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If not everyone loves Baiyun very much, maybe even at the expense of Baiyun, you must persuade Song Fei not to take risks.

After a long time, everyone’s mind slowly calmed down.

Xiong Yihui carefully looked at the faces of several shadow figures, and then said: “There is nothing wrong, these masters are people who have been collected in our intelligence. In addition, Luo’s identity, the people behind him have been able to speak out. . “

Bai Shuo and the others looked at each other with a very solemn expression on their faces.

If the City Lord of Heaven Sect can feel the dignified person, it can be seen that his origin must be very large.

Xiao Zhiru then took a breath and spit out two words: “Hong Yuan.”

“Sure enough, he said.” Song Fei said solemnly, complaining with himself, knowing his secrets, and making Bai Shuo difficult, Hong Yuan’s chance is the greatest in Song Fei’s understanding.

Xiong Yihui pointed to many experts in the courtyard and said, “City Lord, those people in front of me?”

“Let them sit in place first, let’s discuss it,” Bai Shuo sighed. “Let your two vice generals come.”

Although they are vice generals, they are also very prominent people in Heaven Sect. They have a strong right to speak, especially the use of force at this time. The opinions of these two people are also very important.

Because it is Baiyun’s rescue and the time is urgent, it is necessary to come up with the charter in the shortest possible time, not at all, convening too many people to discuss.

Everyone was sitting in Bai Shuo’s back room. Everyone was a little silent, and Bai Shuo leaned on the chair with some decadence.

They are waiting, waiting for the results of Xiong Yihui’s trial.

Soon, the mouths of many black clothed persons were pried open by Xiong Yihui, and they came to a conclusion that they had already guessed but was extremely troublesome: Bai Yun was transferred away, and it had been transferred to the elderly Hong Yuan.

The original Baiyun was indeed used to attract Song Fei to rescue, but these people thought that it would be very easy to deal with Song Fei, simply did not leave white clouds to threaten Song Fei, which caused Song Fei to make a big divin might, and let these disappear. Those who rely on it will regret it.

“No more news,” Song Fei solemnly asked, his eyes flashing fiercely.

Xiong Yihui shook his head: “So much for the time being, Lawrence’s mouth is very hard. After we tortured it, we threatened us. Without a certain amount of time, I’m afraid we can’t ask.”

Song Fei’s bros slightly wrinkle, then said: “Bring him up.”

Xiong Yihui glanced at Bai Shuo, Bai Shuo was nodded without a look, Xiong Yihui said quickly: “Yes!”

Later, Xiong Yihui dragged Luo Yan, who was covered with scars, into the closet.

Luo Yan’s shirt had been broken, but his face had an extremely proud smile. Even if the mana was restrained, he still looked at the people with a grim look.

Song Fei said with displeasure: “It’s just a flesh wound, what a torture.”

Luo Yi glanced at Bai Shuo with a little embarrassment, and then heard Bai Shuo’s sound transmission to Song Fei: “This Luo Kun, after all, is a Commander under the seat of the elderly Hong Yuan. If someone really abolishes him, it will immediately trigger Hong Yuan’s anger. “

Song Fei coldly snorted and said: “When is it? I still care about Hong Yuan’s anger.”

Bai Shuo said: “After all, this is not the time to start a full-scale war. If we start a war between us, it will be like the War of the Nation, we must be careful.”

Song Fei shook his head and did not answer. As a City Lord, Bai Shuo was responsible for the people of 100000000 100000000. He couldn’t tell if he was not. If he stood in his place, there might be many concerns.

But understanding Bai Shuo does not mean that he agrees with Bai Shuo’s approach.

Song Fei said solemnly: “In this case, is it absolutely necessary to send troops to Honghong?”

Bai Shuo’s face changed slightly, and he quickly said, “If you want to send an army, you must first report it to the Military Leader of the government, and start a war, and move your whole body with one shot. You must not start less than 10000.”

Song Fei nodded: “So City Lord, what is the safest way?”

Bai Shuo said: “If it is in accordance with the rules, we should send this batch of prisoners to the Military Leader of the government, report this matter, and ask City Lord Mansion to come forward. This is the safest way to rescue Baiyun. Because compared with Hongyuan elderly Our strength is too weak, and if we go out to fight, the other party can easily kill our army, Yue brother, Bai Yun is my discipline, how can I watch her in the hands of Hong Yuan old thief There is no life or death, but if we use force, we are absolutely not opponents. “

“I see.” Song Fei sighed. Song Fei’s heart was a little sad. This is the sorrow of the weak. Even if a loved one is captured, he can’t go up and kill him in a rage.

Song Fei also understands that standing on Bai Shuo ’s side, he is right. If he is as bloody as himself, he ca n’t afford to lose in Heaven Sect City, and if the Heaven Sect City is lost as the root, then hope for Baiyun ’s rescue will come .

In any way, Bai Shuo’s approach is impeccable, and it is also the best way to rescue Bai Yun. Song Fei cannot blame him.

Luo Yan sat on the ground, looking at the frowning group of people, but with a burst of grin on his face.

After seeing Xiong Yihui’s torture to himself, Luo Yan knew the concerns in their hearts. The previous fears had all dissipated, instead he looked at the other side with a grim look.

The other party did not dare to kill themselves, but they had to figure out how to get revenge from them, especially the youngster named Yue Tianyu, who would surely recover the stigma imposed on him today by 100 times.

Seeing Luo Yin’s grin, could Song Fei not know what he was thinking? He got up at the moment and went straight to Luo Yan’s side. He kicked him on Luo Yan’s chest and knocked him to the ground.

Luo Yan looked at Song Fei, his eyes filled with strong hatred, but his face slowly grinned: “Yue Tianyu, one day, you will regret what you did today, and kneel before the old man’s man. Save your life. “

Song Fei pulled out a fairy sword, and the sharp point of his sword was against Luo’s throat.

“Yue brother?” Bai Shuo and the others quickly cry out in surprise, the meaning is obvious, let Song Fei not be impulsive.

Luo Yan said sadly with a smile: “hehehe, Yue Tianyu, you dare not kill me. If you dare to move my hair, my lord soldiers will be under the city, and you will not be able to run any of them.”

“Is that so?” Song Fei laughed, and his smile became colder.

“Yue brother?” Bai Shuo and the others saw Song Fei have no intention to stop, and hurried again.

Song Fei said coldly, “This is my captive, you don’t need to take extra care.”

For the first time, Song Fei spoke to Bai Shuo and the others in such a tone, and then cast his gaze on Luo’s face again, “I dare not kill you, hehe, he he he he.”

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