"It's really interesting to be from the Magic Council. I don't know what they want to do in Sirius Island.

But it's okay. Now they are too busy to take care of themselves. If they still want to make trouble, I don't mind teaching them how to behave. "

Carl shook his head and ignored Meester and the member of the Magic Council.

His top priority now is to find the source of that dark breath.

As Carl got deeper and deeper.

Soon he was next to a stream and saw a woman carrying a comatose man, who was about to leave here.

"This beauty, can you please put down this person on your shoulders?"


Carl appeared suddenly and frightened the beauty.

When she discovered that the person who appeared here was Carl, her face changed a lot, and she finally stayed in shock.

"Why are you here?!"

"Why am I not here? I am also a member of Fairy Tail!"

Carl shrugged and told the truth.

This is correct in any case, but it makes the other party a bit deceived.

She knew that Carl was powerful, so she didn't choose to resist, but released magic and prepared to leave here.

But when Carl saw her crystal ball, he immediately understood the identity of this person.

"Are you the old man who used lost magic before?

It seems that this is your true body. I didn't expect that you have such a special hobby, and you like to play the role of an old man, which is really bewildering. "

"You bastard! It's called disguise, it's not a hobby!"

The beauty yelled, controlled the crystal ball, and smashed it towards Carl.

The powerful magic power is enough to destroy everything around.

But when the crystal ball hit Carl, it didn't cause any damage to him!

This kind of thing, for Carl, is basically a toy, and it won't cause him any harm.

"I haven't seen you for so long, you haven't made any progress at all. Would you like me to teach you some magic?"

The corner of Carl's mouth raised slightly, and he released the illusion magic that he hadn't used for a long time.

This magic has a very powerful hallucination ability, as long as it is recruited and the opponent's mental power does not exceed Karl's words.

She can only be at the mercy of Karl!

And everything she saw was made up automatically by her brain.

So now she started to cry out inexplicably, as if she had seen something sad.

Even at the innermost part of her, she was still whispering things like "Mom", "I'm sorry", "Mom, I misunderstood you."

This made Carl, who wanted to solve him, suddenly relented.


I didn't feel weak because he was a beauty, but I felt that this guy had a bit of a story, and it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

So I plan to spare him, just take away this guy who seems to be the source of dark magic!


This is the reason why I let her go.

I am not an LSP!

After Carl hypnotized himself and made complaints about himself.

Only then was he able to use his power to wind up a whirlwind, drag the man up, and then walked towards Makarov.

However, the distance here is relatively long, and if Carl wants to reach Makarov, he needs to release two void walks.

But when Carl took this unknown man, ready to release the second void walk.

The surrounding space was suddenly locked!

At the same time, a powerful dark magic power emerged from this man!

Such a scene made Carl understand that the person in front of him is indeed the source of dark magic!

"You are the legendary Jeff?

In other words, shouldn't you be dead and need to be resurrected and awakened?

Why does it look like you don’t want to die at all except for being a little depressed? "

Carl's Void Walk is an instant skill.

Although there will be a one-point and one-second pause in the middle of receiving, this is completely negligible for Carl himself.

But Jeff caught this, the insignificant zero-one-second gap, and blocked the surrounding space with dark magic.

This is enough to show that the guy in front of him has a very high level of attainments in space!

If not, he wouldn't be so easy to seal off the surrounding space.

After all, Carl's own strength is not weak.

People who are not at the same level as Karl's strength can't block his void walk at all.

In other words, the strength of this Jeff is at least as good as Carl!

"Are you also a member of the Dark Guild? In your body, I noticed that it was very rich, not even weaker than my dark power.

You have tried so hard to approach me because you want to wake me up, but I can tell you that I have always been awake!

My magic is only sealed by myself, because I have seen too many wars, tired of death and killing, and used to seeing life and death!

That's why I fight my own magic power, but your appearance makes me have to remember this power.

You people in the dark guild are really sinful! "

Jeff said something creepy in a very calm tone ~www.readwn.com~.

There was even a cold feeling in his voice.

But Carl can detect that this person is very helpless, and his depression is real!

He didn't want to hurt any life, and at the same time he wanted to step into the abyss of death!

But he obviously couldn't do it.

Carl didn't know what made him look like this.

But there is one thing Carl must explain clearly to him, otherwise the misunderstanding will be big.

"Ahem, Mr. Jeff?"

"I have one thing that I must explain to you. I am not from the Dark Guild.

If you have heard of Fairy Tail, you should know this sign. "

As he said, Karl showed his forearm.

There is a vivid, shining fairy tail logo on it.

This kind of thing is printed on the body with special magic, and there is no way to remove it unless you quit the guild.

Even cutting meat is useless, because this thing will appear in another place.

And this logo represents your identity.

The most important thing is that in this place on Sirius Island, this sign will exude a strange magic.

This is from Sirius Island, from the shelter of the first president!

"Fairy Tail?"

"It's really weird, how can the fairy tail take it, someone with such a huge dark power?"

Jeff showed a puzzled expression.

The murderous look in his eyes just now disappeared.

Obviously, after Carl had identified his identity, his killing intent on Carl had disappeared.

At the same time, even his magic power was taken back.

The surrounding space has also been restored to its original state.

Carl can continue to release the void walk.

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