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Outside Imperial Palace, execution grounds.

Only one night, Han Bo was convicted of the crime of treason, including 9 families.

The 100-plus population in Hanfu is just the beginning. After killing them, all their relatives within 9 generations will be arrested and sentenced to capital punishment.

Han Bo was wearing white prison clothes and shackles on all four limbs. I’m afraid no one had thought of it before. Han Bo would point out the situation on the battlefield, talk and laugh, and make enemies lose heart.

More than 100 people all kneeled in prison uniforms and shackles, with an executioner holding a machete behind them.

The rain began to fall, as if the tears of the gods, the entire group was wet with rain.

The imprisoned official pulled out the arrow, and loudly said: “The hour has come, and the execution is done.”

The executioner pulled out the wooden token behind each prisoner and pressed their heads down. Han Bo, who never lowered his head on the battlefield, was also lowered by a hangman, and then raised his machete.

Han Bo bowed his head, screamed in the rain, and suddenly yelled, “I never bowed to Han Bo, but never thought of lowering in this way, heaven is unfair.”

“Bang!” In the sky thunder.

Suddenly, there was a very nice female voice: “It’s not injustice to heaven, but you Hanbo followed the wrong person.”

With the sound falling, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be forcibly erased by one hand, and it became very clear immediately. In the sky, a blue sky and bright sunlight appeared.

Standing in the sky is a beautiful young girl. The young girl’s skin is especially fair, and her transcendent temperament makes everyone amazing. Such a woman is even more beautiful than the fairy in the painting.

Many people cry out in surprise: “Immortal!”

“Is the immortal?” Han Bo whispered, there are all kinds of legends of immortals in this world, but the immortals are hard to find, and it is difficult for ordinary people to see, let alone such rays of light are now appearing in the sight of everyone.

In the palace, Emperor Liu Zheng was furious when he heard the woman’s words. The emperor is Emperor. He claims to be the emperor. He naturally does not allow anyone to blaspheme. He immediately pats the case and angers: “Where is the demon Banshee?

The national division waved hesitantly, and suddenly squeezed a sword tactic, the long sword behind him came to his feet, dragged his body moved towards the woman and flew away.

“Guo Shi turned out to be an immortal?” After seeing this scene, Man Chao Wenwu was calm.

A minister said: “Your Majesty is assisted by a state teacher, and the little demon is naturally very easy.”

Liu Zheng is nodded with satisfaction. The emperor’s respect will never allow others to offend. Even if he is a fairy, he should be in awe of himself like a master.

That sentence of Han Bo following the wrong person is tantamount to scolding him in front of the people in the world. This is something he will never allow.

The Imperial Sword flew in front of the woman, pointing at the woman, “Where is the demonic girl, quickly obediently surrender, the native teacher would have a good life in heaven, and it might kill you.”

The woman glanced at the Master and shot a stream of light to the Master. The Master was terrified, and a terrified expression immediately appeared on her face. Then she saw that the streamer shot out his right shoulder.

The guru looks pale, but he knows the other side show mercy.

Later, the woman said, “I miss you as a dedicated cultivator. Don’t be rude to you, just step back.”

The teacher immediately said: “Many thanks, Daxian, many thanks, Daxian.”

The people below have been stunned. Originally, they saw that the Chinese division could fly, and thought that the two sides would be quite equal.

Liu Zheng didn’t converge because of the failure of the division, but became even more angry, yelling: “Imperial Guard, get ready to cross the crossbow, shoot me the demonic girl.”

The woman’s face was lightly frowned, and she turned her head to Liu Zheng and said, “Emperor, I have nothing to do with you. If you dare to challenge, I will kill you.” The voice said casually, but everyone did not doubt the woman’s words Authenticity.

Later, the girl no longer cares about others, but slowly descends to the side of Han Bo, saying: “Would you like me to save you?”

Han Bo Yiyi, said with a bitter smile: “Is there a condition to save me?”

The girl said: “Yes, after saving you, you need to worship me as a teacher. I will pass on your cultivation and I will wake up your past life.”

“My past life?” Han Bo stunned.

The girl said: “Sect Leader said that your previous life was called Han Xin, and there was a title called Bingxian? But it ’s a coincidence that this life you also won the title of Bingxian. It seems that no matter how you reborn, you wo n’t be able to erase your breast Peerless strategy. “

“Save me, and give me an immortal fate?” Han Bo said, “So big gratitude, Han Bo is not a fool. Where there is no promise, Han Bo met the Master, and dare to ask the Master for his first name.”

The girl said: “My name is Wang Shishi. Sect Leader said that fairy fighting is different from mortals. You need to be familiar with the fairy fighting methods as soon as possible, and then integrate your warfare into the new war mode.”

“Han Bo is willing to die for the Master.” Han Bo bowed down, lowering his head, willing to bow his head this time.

Inside the Imperial Palace, Liu Zheng murmured: “No, you can’t keep Han Bo alive, otherwise he will definitely seek revenge, Imperial Guard, shoot them to death, and 10000 arrows penetrate the heart.”

With Han Bo’s appeal, as long as he ascends, more than half of the army must respond. This is why Liu Zheng wanted to remove him.

One by one, the bed crossbow was pushed onto the city wall and aimed at the people below.

Han Bo hurriedly said, “Master saves my family.”

Wang Shishi said: “It’s not appropriate to say more here, let’s change the place to speak.” Wang Shishi waved his hand again. Han Bo only felt that Heaven and Earth was abrupt, and everyone came to an island.

Han Bo’s yoke also disappeared.

Behind Han Bo, there were a lot of their family members. Not only that, but even the 9 generations of his immediate family members who had been escorted to the road, all gathered beside him.

“This?” Han Bo and his family were all shocked, and Han Bo whispered, “This method is unheard-of, this is the true Xianjia method.”

Wang Shishi laughed and did not explain. The fairy in their eyes was similar to the ants in Wang Shishi’s eyes, and he would naturally understand it in the future.

Han Bo looked at the familiar island and murmured, “Here is Nanji Island? Million Li distance has been walked out in a blink of an eye? This is amazing.”

Wang Shishi said: “The emperor is guarded by the will of the plane. Although I can kill him, I cannot easily kill it, otherwise 100 people will be affected. Your family and offspring will live on this island. I set up a formula here. Even the immortals of this world are not eligible to break into this island. In addition, I will leave a roll of cultivation secret art to your family. As for whether they can become immortals, it depends on their own chance. “

“Many thanks Master!” Han Bo paid his respects again.

“Many thanks to the immortal master.” Countless people wept silently. After wandering between life and death, they knew how precious it was to live, and they not only survived, there were immortals who left immortal fate for them. This is What a happy thing.

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