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It is because of the rarity of Celestial Immortal Master Pill Refining Master that they are extremely mysterious and powerful.

In Immortal World, there are many Celestial Immortal-level masters who are holding a large amount of Celestial Immortal-level materials and have been looking for the help of Celestial Immortal-level Pill Refining Master. Some of the famous Celestial Immortal-level Pill Refining Master houses have been selected by Celestial Immortal Master. The master broke the threshold.

That is a very rare Celestial Immortal master. The sect master on each and everyone stagnates. I can imagine how sensational such a grand occasion is.

Even if Hongyuan of Hongteng House claims to be able to refine Celestial Immortal grade medicine pill, it is just superior to Bai Shuo, and can make relatively high-end Celestial Immortal grade medicine pill, but it is truly a Celestial Immortal grade The precious medicine pill owned by the master, he still does not have the ability to refine, even if both Mental Power and Flame reach the standard, Pill Refining Master can rely on more than just these two.

So when Song Fei said that there is a Celestial Immortal-level Pill Refining Master impression, all the people present were not calm. If this Soul Seal can really help them to refine the Celestial Immortal-level precious medicine pill, then It is said that it is hiring a Celestial Immortal master, even if you find a few more Celestial Immortal masters to sit in the town, let alone the owner of White House in the future, even if the domain owner sees himself, he will be polite.

Take a step back and say that even if you can’t help yourself to refine the Celestial Immortal grade medicine pill for the time being, it is definitely better than the Impression of the Earth Immortal grade. Besides, you can upgrade to the Celestial Immortal grade later, maybe you can refine the Celestial Immortal grade medicine immediately. Pill, like Shen Yue, has just stepped into the Earth Immortal level, you can refine many precious medical pill of Celestial Immortal level.

The jealous treasure, if known to some interested people, would be enough to destroy Heaven Sect City 10000 times.

After Bai Shuo determined that the Formula in his secret room was not leaked, he said, “Yue brother, the impression of Celestial Immortal Pill Refining Master, would you like to sell it to us?”

Bai Shuo’s voice shuddered, and at this time, he could not afford to bargain. For them, this attraction was extremely lethal.

Even Xiao Zhiru gave up the original city government. As long as Song Fei was willing to do so, they could pay a high price for it, and it was an internal matter for them to use it later. Even though Song Fei was the sixth member of the core member, he wanted to It takes a long time for them to truly recognize it.

Song Fei showed an indifferent attitude: “I just want to use it on the blade. I ca n’t remember Soul Seal for you. I ca n’t think of anyone, just.” Song Fei was embarrassed when he said here?

“Just what?” Bai Shuo asked nervously.

Song Fei sighs: “It’s just that my cheap Master is not a thing. The Celestial Immortal-level Soul Seal is required to set a lot of fairy stones. I am afraid that some Old Brothers will have some blood. Alas, that ’s cheap. What divide sense does the Master set, and how good is it in the Storage Ring. “

Bai Shuo Comforted: “Maybe that ’s what the Master set up to prevent Xiao Xiaozhi from murdering to seize the treasures. Through his divide sense, he may be able to perceive what is happening here, so Yue Brother, you still do n’t violate the respect. The teacher’s advice. “

Bai Shuo said this not only to several other old men, but also to himself.

“White Old Brother makes sense. Since that’s the case, we still have to follow the rules.” Song Fei said with displeasure, “But that fairy stone really needs a lot, a lot, do you really want to?”

After seeing the statements of several people, Song Fei already knew their intentions.

With this wealth, the help to Song Fei is great. It may be possible to raise the flame to purple, red orange yellow green blue blue purple. After raising purple, that is at least a Celestial Immortal flame, so your own The practice of the True Solar Fire first stage is also perfect, and the next is the practice of the Second Stage, moved towards the true ultimate cultivation technique.

And not only True Solar Fire, but even other cultivation techniques, there may be two kinds of promotion to Celestial Immortal level. In that case, your own strength is bound to skyrocket again.

What an exciting asset, Song Fei secretly thought.

Perhaps for Bai Shuo and the others, the impression of Celestial Immortal is even more precious.

At this moment, Bai Shuo no longer turns around, but asks with excitement: “Yue brother, please see how many fairy stones you need to unlock the Soul Seal left by Master Zun, you can rest assured, except for this batch of fairy stones In addition, I will give you an extra batch. “

The score required for an Earth Immortal Soul Enlightenment Mark is 80000 trillion, while a Celestial Immortal Soul Enlightenment Mark is worth 10000 times that of Earth Immortal, which is 8100000000 trillion, which is equivalent to 1610000 100000000 immortal stones. A number that is enough to make ordinary Earth Immortal masters despair.

And would Song Fei be so kind as to report only 1610000 100000000 points?

Song Fei sighed: “The immortal stones that are really needed are very many, and 3010000 100000000 immortals are needed. I would really like to give them to a few Old Brothers, but I can’t do anything without lifting them out. . “

“3010000 100000000.” Even the old man was stunned. “This is equivalent to our income of 10000 years.”

I rely on Song Fei’s curse in my heart. It’s not a matter of buying a few more for your affection.

Bai Shuo said: “This is an extremely great wealth at that time. Even if our Heaven Sect City’s accumulation can afford it, it can still be regarded as cutting meat.”

Song Fei said weakly: “Old Brother, the mark of soul perception does not know that it is useful or useless, otherwise it will be banned.”

“How do you do that,” the old man immediately said, “Even if the family is out of business, you have to get it out. Several Old Brothers, I don’t have that many immortal stones. If you don’t, just lend me immortal stones.”

“Where do I say no?” Bai Shuo shook his head, then expressed an apology to Song Fei, and then said, “As long as we 6 people agree, we should use these wealth at at one time. Even if there are complaints below, It ca n’t be turned upside down. After all, this Heaven Sect city was created by a few of us. It ’s just that those Pill Refining Masters will be provoked by others. Although it is more troublesome, it is not overpowering. “

Song Fei sat silent, this is the danger of intricate forces. Even if 5 people are the real core, but the many Pill Refining Master follow them, they must be in order to them, and at first, they are not May tell the truth to them.

Using the wealth of the entire Heaven Sect City will still touch the sensitive nerves of others.

It ’s still their own Heavenly Sword Sect. Okay, even if all their wealth is concentrated, everyone will not say anything, always firmly believe that they are for their good.

I really miss the days with the brothers.

Watching a few old men discussing in a whisper, Song Fei suddenly said: “Several Old Brothers, if you discuss, don’t just discuss the accumulation of 10000 years, do you intend to have only one?”

“What, more than one?” Several people were completely shocked.

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