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Golden Wings Great Peng at the level of Gold Immortal Peak, the speed is really not comparable to Song Fei and the others. Jin Yao, transformed into the body, can even fly in the turbulent stream carrying the people, and this level of characters has not been vain Around the turbulence, certain rules of space can no longer help them.

Fly through the icy void, through space barriers, the entire group finally flew into Monster Realm.

Monster Realm’s first feeling to Song Fei is beauty. The endless greenness spreads the earth and mountains of Monster Realm. Flowers sway in green, and the land is full of vitality.

This is the true beauty of nature.

Flying over the mountains, Song Fei saw a huge garden, much more beautiful than ordinary gardens, with wild and magnificent beauty, in the garden, there is no shortage of various exotic flowers and rare herbs, Gold Immortal plants This is everywhere.

There was a horrible power in the garden, and Song Fei guessed that this should be where the Monster Emperor lived.

In the garden, surrounded by countless animal trees, apes jumped quickly between the treetops, tigers lay weakly on the grass, and a white rabbit jumped on the tiger, lying comfortably on his belly After going to sleep, the tiger was dissatisfied, but the rabbit stared at him, afraid to make trouble.

Seeing Song Fei and the others coming, the tiger drowsily glanced at Heavenly Sword Sect and the others. At this glance, everyone felt the pressure multiplied. The tiger’s strength was probably enough to destroy everyone in Heavenly Sword Sect.

Every soul here is not simple.

Song Fei originally thought that where the Monster Emperor lived, it must have been rigorous and dignified, but never thought it would be such a scene.

Mu Qing introduced: “Those apes were once the home of the Great Sage Equal of Heaven. The tiger is the general of my father, the rabbit on the tiger is the ancestor of the rabbits of the three circles, don’t look at his little Seemingly harmless, the spooky spirit root that started to anger can’t hold back. “

It may seem out of order here, but it seems that there is a default unwritten rules that let them get along in some order.

Song Fei said: “Is this how you manage Monster Emperor normally?”

Mu Qingdao: “We at Monster Realm are different from other Worlds, advocating freedom and nature. Is it normal to observe something called ritual like your Human Race?”

Song Fei nodded, think about it too. Ritual and law is the Human Race order. If it is used to ask for demons, it’s a matter of course.

He could hear that although Mu Qing tried to keep calm, he couldn’t hide grief and grief in his voice.

Through the grassland, a huge mountain appeared, and Golden Wings Great Peng Jin Yao put everyone on top of the mountain.

At the top of the mountain, there are grass flowing water, flowers and trees, a scene of hidden land of peace and prosperity, and a small wood house on the grass mountain.

Jin Yao said, “Go.”

Is this the palace of Monster Emperor? Song Fei looked a little dazed at the small wood house.

A young but tired voice came from the room: “Are Yue Xiaoyou here? Come in, please.”

Song Fei was shocked, was Monster Emperor? For the first time in my life, I have seen people of this level.

“Brother Yue, let’s go.” Mu Qing arrived, at this moment, his eyes were already red, and Mu Ling beside him, 2 lines of tears had wet his cheeks.

Song Fei nodded, moved towards the small wood house.

Entering the small wooden building, Song Fei saw a bed, a wooden table, and chairs, just like ordinary rural mortals, and could not see anything strange.

There was an extremely beautiful woman lying on the bed. The woman looked in her early twenties, her eyes were closed and she had no life.

“Mother!” After seeing this woman, Mu Ling and Mu Qing burst into tears and cried up. At this moment, the two could no longer bear the sadness in their hearts and wept loudly.

A handsome youngster, wearing a yellow robe and only 20 years old, was sitting by the bed, sighing lightly against Mu Qing and Mu Ling.

In this small wood house, Song Fei didn’t feel the nobleness of Monster Emperor, but instead saw the sad family after losing his loved ones. These were all Song Fei hadn’t expected before.

Song Fei stepped forward, facing youngster saluted, “Junior Yue Tianyu, see Monster Emperor Your Majesty.”

Monster Emperor laughed, with a kind smile: “I’m just a dying man, don’t be polite.”

“Imperial Father!” After Mu Qing and Mu Ling heard this, they looked up and stared at Monster Emperor tightly.

Mu Qing suddenly said, “Where are the big brother and sister, where have they been?”

Mu Qing also found that many of his elder brothers and elder sisters didn’t even come.

Monster Emperor said bitterly with a smile: “Dead, all dead.”

“What?” Not only Mu Ling was shocked, but even Song Fei was deeply shocked. The children of Monster Emperor were all dead.

Mu Ling and Mu Qing were completely stagnation. After a while, they closed their eyes and burst into tears, but forgot to cry.

The deep sorrow spread in the small wood house, so that Song Fei could not help but immerse himself in the grief.

Song Fei lightly sighed and wanted to be comforted, but couldn’t say that he was not them and didn’t understand the grief in their hearts. What qualifications were there to comfort him? If Heavenly Sword Sect people die in large numbers, I am afraid that they will not be calm.

After a while, Mu Qing’s fists clenched tightly and growled in a low voice like wild beast: “Imperial Father, what happened, big brother and sister, how could they die, and you and your mother, but 3 Master of Peak, you still have red hydrangea. “

Monster Emperor sighed, “Evil God is here.”

Song Fei sighed inwardly: “Evil God, have you grown so much? Do you still have time to feel the way of chaos? Ancestral Dragon has realized countless 100000000 million years without comprehending it completely, and he has not found the slightest clue. “

“Evil God!” Mu Qing’s fist squeezed fiercely.

Monster Emperor said: “Neither of us ever thought that Evil God would become so powerful. This time, Immortal World lost completely.”

Mu Qingdao: “Imperial Father, why is n’t Evil God the public enemy of the 3 realms, why is it that only our Monster Realm has suffered a heavy loss, and everyone else is watching a show?”

Monster Emperor said bitterly with a smile: “Remember the old man who took you into Long Ting? That’s 2 Dragon Mountain’s Sect Founder, Huang Long True Master, he died!”

Shenshan’s Sect Founder, killed? Huang Long True Master, isn’t it Lan Jinger Ding Peng’s Sect Founder?

Monster Emperor continued: “The war at this time, Heavenly Emperor on the 5th side, Ten Yanluo, Ten 2 Sect Founder, Holy Mother of the Immortal World, etc., 6 Buddha Lords of the Buddhist world, Ten Great Demonic of Demon Realm God, and the Divine Emperor, too, we and your mother in Monster Realm, and 7 Great Saint, all shot. “

Mu Qing was shocked: “Also, is it powerless?”

Monster Emperor said: “Yeah, we despise Evil God. When everyone arrived, we discovered that Evil God’s power was beyond imagination. Huanglong True Master was beheaded by the Evil God before everyone arrived.”

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