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Facing the empty great hall, Song Fei whispered softly: “I want to kill someone, but I was rescued by you like this. It ’s a bad habit. Do n’t you Buddhism talk about cause and effect? ​​Since she should kill, you again Why save him, my guys, Yizhen. “

As Song Fei’s voice fell, he suddenly shot a golden light in front of him, and it really appeared from the golden light.

“Donation, see you soon.”

When I saw Yizhen at this time, what was the difference between the appearance and not at all when I met last time, it was still a teenager’s look, clear eyes like spring water, and a face with a mild temperature.

Song Fei laughed, saying: “Buddhism Heavenly Eye really is name not not in vain, as soon as I come, you will see it.”

Yi sincerely nodded, saying: “I did see it. Now in this world of cultivation, Yizhen can see it all.”

“With divine foot passage, any area in the realm of the realm can be reached in one step. This World has become your back garden.” Song Fei said easily with a smile.

Yizhen softly said: “Yizhen is not interested in the garden, but in this way, it can prevent Evil Sect from acting in a wrong way. Yizhen is still happy, but there are some special areas that cannot be entered.”

Song Fei pushed a chair over and said, “Sit down.”

Yizhen shook his head: “It’s fine to stand.”

“Follow you.” Song Fei leaned back in his chair, looking at the restrained Yizhen, said with a smile, “The cultivation world has killed so many people, and I haven’t seen you to save the innocent. Why did you come to save this woman today, you know There are a lot of innocent people killed by her. You could not save it before, but now you should save it. This is the person I want to kill. You can give me a statement. “

Yizhen calmly said: “It’s not that I really don’t want to save. There are causes and effects in the world. They kill, they are killed, all are the previous causes, and the result is only the Evil Sect killing, but not cause and effect. It ’s just killing people. For this reason, if the donor wants to listen, I will tell you slowly. ”

“Stop!” Song Fei reached out to stop, and said, “I know your Dharma has advanced, and the cultivation base is also advanced by leaps and bounds. I actually want to listen to your Dharma, but I really don’t have time. You just talk about it first. Right now, give me an account. “

“Okay.” Yizhen said, “Everything in the world can’t be controlled, and Yizhen can only do limited things. Now it’s all about preventing the evil of Evil Sect. As for the woman you said …”

Yizhen pulled out the bowl, and there was a woman’s soul lying quietly. With her eyes closed at this moment, she looked calm and peaceful, like a sleeping beauty, without seeing the sorrow and charmingness before.

Yizhendao: “The real Xueyiyi is actually dead, and now she is actually another soul of Xueyiyi within the body. The name, name and so on are not important. She is also called Xueyiyi. She is me The mother before Hundred Worlds Reincarnation. In that life, she was originally from Bodhisattva, but she offended a Demon God of Demon Realm. The soul was planted with a demon seed. As long as the demon essence is not extinguished, mother can never be Come back, and the demon species and mother are one and the same life. If you kill the demon species, mother will also die. Only once the demon species is fully understood and converted to my Buddha, mother can return. And the demon species is Xue Yiyi before. “

Song Fei frowned: “Don’t say that Xue Yiyi was fully realized by my means, I understand the means of Demon God, I don’t believe this reason.”

Yizheng said: “It’s not really the case. Mother has been reincarnation for 1000 and 100 generations. I will chant the Buddha for her every life. For her, I also reincarnate for 100 generations. However, I can remember the past life, but she cannot. The chanting and chanting of the Buddha in each life reduced the demonic essence of her body slightly. After the reincarnation of the 1000th and 100th centuries, she came to this life. In fact, the demons are almost disappeared. Finally, the demons realized their mistakes, which is regarded as Dachen Dawu, if Xue Yiyi was alive before that, she would really become a good person. “

“Oh, now that you’ve become a good man, why don’t you save him? Aren’t you Buddhism paying attention to putting down the butcher knife to become a Buddha?” Song Fei said.

“She is a demon. When she realized it, she was disappeared.” Yizhen sighed. “Otherwise, I would save it.”

“I never thought of such an interesting thing.” Song Fei said with a smile, “How about, how good it is recently.”

Yizhen also laughed: “**** recitation of the Buddhist scriptures, Yizhen is naturally very happy, but it ’s just suffering in the world, sometimes I want to come, but I feel a little more melancholy. I ca n’t let go of this last attachment, I still ca n’t Become Buddha. “

“Oh, I can see that your Dharma has become found mystery, but I didn’t expect that you were already peeping at the Buddha’s position.” Song Fei’s eyes showed a slight surprise. One is really a good person, plus Hundred Worlds Reincarnation. The Buddha chanted for mother. It is not surprising that his dharma is so deep that it is Song Fei didn’t expect that he almost reached the Buddha’s seat.

Yizhen shook his head: “One step away, unless there is an epiphany, even if there are 100000000 10000 reincarnations, after all, it is still essential.”

Song Fei said curiously: “So specific, what realm have you achieved, Bodhisattva? What realm is Bodhisattva, can you fight Celestial Immortal of Immortal World?”

A little meditation, said: “It should be Bodhisattva fruit, as for Celestial Immortal realm, it should be there.”

“Fun, fun. Hahaha.” Song Fei laughed, blasted out with a punch, and blasted to Yi Zhen with his strength of 1%. Because it is a fleshhy body, if it feels wrong, Song Fei can also retreat all the power back. .

A really laughed, right hand palm facing Song Fei’s fist, golden light appeared on the palm, golden light condensed into a golden transparent palm to block Song Fei’s fist.

The strength of the two people collided together, and they really laughed, without actually taking a step back.

Although Song Fei only uses 1% of the power, but looking at the real serene, I am afraid that it is not much power.

“Does the Buddha Metal Body? Same realm has few people who can compete with me in pure power.” Song Fei said, “Buddhism Magical Powers are indeed Peak. Even Heavenly Eye is better than Immortal World. 1000 eyes are a lot better. “

Yizhen shook his head and whispered softly: “It’s not terrible, Yi really doesn’t know. If time can be made peaceful, Yizhen would like to give up this Magical Powers, find a quiet temple in the mountains, and be a little Monk sweeping the water. It ’s the best to ring the bell and read the Buddha every day. The donor, I really have to go, I want to send mother to Samsara Reincarnation, this should be the last life of her reincarnation. “

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