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Sky, Earth, and Human 3 realms, Immortal World and territorial realms seem to be World boundless, but if you say the area is large, you need to count the major planes of Human World.

A single mortal plane cannot naturally be compared with the vast Immortal World and the realm, but the countless Worlds of Human World together constitute a World far beyond the Heaven Realm and the realm.

It can be imagined that the masters of Immortal World are all soaring from the mortal world, and the masters who can soar are even 200000000 million people. There is no such thing as the number of mortal beings.

Evil Sect’s butcher knife is holding up these vast and infinite mortal planes. Although the mortal creatures are weak, the effect of sacrificing Evil God is far worse than Heaven Realm and the realm, but the amount of terror makes up for everything.

With the fall of each and every plane, the souls are devastated.

The Tianheng Plane, which is an extremely huge plane, is 100 times wider than the Apocalypse plane where Song Fei was before. This is one of the latest planes that Evil Sect has attacked. This is also a huge battlefield. .

Countless immortals come to this plane to kill evil believers, some evil believers are killed, and some immortals flew away and scattered on this plane.

A boundless mountain range, the bare blackness of the mountains, and even countless high mountains have now turned into rocks, and the battle of the fairy ranks has caused a huge disaster to this plane. The original green forests are now changing. Got a lifeless wilderness.

In the center of the mountain, a mountain peak originally composed of rocks was cut into an altar. In front of the altar is a huge 3-eyed Evil God statue. The evil power radiates on the statue, making Immortals dare not come too close.

A black robed man flew from a distance, then threw a black tower, and countless creatures in the black tower fell like raindrops and piled up on the huge altar.

There are ordinary mortals, there is also a cultivator after successfully cultivating it, and there is a Monster Intelligent with be intelligent.

“Mother, I’m afraid!” The 5-year-old girl curled up in mother’s arms.

“Child, don’t be afraid, mother is always with you!” The young mother’s face was full of mud, and tears washed away the mud on her face, and two clear tears slipped. His eyes were continuously looking for the silhouette of her husband, but in the corpse that was crushed by people in the distance, his familiar face was revealed, and he was a dead husband.

Mother trembled sadly, and child felt the strangeness of mother, crying and asked, “mother, what’s wrong with you.”

Mother covered the girl’s eyes with her hand, and tried to restrain her emotions, saying, “Nothing, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid …” Don’t be afraid, but the body is shaking violently. Such a fear, a little woman Can’t afford it at all.

This is just a corner of the crowd. Numerous tragedies are being staged here. There is a child who lost his parents wailing and no one cares about it. There is an elderly mother being pressed by someone, shouting the names of his wife and children, and some people His face was numbly pressed against others, his eyes were motionless, and the whole person seemed to have lost his vitality.

The black robed man watched the piles of creatures indifferent and methodically communicated with Evil God.

Someone in front of the altar waved a scepter to communicate with Evil God. After that, countless black robed men played mana. All the creatures were cut into four limbs and their eyes were hollowed out. Mother noticed that her hands suddenly felt no more and looked at her. The daughter broke away from her embrace, crying in horror, shouting mother.

Mother’s body fell forward, trying to protect the girl with her body, and watched the girl’s four limbs fall off the body and fell from the pile of people, the girl’s crying became more stern, as if tearing mother’s heart a little bit, Mother slammed forward with her lost limbs. The girl’s body rolled in the crowd and fell below.

There was another mana flashing, and mother’s eyes disappeared, leaving empty blood holes, unable to see where the girl was. The girl’s voice grew farther and farther, and was then drowned by other wailing sounds.

“My daughter.” Mother mourned sternly, and then shrouded in the miserable white rays of light. Mother’s body slowly disappeared along with her four limbs, and the severe pain made these sacrifice creatures mourn. .

The real human tragedy is terrifying 10000 times more than hell. And such a tragedy, every second, happened to the count of 1000000 souls.

The heaven’s grey misty seems to mourn for the tragic fate of countless souls.

The miserable white rays of light shrouded the sacrifice. Whenever the sacrifice was reduced, another black robed man would fly over and continue to add living creatures to the altar. The sacrifice is carried out at all times, and the mourning of the soul spreads all around, making people cry.

Only those who have seen this kind of scene will experience the evil that is extinct to human nature. Evil Sect, as long as someone with a little conscience, will raise the weapon in his hand to kill the evil believer thoroughly.

Before Song Fei, even if he didn’t know the significance of Evil God, after seeing this tragic scene, he vowed to stand against evil believers.

It’s not how noble Song Fei is, but he feels that he is a person, and the minimum thing to be a conscience is to do all he can to reduce such human tragedies.

This is just one of the planes. Many of the planes are conquered by evil believers. All souls are reduced to sacrifice to slaves. The evil believers raise creatures like livestock, and regularly harvest their lives.

In the distant mountain stream from the boulder altar, there are piles of rocks. A youngster hides in the darkness of the rocks, and his dark eyes look at the sky.

Youngster is dressed in black clothed, as if he is one with the dark. If he does not search carefully, even Divine Consciousness will not be able to scan his existence.

His name is Lin Yan, from Immortal World. His hometown is a plane conquered by Evil God. Because innate talent is outstanding, he ascended to Immortal World earlier than the Master who raised him from an early age. When the news of the fall of the plane came, his Sect was captured by the evil believers and sacrificed.

Lin Yan is an orphan. He was raised by the Master and taught cultivation methods. The outstanding innate talent made him stand out in that World early on. He was known as the number one genius for 10000 years. Lin Yan was not proud at all, but concentrated Cultivation, with good innate talent and tenacious perseverance, made rapid progress, and soon became the number one person of the younger generation.

He who gathered 10000 rays of light in one body, soared to Immortal World in a shorter time than everyone imagined. However, in his heart, everything he did was not because of how outstanding he was, but all was given by the Master. Without Master, there is nothing without him, including his life.

The hatred of the killer is not shared. As long as there is Evil Sect, there is a silhouette of Lin Yan. He is not strong, but he is very patient and knows how to choose who he can kill.

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