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When Jun Wanshuang was still shocked, the boy’s voice came again: “mother, is cultivation the practice of these? Why do you continue to cultivate, unlike us.”

“Mother this is meditating, and I feel the avenue.” Jun Wanshuang explained patiently.

“What is the avenue of perception.” The girl’s tone was puzzled.

“The Avenue of Enlightenment is to learn to use Five Elements Dao as you have just done.”

“We’re already feeling why, why should mother still feel.” The boy still wondered.

“Child, because there are more cultivation techniques, Five Elements Art is just one of them.” Jun Wanshuang explained patiently.

Jun Wanshuang is hesitant, wondering if the ultimate cultivation technique is to be passed to them. She is afraid that the child cannot bear the large amount of information, which will affect their minds.

“Mother what are you thinking about?” The boy cried milkily without a sound.

“Don’t bother you, let your mother see your Soul Strength,” Jun Wanshuang said.

The two Little Brats are very well-behaved, and with the actions of Jun Wanshuang, they remain motionless in the embryo.

Later, Jun Wanshuang sighed in relief, with these 2 Little Brat’s Soul Strength, let alone undergo an ultimate cultivation technique, even if it is subjected to 5 cultivation techniques, there will be no problem.

“Child, now I pass on the cultivation technique to you, you continue to realize.” Jun Wanshuang said.

The two children are pure Bloodlines, the boy is pure water, and the girl is pure Dao of Fire.

However, their innate talent made Jun Wanshuang even more shocked. In Jun Wanshuang’s knowledge, even if it is pure innate talent, the value should be ten. Even if Song Fei innate talent is excellent, each Five Elements value Full, it does not exceed the concept of ten.

And her 2 children, faint, Jun Wanshuang felt that they seemed to exceed the category of ten.

May have reached eleven.

Don’t underestimate this one, you must know that the value of pure innate talent and innate talent is 9, but the difference between a peerless genius and an ordinary genius.

And breaking the 3 circles of cognition, reaching a value exceeding ten, no one knows what it means.

In this way, the boy chose the feminine Tai Yin Kwai Shui Jue. When giving the girl a cultivation technique, Jun Wanshuang said: “Child, there are two cultivation techniques, one is True Solar Fire, and the other is Vermilion Bird. These are the best cultivation techniques in the world, now you choose. “

“Mother, child chose True Solar Fire.” The girl didn’t even think about it and immediately replied.

“Oh, why.” Jun Wanshuang said with a smile.

“Why ask why?” The girl asked puzzledly. “Mother, child never thought about why.”

“Hehe, then you choose True Solar Fire, but listening to your father, practicing True Solar Fire will be very painful.” Junwan Shuang said.

“What is the pain?” The little girl asked puzzledly, “I just chose True Solar Fire.”

Time continues to pass quietly, Jun Wanshuang has been in the Temple of Heaven for ten months.

On this day, Jun Wanshuang is considered to be a time of birth. In fact, the safety of the child has not been considered by her. Due to the laws of nature and human instincts, Jun Wanshuang still waits for ten months to give birth.

The previous two children were only tied by Jun Wanshuang’s umbilical cord, making it impossible for the two Little Brats to get rid of them for a while, and today, finally, they were born.

As early as 3 months ago, 2 Little Brats had counted their time with their fingers.

“Chong, whoever comes out first is the boss.” In the stomach, two little Brat can’t wait to hear the sound, Jun Wanshuang’s face has a sweet smile, such a delivery, I have never heard of it anyway of.

After the sounds of two Little Brat rushes down, the boy turns into a stream of water, and the girl turns into a flame moved towards Jun Wanshuang’s body.

At this time, Jun Wanshuang no longer restrained the two Little Brats, and the umbilical cord inside the body moved along with their placenta toward the outside.

Soon, two slick Little Brat took shape in front of Jun Wanshuang.

The girl’s face was full of happy smiles: “I came out first, I’m the boss.”

The boy was full of sadness on his face, and his face was sullen with a sullen expression on his chubby face, and frowned and sighed, “Well, it’s just one step too late, and people will be underneath for a lifetime.”

“What’s wrong with being a younger brother, my sister will hurt you in the future.” The girl tapped the boy’s head with her fingers and said in a serious tone.

The boy bowed his head and said, “You younger sister, I’ll take care of you.”

Jun Wanshuang laughed and looked at the two Little Brats, and suddenly a heart palpitating power suddenly appeared. This power was like the world annihilation, which instantly made Jun Wanshuang cold sweat and tremble.

Jun Wanshuang’s eyes could not help looking at the two Little Brat positions, and saw each of them holding a group of Purple Qi. At this moment, Purple Qi was held in their palms, which made Jun Wanshuang’s face pale. Fluctuations are emanating from this group of Purple Qi.

“You, what do you have in your hand?” Jun Wanshuang said in a terrified tone.

“This is the little friend who has been playing with us, but he just wanted to escape and was caught by me and the younger brother.” The girl explained.

Jun Wanshuang was shocked, and suddenly remembered a legend that had spread in the past that the human was in a state of chaos when the fetus was born. At the moment of birth, chaos dissipated, and the world’s talents began to be contaminated by earthly dust.

“Must this be, Hongmeng Purple Qi.” Jun Wanshuang was shocked, and heard that this kind of thing didn’t even have Immortal World, it was a true legend.

However, at the next moment, Jun Wanshuang saw Purple Qi in the hands of 2 Little Brat, suddenly turned into their bodies, and then disappeared quickly.

And just now your terrifying coercion disappeared instantly.

“Well, why are they missing?” The two children turned and looked.

Jun Wanshuang found that the two Purple Qis had been immersed in the Divine Consciousness of two Little Brats, and were lying quietly like two small dragons.

What came out with the mother may be that Hongmeng Purple Qi, even if it is not, it should not affect the 2 Little Brats.

Thinking of it, Jun Wanshuang felt a little relieved.

“Mother.” 2 smooth little Brat moved towards Jun Wanshuang pounced.

Jun Wanshuang held one in one hand, and her heart was full of happiness. This is the crystallization of herself and her husband. When the husband sees them, they will be very happy.

2 fat toot children, their faces are almost the same, all fleshy, fat toot is tender and tender, 60% like husband, 40% like themselves, but the best combination of them 2 Partly, whether it’s a boy or a girl, he will look better than himself and her husband.

The boy’s face was more resolute and the girl’s face was softer. Although they looked the same, it was easy to tell which boy was the girl.

“Come, child eats this.” Later, Jun Wanshuang took out two medicine pills and stuffed them into the mouths of two Little Brat.

These are 2 fairy-level innate talent dans. When Song Fei just passed through, lottery got this.

The two children worked hard to grow their mouths and asked Jun Wanshuang to stuff the medicine pill into their mouths.

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