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“He told me a lot of stories along the way. Later I learned that he is also Qilin.” Xiao ****.

Everyone is nodded, and Xiao Hei has fortuitous encounter. Everyone has long guessed that it is related to this old man, so it is not surprising, it is just that within both eyes of Black Cliff has inexplicable rays of light flashed.

Xiao Hei continued: “We came to a place called the Sea of ​​Hidden Flowers. The old man told me that when he was young, he spent most of it here.”

Black Cliff whispered, “Hidden flowers, is there a lot of silver flowers?”

“Yes.” Little ****.

Heiya said with a trembling voice, “So, what about that old man?”

“Dead.” Little ****.

“Dead.” Heiya suddenly widened his eyes.

“Well, dead.” Xiao ****, “Just after living in the Tibetan Sea for 3 years, the old man told me that his heart had died countless years ago, and that he has lived so long, it is God. He said that he did not expect to be able to see one of his descendants before the interim, and that he could be accompanied by his descendants, and he was comforted by death. “

Heiya is silent, there is sadness flowing in his eyes, and he will only stare at Heiya, “I guessed that you are related to him, but his descendants? He simply did not get married, and the person he loves is …”

Song Fei and the others set their sights on Black Cliff, but Black Cliff was suddenly silent.

Feng Xian said: “The old man loves a black horse? Although it is a unique horse, for Qilin Race, marrying a horse is a great shame. Even more how, that person is of his family. Prince, the most outstanding youngster in the history of Qilin Race. Some people even said that if he was born in the same age as Qilin ’s ancestor, it ’s not necessarily strong or weak. We must know that Qilin ’s ancestor is no less than Heavenly Emperor. That man’s innate talent is conceivable. “

Song Fei was shocked: “Such an old man chose to die.”

Feng Xian said: “Because the dark horses were slaughtered overnight, including the beloved women of the old people, they were also among the slaughters. After the old man heard that, he personally killed the tribe to discuss an argument. murky heavens dark earth, the masters of Qilin Race could not do anything about him, and even everyone joined hands was not his enemy. Those were all Gold Immortal-level Divine Beast Qilin. This incident even caused Huang Imperial Capital to be alarmed. Later, The ancestor Qilin himself took the repression before surrendering him. The ancestor pity him for his genius, Huang Di could not bear such a heroic fall, and drove him out of the clan to retain his life. This is what happened 150 million years ago. The old people of repute, except for those of us who have an ancient book in our home, no one knows the existence of this old man. “

Song Fei was shocked. The proud man who played all over the family 150 million years ago chose to die in the end.

Feng Xian said: “But we know that he has been wandering in Immortal World, and has been trying to revive his wife who had died. It may be more than 200000000 million years of fruitlessness, which makes him discouraged.”

Little ****: “He has traveled to three realms, visited countless planes, looking for ways to resurrect people, and has seen many Qilin and Qilin beasts, but when he saw me, he felt for the first time To the resonance in the blood, he couldn’t believe that he had never loved a Qilin, how could there be a Qilin flowing through his Bloodline. “

“It’s strange.” Hei Yadao said.

Little ****: “Because when I met the master, it was just a Qilin beast, not Qilin. At that time, I had no claws, only horseshoes. He suddenly realized. Marveled at the magic of the master’s means.

He told me that what remained in my blood was his blood, but it was very thin. He also knew for the first time that his wife, my earliest grandmother, was pregnant with his child. But his wife did not have time to tell him the good news before he died. “

Little ****: “From my inherited memories, I know that I have been a single passer, not at all other side branches, so even if he finds countless planes, he has never met anyone who owns his Bloodline. Later he said Now that his Bloodline has inheritance, he should also go with his wife. He went back to the Tibetan sea of ​​flowers, typed all his blood into my within the body, and stripped his Soul Seal. It was also given to me. I was restrained by the body and could not resist. I accepted his blood and inheritance. When I was able to move, I saw him lying on the silver petals of the sea of ​​flowers, and the spirit had dissipated. I buried him in Hanama then came out and heard the news from the owner. “

Song Fei sighed: “Another love story, but I didn’t expect it to be so desolate. In the face of love, even the most outstanding genius of Qilin Race’s history has fallen into it. It’s really humbling.”

Hei Yadao said: “It was because of this old man’s affairs that later the family needed to find other companions for Qilin Race and slowly released it. If it was 200000000 million 5000 years ago, there were no Qilin beasts in the Three Realms. All Qilin They are all pure blood. But with the opening and fall of Qilin Beast, my Qilin Race ’s strength has skyrocketed. Now many of Qilin Race ’s masters are the body of Qilin Beast, because innate talent is outstanding, they are better than ordinary Qilin. More status. “

Song Fei sighed: “The hero doesn’t ask the source, the old pedantic rules should have disappeared long ago. It’s a pity that old man who is affectionate. Xiao Hei, so the old man gave you inheritance?”

“En!” Little ****, “He not at all gave me all his memories, and only put the avenues in my mind after refining, so that I could always watch the avenues he felt, but to really get those avenues Only after I have comprehended it myself. Because I absorbed the blood and his memory, my cultivation speed was able to quickly reach the current realm in a short time, but to continue to improve, it must be slow. “

Song Fei said: “He doesn’t want you to be another him. In this way, maybe you will never get to his realm, maybe you can still surpass him. It ’s all up to you where you finally go. Now. “

The scene seemed game-quiet. The death of the old man made many people sad.

After a while, Black Cliff broke the silence and whispered: “Actually, after the old man left, the ancestor used to persuade him to come back, but unfortunately his heart was dead. I ca n’t persuade him to come back. I actually think In his ancestors, he regretted it. “

Xiao Hei sneered, 嗤 said with a smile: “It’s a shame that it doesn’t help, and kills everyone. Regrets what it is like.”

In Xiaohei’s heart, he did not like Qilin Race at all. They were the culprit who killed his grandmother and the culprit who killed the old man.

Heiya lost his former style, and his voice seemed a bit tired: “Since you are his later, you should return to Qilin Race.”

Little Black was sneaked and didn’t speak.

Song Fei interjected: “Heiya brother, some things are not for you or I can decide or solve, we are not the parties and do not understand their pain. So you should not choose for him.”

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