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Nine Immortal Mountains, Trial Station.

After everyone entered Secret Realm, the traces on the test bench at this moment disappeared, and they became the same cold and cheerless as before.

Suddenly, there are 8 silhouettes in the white rays of light shooting from the distance of the sky, straight toward the Nine Immortal Mountains.

After these 9 silhouettes approached the Nine Immortal Mountains, a dazzling white light burst out suddenly on their body, and the dazzling rays of light pierced the entire sky, even comparing the brightness of the sun.

This group of lights came fast and quickly, disappeared in a blink of an eye, and even disappeared the 8 big silhouettes from the air.

In the sky, white clouds are floating, as if nothing had happened.

The highest main peak of the Nine Immortal Mountains, in the dense room on the top of the cloud, there is an old face with white beard, suddenly eyes opened, and the light in the eyes skyrocketed.

As he opened his eyes, the breath of the entire Nine Immortal Mountains shuddered.

The old man in white disappeared silently. When he appeared, he had already appeared on the test bench. At this moment, the test bench had gathered dozens of people. Everyone had great power between his hands and his feet, as if the center of the world.

Everyone here stomps in Immortal World, which can cause a shock of the entire Immortal World. They stand on the entire Immortal World pyramid Peak character, the worst is the Gold Immortal-level powerhouse.

At this moment, each of these Gold Immortal-level powerhouses looks sad, like the helpless mortals of each and everyone in a hurry.

After the old man in white appeared, everyone seemed to have found the backbone of the main body, and immediately moved towards the old man in white kneeling: “See Sect Founder.”

This person turned out to be the Sect Founder of the first mountain in the 2 1 God Mountain, Guang Chengzi, and the rumored Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan’s Teacher.

After Guang Chengzi’s appearance, his face had a startling anger. This old man with a kindness in his majesty in all people’s impressions had never been so furious.

Guang Chengzi’s right hand spread across his chest, and the old palms had the momentum of picking stars and moons, and the whole Nine Immortal Mountains was shaken by it.

All Gold Immortal powerhouses are trembling, knowing that a major event has occurred.

The mana in the hands of Guang Chengzi continues to be output, and the entire Nine Immortal Mountains is under the influence of his mana, and the vibration is more severe.

After about ten breaths, Guang Chengzi retracted his palm and yelled at the void: “Evil God, you bully intolerably.”

Everyone was shocked that this incident actually involved the game between Evil God and Shenshan, which was a remarkable major event.

“Order!” Without waiting for everyone to ask, Guang Chengzi said loudly, “You ride the Transmission Array at a constant speed to knock on the gates of the Sect Founder’s secret rooms of the major gods and tell them that Evil God sent someone to invade, and wasteland Secret Realm pulled into the unknown Deep in the void, Evil God personally shot to disrupt the void, and even if I wanted to find it out, it would take a lot of effort to get them to come quickly to support. “

“What?” Everyone was shocked. This Evil God pulled away wasteland Secret Realm. This is to break the genius of the ten 2 god mountain younger generation. This will not only make the major gods sweep the majesty of the majesty, it will also lead to direct Loss of strength.

Among these youngsters, there must be a branch to become a Gold Immortal-level powerhouse. If killed, it will also be a huge loss to Immortal World and Human Race.

“Come on.” Guang Chengzi shouted.

“Yes!” Each and everyone Gold Immortal powerhouse broke up and stepped into the temporary Transmission Array, leaving only one after another azure clothes old man standing beside Guang Chengzi, this is Guang Chengzi’s First Disciple, Bai Qingdao people.

The Pak Ching Taoist walked to the angry Guang Chengzi and whispered, “Master, can’t the power of Evil God, even you?

Guang Chengzi was silent for a while, then said: “Evil God is much more powerful, and this time is a sneak attack, but it is only a disruption of time and space. It is indeed difficult for me to recover this defeat.

be that as it may, Guang Chengzi still casts mana into the void, and confronts the existence in the underworld.

“Master, why don’t you run Magical Powers and directly transfer the sense of diversity to all the masters?” Bai Qingdao, Guang Chengzi and other gods Sect Founder are called Junior Brothers, and Bai Qing is also called Martial Uncle.

“I don’t want to,” said Guang Chengzi, “Evil God shot it by himself. I’m afraid that Divine Sense will be attacked by him secretly.”

“Master, the 8 silhouettes just now?” Thinking of the suddenly disappearing silhouette, the worry on Bai Qingdao’s face was even worse.

Guang Chengzi said: “These eight people all entered Secret Realm, and then immediately cut off the connection between Secret Realm and my Nine Immortal Mountains. I am afraid that I have already entered Secret Realm.”

“The strength of those people?” Park Ching said, “when we find Secret Realm …”

Thinking of this, the Pak Ching Taoists were a bit afraid to imagine it. Evil God this time sneak attack was a complete face attack, and the ground was too harsh, so that Guang Chengzi was completely unprepared and hit his way.

Guang Chengzi sighed and shook his head: “I didn’t expect that Evil God would suddenly make a shot. It is my intention. Over the years, Evil God has been attacking all the way and many planes have fallen. I should have guessed that he would do something for me. Of the 8 disappearing silhouettes, 7 are Celestial Immortal Peak, and one of them has reached the first level of Gold Immortal. “

“What?” Bai Qing was shocked. He was unable to judge because he was disturbed by the evil God’s Force. If one of the eight people was Gold Immortal, the consequences would be disastrous.

Guang Chengzi sighed: “In a short period of time, we can only rely on those disciplines to get rid of their doom. I hope that wasteland Secret Realm is so big that they can hide it. What we can do now is to do our best to give wasteland Secret Realm to get back.”

. . . . . .

Wasteland is endless, and ocher has become the main color of this land. Occasionally, there are emerald green colors on the earthen-colored land, which leads to the endless distance.

Three days ago, Song Fei had reached the center of the land, and then sat silently, waiting for time to slowly pass.

In this process, people in wasteland have gradually increased. This Huo Bai is also a great magical power. In this vast Secret Realm, the news has also been widely transmitted, so that people in all regions have received their own and News of his fight.

People who came to wasteland saw Song Fei’s arrival, and continued to collect jade slips nearby. It was true that they had watched and tried 2 well.

The disengagement of the whole World has no sense to the people in the World, and Shenshan Disciple is even more unaware that because of the departure of wasteland Secret Realm, the death-proof talisman on them has also lost its effect. If it is killed at this moment, then Just really dead.

Changguan Trial moved towards the original trajectory continues to run. The eight silhouettes from the outside are thrown into this vast ocean like little stones, without disturbing any creatures in the ocean.

Perhaps only when they show their fangs, people will suddenly find that in this ocean, there are already hidden in the sea the beasts that can easily kill them.

“Yue Tianyu, you dare to come.” The date of the test came as expected, and there was a flickering laughter behind Song Fei.

(The next chapter is after 11 o’clock.)

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