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The sky’s light and shadow obscured Song Fei’s eyes. This was the sky’s spell and magic weapon that hit him.

The thick thunderbolt of the bucket can burn the flames of the sea and freeze all the ice.

The spells exhibited by the immortals have everything to do, and they have only one goal, the young man in white.

The White Shark Gate’s disciple can’t imagine that a person can resist so many attacks, and in this spell of sky, it is unharmed and can’t even stop his footsteps.

The golden spear in his hand once again pierced the throat of a white shark door disciple, shattering the person’s body.

Along the way, I don’t know how many people were killed by Song Fei. The big lake below was undulating and rough, but there was a charming red line growing longer and longer in the waves.

In front of Song Fei, the white shark door’s disciple is shiver coldly, because the white shark has no command to back, each and everyone can only stand in place, looking at Song Fei with a look of horror.

Song Fei’s complexion was indifferent, and his face was killed, and the Murderous Aura covered his body seemed to condense into substance.

As long as they are in front of him, all kill.

The White Shark Gate is notorious, and Song Fei has no guilt for such a force.

The golden spear in his hand was shot again and again, no one could stop him even one step, his steps were so smooth and natural.

Ahead, there are countless silhouettes, but compared to the original, these silhouettes are much less, and the original people are so full of resistance in front of themselves, but at this moment, they can’t help but want to step back, even the spells they cast. No previous momentum.

The blurred lights and shadows, the spell of the sky, cover the whole sky, but can’t cover the dazzling white shadow and golden light.

White shadow is the white robe fluttering, golden light is the golden long spear of one strike certain kill, one person one shot as if in no man’s realm, one shot to end the life of the white shark door and defeat the white shark door Everyone’s confidence.

Blood spilled continuously, pouring down like the flood that opened the gate, and the fish in the water jumped continuously and devouring the flesh, which was a great supplement to the fish.

Sha Jingtian’s originally smiling face finally slowly fixed his smile on his face. The relaxed face began to tighten gradually. Now when someone’s gaze is cast on his face again, it is already blue.

The old man stepped forward and whispered in Sha Jingtian’s ear: “Sect master, if you go on like this, I’m going to die. I don’t know where the boy came from, it’s too powerful.”

Looking at the massacre of his former men, everyone, including Sha Jingtian, was uncomfortable.

It was just that Lao Lao was watching, and he originally ordered the White Shark Gate disciple to slaughter this person, shouting that he was not allowed to retreat. At this moment, he really didn’t want to take his life back so quickly, and he lost face.

“Waste, all waste!” Sha Jingtian gritted his teeth resentfully. Although these killed people were inferior in strength, they were all his minions. The essence of his power is now killed one third in an instant, and so on I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out.

Shajing Jingtian gave a glance at Yuguang with a light, and smiled. He turned his head and said with a smile to Shajingjing: “If you can get the secret of this child, it would be worth losing 1000000 immortals.”

Where did Sha Jingtian not understand the words of extinction, but he couldn’t help but fill it with his life. If it was filled in, it would be good, but now it has no effect.

“Get out, get out, a bunch of waste.” Sha Jingtian shouted aloud, and the white shark door in front of it seemed like he heard Sound of Heavenly Music, and turned into one after another streamer, and stayed in Sha Jingtian. Behind him.

The sky that was ravaged by mana gradually restored calmness, and under the gradually clear sky, Song Fei was still walking slowly, one person at a time.

Always flying up and down, tyrannize’s disciple finally met what is called true domineering. It turned out that his previous domineering was nothing but superficial.

At this moment they are really scared of their guts.

Behind Sha Jingtian, the original Elders are also relaxed, and at this moment, if Sha Jingtian is not standing in front of them, they may have all run away at this moment.

Elders keep looking at Qiu Di, watching this anomalous scene, these all are old foxes who have lived for countless years, each and everyone silently watching the developments.

The army closed, and the White Shark Gate was finally relaxed. Instead of holding on to the face, use the disciple life of the White Shark Gate to fill its face.

The invisible Murderous Aura slowly emerged on Sha Jingtian’s body, feeling the momentum of the sky. The Elders behind Sha Jingtian were delighted, and the sect master was going to take the shot himself.

Murderous aura sharks rushed towards Song Fei, and Murderous aura accumulated by his many years of killings, if it is an ordinary Human Immortal powerhouse, I am afraid that this Murderous aura will directly collide with Divine Consciousness and collapse.

Sha Jinging shouted: “Boy, here is my white shark door, but still thinking about going back?”

Song Fei’s face was all indifferent, facing the shock of Murderous aura of Sha Jingtian, he turned a blind eye and continued to move forward firmly.

The old man in yellow clothes behind Sha Jingtian yelled: “Boy, we sect master asked, you dare to ignore it.”

Song Fei sneered, even people killed that many, what care would you care about asking questions?

After Song Fei sneered, the indifferent voice spread: “Let Qiu Di come forward, surrender my people, and arbitrate in front of others, I may consider leaving your life”

Song Fei’s words hit the hearts of everyone verbatim, but Sha Jingtian broke out into laughter caused by anger: “Dying to death is also daring to be mad, today I will let you know what is a person beyond a person genius One day, you think you are full of genius, in my eyes, it’s just a ants. “

While speaking, Sha Jingtian’s body floated out, and he was far ahead of Song Fei. He didn’t want to let the old man take the lead. Only by capturing the boy himself could he take a little initiative in distributing the benefits.

Divine Consciousness covered the audience. Sha Jingtian saw the smile of faintly discernable rising from his mouth, as if seeing through Sha Jingtian’s mind.

Seeing that there is no discomfort in seeing old people, Sha Jingtian relaxed a lot, and then put all his mind on Song Fei’s body. If he had obtained his secrets, those disciples who died would really be less distressed.

Sha Jingtian’s hands were not behind him, but the waves under his feet appeared frantic and turbulent. Here is his main battlefield. All Power of Water can be operated by him. At this moment, only a thought, the big lake below is boiling. .

The endless Power of Water rushes into the void, condensing behind Sha Jingtian.

However, watching the action of Song Fei made Sha Jingtian furious. This boy even went forward step by step. He didn’t stop consciously and didn’t mean to seriously against the enemy. Did he regard himself as an ordinary disciple? See?

(Xiaoshu has something to say. Xiaoshu finds that although many small friends are supporting Xiaoshu, they are not reading these websites on Genesis and QQ. In fact, except Genesis and QQ, other places are illegal. Xiaoshu can’t get any income, please see the friends who change positions, come to the creation of the world or QQ to support Xiaoshu, thank you)

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