and guards at all.

His purpose is only one, and that is to fly to the magic crystal and take all the magic as his own!

"Hahahaha, I'm on fire!"

"Since it is a dragon, give him to me! See how I beat him!"

When Naz saw the dragon in front of him, he was immediately excited, and a powerful flame burned out of his body.

This force even distorted the surrounding air.

You can see how excited this guy is after seeing the dragon.

Even if the dragon in front of me is just a magical dragon, it is not a real living thing at all.

But even this doesn't matter. In Naz's eyes, as long as it is a dragon, he dare to call you!

He, the dragon slayer, is not an idiot!

Even Wendy became a little excited at this moment.

He followed Naz, rushed up together, and launched an offensive against the magical dragon in front of him.

When Elisa, Lucy and Gray saw this, they also attacked Zhang Ao separately.

But this magical dragon has a special power.

Only the Dragon Slayer Sorcerer can cause a certain amount of Shanghai to him, and the attacks of other Sorcerers have no effect on him!

Elsa and Gray have released a lot of skills, and they can't even push each other.

But Wendy and Naz, each of them snarled and knocked the other back a few meters away.

Although it didn't break the defense, it did some harm to him anyway.

Such a scene made Elisa and others understand that the magical dragon in front of them, although not a real dragon, also has the attributes of a dragon.

That is immunity to all conventional magic.

Basically, apart from super magic and dragon slaying magic, other magic will not have any effect on them.

This is the basic attribute of the dragon.

These magical dragons also inherited this attribute, and made Elisa and others helpless.

The only ones who can deal with him now are Naz and Wendy.

But at this moment.

Jajru suddenly fell from the sky and knocked the dragon to the ground with a hammer.

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that there really is a dragon here. Although it is not alive, I feel right!"

Jajiru overturned it as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Unfortunately, his momentum was great, but he did not cause effective damage.

On the other side, the black cat also fell from the sky, and it seemed that he was no longer an enemy.

"Where is Prince Gerald? I just saw it. You took him away."

Hearing what he said, Carl and others were a little surprised.

They didn't expect that this Exeter would even know Mistgang.

But for now, he shouldn't be an enemy, if otherwise, he would have helped the king to attack Naz and the others.

And there is Gildas on Mistgang, and Karl doesn't worry that he will pose a threat to Mistergang.

So he told the other party his location.

"Although I don't know who you are, thank you very much.

Regarding this magic dragon, I can give you an opinion.

If he wants to defeat him, his manipulator is the key, and the Dragon Slayer is also the key.

Or maybe, you have a stronger magic power than this magic dragon, so you can defeat it.

That's all I know, now I'm going to find the prince, I have important things to report to him! "

Karl didn't even know the name of the black cat, so he left in such a hurry, it was obvious that he really had something to say.

It's just this guy, why would he know the real name of Mistgang, called Geral?

This is very confusing.

But the current situation is not the time to entangle this.

The current battle situation is tight, only relying on the three dragonslayer wizards, it is not the opponent of this magic dragon at all, so Carl plans to do it.

"Karl, don't do it. Since this guy is a dragon, let us solve it!

Our dragon slayer is not in vain! "

Naz clenched his fists with both hands and slammed them together.

Wendy also looked at Carl with a tough gaze, begging him not to do anything.

Jajiru didn't say anything, he just used his actual actions to express his will.

"All right, since you plan to do this, I will be watching you by the side.

But before that, let's talk about the injury first. "


Carl releases the Healing Flame to heal their injuries.

This flame can last for about twenty minutes. During this time, any injuries can be recovered as long as no fatal damage is received.

Even Karl added the power to restore physical and magical power in this healing inflammation.

Although it is very weak, but for them, it is already a very powerful BUFF.

Because this physical strength restores the weakness of the BUFF, it is relative to Karl himself, and the effect of using it on others is absolutely very obvious.

Now Naz and others ~www.readwn.com~ is the best proof.

Not only did they recover from their injuries, they even became energetic again.

It looks as exaggerated as a chicken blood.

But this BUFF won't last long, they still need a quick fight.

And at this time.

Suddenly, the sky was full of entanglements.

Something resembling a dragon's bones instantly rose into the sky and hit the magic crystal.

At the same time, there is a powerful magic power, right in the middle of that magic crystal!

Seeing this scene, the king was shocked, and he wanted to rush forward crazy.

Naz and others had no time to stop, but Karl reacted quickly and rushed to the front, kicking him back!

"Naz, this guy is handed over to you, I'll go see the situation over there!"

With that, Karl left here.

But leaving with him, Mistgang, and the **** cat.

"Carl, I need your ability to do me a favor next."

"What's busy?"

"The magic crystal is about to be teleported to Aslant, which will cause a big hole to open in the sky above Adras.

All the magic power of this world will be drawn to Aslant, so the islands here will fall one by one.

I hope you can use your abilities to help prevent this phenomenon, can you? "

Hearing Mistgang's request, Carl nodded.

"But is this really good? You are a prince!"


Hearing Karl's sudden inquiry, Mistgang was stunned for a moment.

Carl refers to the gradual enlargement of the hollow space in the sky and the panicking people on the ground.

"These are innocent ordinary people! You prince, don't you plan to inherit the throne and change this country!"

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