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Song Fei and the others raised their heads to forcibly suppress the urge to kneel, raised their heads high, and looked obliquely upward at a 60-degree angle.

This is a red snake. The snake’s body is on a smooth, dark red rock in front of it. The raised head is as high as ten meters. The eyes are weird red. The coercion is from this giant snake.

And this coercion even scared Song Fei, which seemed to be more terrifying than when he faced the dust of 2 Longshan.

Is it a Gold Immortal-class snake? If this is the case, no one will be spared.

“Paragon, this coercion is too strong, I can’t bear it anymore.” Yang Xiashan first made a sound, and even spoke “ge ge” with his teeth.

“Sect Leader, what should I do, this big guy is too terrifying, we simply are not opponents.” Zhang Xiong also bit his teeth, his face was full of blue muscles, and his expression was full of embarrassment.

“Fu Jun, can you run?” Qin Xiaoru said.

Such a giant snake stands in front of him, and even if everyone is fighting again, there is no desire to fight. This seems to be the gap between the ant and Divine Dragon. In front of him, there is no luck.

Just, can you run away?

“Wait a minute!” Song Fei suddenly shouted, and then said crazy with a big smile, “We will not die, hahaha, rest assured, we will not die.”

“Fu Jun, what’s the matter.” Ziri stood behind Song Fei, inexplicably, and heard Song Fei’s words, and suddenly felt calm in his heart, as if as long as this body was in front of himself, any difficulties would be solved. .

“This is a dead snake. Didn’t you find it, it simply won’t move.” Song Fei said loudly with a smile, “ha ha ha ha, dead snake, just a specimen.”

“What?” Everyone was surprised. Because the coercion was too strong, there was no experience to feel the snake is dead or alive. After listening to Song Fei’s words, they barely focused. Each and everyone was under tremendous coercion and eyes. Against the head of a serpent.

If you look closely, it is easy to see that although the snake looks alive, the snake snake spit out and never shrinks back, and the eyes are the same, the pupils are slightly dilated, and the eyes will not turn.

And the main thing is that this crowd hasn’t responded at all for so long.

“It turned out to be a dead snake?” The crowd reacted quickly, and Zhang Xiong was even more frightened. “A dead snake can emit such powerful coercion, Sect Leader, how strong he is when he is alive. . “

“Natural is a power we can hardly imagine,” Song Fei said, thinking of the cave that had been accidentally entered when pursued by Hu Yunshan. There was a group of extremely powerful Guardian coffins, and there was also a terrible horror lying there. Powerhouse corpse.

The giant snake in front of him, not at all, was guarded by lingering thoughts, and Song Fei couldn’t help but throb.

Big goat said with a smile: “Sect Leader, how much is this snake skin worth?”

“If it is really the fleshhy body left by a Gold Immortal-class snake, it may be worth more than an ordinary Gold Immortal device.” Song Fei grinned with a smile, “but I always feel that the coercion of this snake is His fleshy body is a little unattached, so I go around and look. “

The Gold Immortal device, even the lowest-level Gold Immortal device, is 10000000 million times the value of the highest-level Celestial Immortal device.

While speaking, Song Fei jumped on the boulder that the serpent was holding. The moment he jumped on, everyone saw him with a disappointed sigh, “I was wrong. The value of this snake is not what we imagined That big. “

At this moment, everyone has gradually adapted to the coercion, and without the previous tension and fear, it suddenly seems a lot natural. After listening to Song Fei’s words, they all jumped on the rocks.

Soon, they followed Song Fei’s eyes and saw a line of inscriptions behind the giant snake: Cut the fire snake with this, suspecting that its blood power is weak, disdain to drink it, I will stay drinking with future generations after refining, leaving words in the morning.

The terror of courage did not emerge from the serpent but from these inscriptions.

Song Fei and his friends were shocked.

If the coercion comes from the serpent, it is understandable, and now looking at this posture, it seems like a line of inscriptions left by the powerhouse at random, and it feels as powerless as facing the Gold Immortal powerhouse. What is his own, and how terrible it should be.

The crowd was instantly moved, this was the throbbing from in the depth of one’s soul, the admiration for this left-letter, and the admiration of the powerhouse in the world.

“What kind of cultivation base is so powerful,” said Big Goat. “If it is facing him, it should be a scene of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.”

Every word is like a flamboyant. Everyone seems to see an arrogant peerless powerhouse standing on top of 9 days and looking down at the scenes of all beings. His coercion cannot be provoked, his orders cannot be profaned, and his pride stands on the 9th day. On the other hand, his power is visible to everyone like ants.

Zi Ri’s voice trembled, “Is this the inscription left by Divine Emperor?”

Song Fei found that when Zi Ri proposed Divine Emperor 2 words, Yang Xiashan and the others’ body shook fiercely.

Song Fei said: “Perhaps only the peerless powerhouse, even after dying countless 100000000 million years, can the remaining text be so heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. Originally promoted to Celestial Immortal, I thought I was 10000 times stronger, but in this line In front of the handwriting, I saw my weakness and ignorance. “

Song Fei’s remarks made the rest and the others blushed with shame, and even Song Fei said that he was too weak, so these people are really worse.

Looking at the crowd a little discouraged, Song Fei’s voice could not help turning: “But even if Divine Emperor is strong, I don’t have to be discouraged. After all, Divine Emperor is dead. Although his achievements seem unattainable, they are still fixed. For those 9 days, if we were still alive, we would continue to progress progressively and become stronger continuously, whoever said that we would not be able to reach that height. “

“When Divine Emperor was young, Divine Emperor also rose step by step. Perhaps after 100000000 million 10000 years, the powerhouse in people ’s mouths is no longer Divine Emperor, but us, we, everyone in Heavenly Sword Sect, as long as I am alive , We can certainly do it. “

Song Fei’s rhetoric made everyone enthusiastic. After seeing the power of Divine Emperor, now I think I have the opportunity to become so strong, and everyone’s confidence has become stronger than ever.

Yes, as long as Sect Leader says yes, there is really nothing he can’t do.

Seeing the renewed confidence of everyone and becoming stronger than ever, Song Fei smiled with a smile: “The urgent task is not to disappoint the good intentions of Divine Emperor. Since it is left to us to drink good things, then open our hearts. Drink it. Yang, Xia Xia, have a drink with me. “

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