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The wind and snow screamed, the glaciers cracked, and the ground trembled.

This is a shock caused by Gold Immortal power.

After 5 minutes of time of breakthrough, Tonghe finally opened his eyes, and two blue lights burst suddenly in his eyes. The blue light shot towards the mountain range in the distance, and the heavens fell and earth rends in an instant. The endless glaciers were under the blue light. Turn into powder.

Raised his hands, carrying great power.

In the next moment, Tonghe set his sights on Song Fei, his eyes flashing inexplicable meaning.

Song Fei got up and walked to Tonghe step by step.

Tonghe remained motionless, looking at the man in complex look.

Some of his methods are not approved by Tonghe. For example, he is too addictive to killing and treats life like ants.

However, for Tonghe, the people in front of her have a great influence on her. Even in the years she has been with him, she used to be strong, but she always felt a sense of fear when facing him. Breakthrough to Gold Immortal at this moment, then slowly dispersed.

I now have enough strength to defeat him without listening to his mercy, but what do I do?

Seeing his breakthrough, what would he do in front of him? Still trusting yourself as before? Or to draw yourself in another way?

Yes, draw, now that he is a Gold Immortal-level powerhouse, it is worth him to spend a lot of money to draw, this person is profitable, and it should be the key to the phenomenon.

Now he has absolute strength to escape from him.

Song Fei stood in front of Tonghe, lightly opened the mouth and said, “You practice the ultimate cultivation technique of Water Element.”

Tonghe was shocked in his heart, secretly thinking, was he asking about his own details? He had doubted for a long time, and now he couldn’t help it. Next, should he inquire about his identity?

Song Fei continued: “I guess you don’t want others to know your true cultivation technique. In that case, you can use this later.”

Song Fei stretched out her right hand, and a blue mark of crystal clear and near-transparent flashed in the palm of the hand. The blue mark was slowly rotating. With his appearance, it seemed to deprive her of this Heaven and Earth Water Element immediately. The power of control, all Power of Water in Five Elements seem to work with it.

Beautiful, mysterious, noble, no party.

It cannot be overstated by any beautiful words, it is the most beautiful essence in the world.

“Soul Seal?” Tonghe was shocked. “The power of this Soul Seal is extremely pure. I am shocked by its mighty power. What a Soul Seal is.”

You don’t need to know his specific name, Tonghe knows that the Soul Seal in front of him is far beyond his own knowledge. Does he want to use such treasure to draw himself? Does he really feel like relying on foreign objects to attract himself?

Should I accept it?

Song Fei said with a smile: “Yes, just a Soul Seal. I need a powerhouse by my side. You were not qualified before. Now I see your potential, so you are qualified to use him.”

qualified? Tonghe’s heart was full of surprises. It turned out not to be a draw, but to be qualified?

“Hmph, what kind of Soul Seal do I have not qualified for before?” Rarely, Tonghe’s tone has become a little tough, such a tone has never appeared before.

Song Fei lightly spit out 4 words: “Tai Yin Kwai Shui!”

“Hong” exploded in Tonghe’s head like a loud noise, and his mind was completely filled with 4 words, Tai Yin Kwai Shui.

Tai Yin Kwai Water, between Heaven and Earth, the No. 1 Water Element ultimate cultivation technique, the same as the Ultimate cultivation technique, also divide into third, sixth and ninth rank, etc., your own Water Element cultivation technique in front of Tai Yin Kwai Water, that is where The difference between spell and Immortal World spell.

Tonghe never imagined that the person in front of her could come up with the cultivation technique of Tai Yin Kwai Shui, but Soul Seal remembered the pervasive coercion, which was far more powerful than her own cultivation technique, and convinced her.

Draw yourself in? Is it worth the value of Tai Yin Sunflower? Ten of them are not worth the 10% value of this cultivation technique. Tonghe smiled bitterly, and all thoughts were suddenly disappeared. It turned out that he didn’t have any complicated thoughts at all, as he said, because he was qualified.

Hum, wasn’t he qualified before? Thought through the river.

Tonghe didn’t ask the origin of this Soul Seal, and said softly, “Aren’t you asking me anything?”

Song Fei said with a smile: “Ask when you have no knot.”

Tong Channel: “What is this? Will I be tied up for a lifetime with this Soul Seal?”

Song Fei said with a smile: “Don’t be silly, you are already my man? Do you still want to betray?”

When it comes to the word Betrayal, Small Silver Dragon’s eyes suddenly become fierce.

Am I yours already? Tonghe silent. With him, plus time in the magic of space, unconsciously has been hundreds of thousands of years. Hundred thousand years are not long, but they can change a lot and change a person’s heart.

For hundreds of thousands of years, there were waves of people around him. Many people died after surrendering, and then there will be new battles. Only those demon blood ants, Small Silver Dragon and himself have been It hasn’t changed. Many dangerous battles, he sacrificed a lot of powerful magic generals, but rarely let himself charge.

Tonghe took the Soul Seal note silently, and his mood was a little complicated.

“Are you about to step into Gold Immortal, too?” Through the river.

Song Fei nodded: “If you can find such a large Primal Chaos Qi Ball, you should be able to break through.”

Chaos Qi, as big as this, is rarely found in history. Even if it is found, a melee will occur, and it will eventually be occupied by the dominant force. Rarely will it be occupied by only 3 people.

Of course, there is no shortage of super genius leading the ranks, promote Gold Immortal in the Dragon Court, and practice to upgrade to ascend to the real level of Gold Immortal.

Devil Blood Ant Avatar’s Main Primordial Spirit is a devil blood ant flying illusory shadow. At this moment, most of it has become golden. As long as it absorbs the same amount of Chaos Qi, you can step into Gold Immortal in one fell swoop.

Tonghe sighed: “Unfortunately, such a Primal Chaos Qi Ball is difficult to find. If we were unlucky, we would not have been able to find such a large Primal Chaos Qi Ball in the Dragon Court.”

Song Fei laughed: “Don’t think too much, you first understand the taiyin sunflower water, wait for you to cultivate the taiyin sunflower water, the strength can be at least doubled, so we snatch Chaos Qi even more confident. Wait for us 3 If you promote Gold Immortal at the same time, you can walk sideways here. “

“Okay!” Tonghe continued to acquiesce in the identity of Song Fei’s follower, obeying his orders, and began to silently absorb the Soul Seal of Tai Yin Kwai into his forehead. Song Fei right hand moves, recruit her into the magic of space.

Realizing the ultimate cultivation technique requires a lot of time. The time in Long Ting is precious, and there is no extra time for her to waste.

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