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5 The colorful flames burned more and more where Song Fei disappeared, just like Phoenix Nirvana Rebirth.

Everyone held their breath, their eyes motionlessly watching the 5 colorful flames that suddenly burned in the sky.

Even the many masters who originally wanted to go forward to capture Heavenly Sword Sect stopped their movements, watching motionlessly the colorful flames where Song Fei died suddenly.

5 The colorful flames have nothing to do with nature, and soon they become more and more hot, and suddenly rise into the sky, sweeping the four sides.

The fiery power raged wildly in the sky, and a strong vitality radiated in the flame, forcing people to easily approach the flame.

Slowly, the five-color flame slowly fades, and slowly turns into a pale-gold transparent flame like sunlight.

The dazzling rays of light began to converge. The light of the pale-gold flame was not as dazzling as the warm sunlight, but everyone felt strongly that the destructive power contained in this pale-gold flame was Growing frantically.

“How can this be.” Yan Wenwen was horrified,

Phoenix Nirvana, enhances realm, enhances strength, but mutation of the flame in front. It is different from Phoenix Nirvana in your own cognition.

The fire continued to rag in in the sky, but the vitality at the center was growing wildly. Everyone widened their eyes and watched the scenes of these three realities being rarely seen.

At the center of the flame, there is a cluster of flames that are the hottest, but full of strong vitality. This cluster of flames slowly stretches, and finally slowly turns into a human shape.

The flames slowly condensed into substance, becoming human skin, human hair, human blood and flesh.

The body is made of fire, just like the flame Elf, but the current flame is not comparable to the ordinary flame Elf.

Soon, they saw the flame condensing into the appearance of Song Fei, and even the black long hair behind his head were all condensed by the transparent flame of pale-gold.

Song Fei was naked at this moment, his body was shrouded by the transparent flame of pale-gold, then he stretched his hands in front of his eyes, watching the burning flame of pale-gold, a flash of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Phoenix Dan is my own undefined hole card. For the effectiveness of Phoenix Dan, Song Fei’s heart is not clear. Only under such a desperate situation, Song Fei will use Phoenix Dan to fight.

However, the results look good.

The corners of Song Fei’s mouth slowly twitched with a smile of satisfaction.

Yan Wenwen suddenly shouted, “No, this is not right.”

“Sister Wen, what’s wrong?” Long Xin channeled.

Yan Wenwen said: “He, why is he still Celestial Immortal 4th level, and he is a fellow of Five Elements, I can’t feel any other power on him.”

“Maybe it’s his flame Avatar.” Long Xinhang frowned, “It’s just that realm hasn’t improved, maybe Phoenix Dan hasn’t affected him much.”

Yan Wenwen shook his head: “Gold Immortal Phoenix hundred thousand years of penance, although refined into Phoenix Tang, this power does not exist, but even 10000 years of penance will be enough to raise this Yue Tianyu by several levels … but he didn’t. “

Jiang Yuan lightly said: “Wen Wen said well, and when I saw Yue Tianyu charge ahead, his body was filled with 5 colorful streamers, clearly being the body of Five Elements, but now he only saw the flame. “

When he heard Jiang Yuan’s words, many people’s hearts also appeared with a lot of doubts.

In the sky, Heaven Heaven Sword Sect looked at the reborn Song Fei, everyone’s face transformed from the original sadness into a thick surprise in an instant, watching this to Song Fei surrounded by pale-gold flames, everyone seemed as if There are 1000 words and 10000 words to express.

In just a short while, for anyone who has Heavenly Sword Sect, the pain experienced is no less than 1000 years and 10000 years.

“Sect Leader!” These normal men who can only shed blood and sweat, are not afraid of death, but now they burst into tears.

Laughing frantically, tears frantically.

Tears and laughs are intertwined into a tender picture that is intoxicating.

At this moment, Qin Xiaoru, Jun Wanshuang and their tears did not have any difference, family relationship, love, this moment seems to be indistinguishable from each other, all these are the most sincere and true feelings.

Unconsciously, everyone found that whether it was love or friendship, they were silently transformed into a strong and inseparable relationship, even if there is no flesh and blood, but the relationship will not fade in the slightest.

Yan Wenwen’s words were heard by everyone, Sect Leader’s realm not at all improved, but for Heavenly Sword Sect, as long as he is alive, everything is fine.

“Sect Leader, even if I am going to die next time, I will let my old Zhang die first, this terrifying too terrifying.” Zhang Xiong laughed and wept.

The big goat wiped a tear and howled, “Sect Leader, this time you are really scared.”

“Fu Jun, you are all right, really good.” Jun Wanshuang loosened her clenched fist, but found that her unconsciously, her nails were embedded in the flesh, and she did not even notice the slightest.

In the sky, a misty voice sounded, “Is Phoenix Dan? It’s a bit of luck, but it’s a bit naive to try to fight against me with Phoenix Dan.”

Another voice said: “Take Phoenix Dan, but realm did not improve at all, spoiled this treasure. This person die without regret.”

“It goes without saying that our purpose will not be changed by a small accident. Keep pressing it.”

The dialogue between several people seemed full of confidence, the tone was so as it should be by rights, and the enemies below were not taken into account at all.

However, they do have the confidence. More than 20 forces came with the Gold Immortal. Such power, unless Gold Immortal came, was afraid that there was really no power to counter them.

Below, Jiang Ling gritted his teeth and said with a sneer: “Yue Tianyu is alive? It ’s good to live, just let him die too soon, let him die again, in order to dispel my hatred.”

“Senior Brother Yue, I feel you have become a little different.” Lan Jinger whispered, and suddenly laughed, but found herself unconsciously, with tears on her cheeks.

Lan Jinger wiped off the tears on her face, but said a little self-deprecatingly, “What’s wrong with me? Calm like me, even lost self-control.”

“Sect Leader, please step back and let me fight.” Qin Shihu came to Song Fei’s side and whispered.

Song Fei turned his head, with a faint smile on his face, and said quietly with a smile: “Second uncle, rest assured, I am not the one who died, just because of the existence of Phoenix Dan. You step back and pick up Come down to me. “

“Oh, yes!” Qin Shihu was very firm in carrying out Song Fei’s order despite his doubts.

Immediately, Song Fei took out a white robe and put it on. He looked at the void with a faint smile and said, “Come on, everyone who wants to take me from Heavenly Sword Sect, come and fight, I Yue Tianyu accompanies to the end. “

(I promised to change in April, seeing everyone desperately urging, I chose today. Well, this is the first update.)

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