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In the Celestial Immortal house, the people dispersed, and Song Fei continued to immerse himself in boring cultivation.

The illusion beads soaked in Phoenix jade, eyes closed silently.

I don’t know how long, Song Fei eyes opened his eyes and sighed softly: “Strange, I seem to have entered the bottleneck, not only the cultivation, but also the realization of the dense pattern becomes very slow.”

The room was silent, and Song Fei’s own voice was surrounding him, and the transfiguration beads closed their eyes and remained silent.

Song Fei couldn’t help but glance at the transfiguration beads, and asked, “I said, I don’t even ask you how the dense patterns come from, just ask how you learned these dense patterns.”

The transfiguration beads eyes opened the mirror, squinting at Song Fei, then closed his eyes.

Song Fei looked at the yak’s coquettish appearance, gnash the teeth hatefully, and dropped a few drops of middle grade immortal into the wooden barrel of Phoenix jade.

The transfiguration bead continued with her eyes closed and motionless.

“You’re fierce.” Song Fei said fiercely. For his own cultivation, Song Fei also fiercely heart, and continued to drip more than 100 drops of fairy liquid into Phoenix jade barrels.

The eyes of the transfiguration beads opened their eyes, and lightly said, “Your spirit is too depressed, you need relief, and you need to feel something else.”

“Relief? Feelings?” Song Fei didn’t know what to do. “Relieving stress, I understand? What does it mean to feel something else?”

Since crossing, it’s really difficult for Song Fei to relax, counting hundreds of thousand years. I’m afraid that there is no time for 10000 years.

Either kill the enemy, escape, or practice wholeheartedly, especially when training True Solar Fire, you need to endure great pains, and rely on Song Fei’s great perseverance to overcome it. It is difficult to relax.

Illusionized Pearl Road: “There is a good saying in the world, the world is knowledgeable, the human knowledge is the article. Maybe you should let go of everything now and go to the world. The Great Dao of World exists not only in the Immortals There is more between mortals, and there is a avenue for mortals. “

After speaking, Huanzhu continued to close her eyes and fell into meditation.

This remark made Song Fei look at him a few more times. This is nothing more than a transfiguration bead, a magic weapon. Do you understand this kind of cultivation?

In any case, it has taken a long time for me to practice. Since the return of Dragon Sect, I have been in retreat for hundreds of years, and maybe I should go out for a walk. Anyway, it won’t take long.

Song Fei stood up and, with a change of heart, appeared at the top of Qing Celestial Immortal House.

The floating Xianfu exudes a majestic atmosphere, enveloping the entire mountain of Celestial Immortal, so that the people of Martial God and Qing City can only look up from a distance. In this land, Song Fei is the absolute master.

“Fu Jun, you’re out of customs.” Behind Song Fei, Qin Xiaoru’s voice came.

“Sect Leader!”

Song Fei turned around, in addition to Qin Xiaoru, there were big goats, Bi Song and Qin Shihu.

Song Fei said with a smile: “I want to go for a walk and relax, you look forward to home.”

“Distracted?” Big goat eyes shined, “Sect Leader, bring me.”

Song Fei said with a smile: “Aren’t you always immersed in cultivation? Now Xianquan supplies you infinitely, why don’t you want to cultivate?”

The big goat raised his head with a smile: “It’s been too long and a bit boring. I wanted to kill a few people in Evil Sect. Since Sect Leader is going to relax, let me go with you.”

“Fu Jun, I want to go too.” Qin Xiaoru whispered softly.

Song Fei said with a smile: “If you want to go then go. But it can be said, I’m going to the world, without my order, no one can easily shoot.”

With their current strength, manipulating a planet with one finger can break up a planet, and the disaster caused is devastating. Song Fei didn’t want them to ruin the planet.

Qin Shihu said for a moment, “Sect Leader is going to heaven?”

Song Fei said: “Well, I practiced into a bottleneck. The transfiguration pearl suggested that I go to the world and say that my spirit is too depressed. If anyone encounters the same situation, you can try this method.

“So that’s how it is?” Qin Shihu whispered, his eyes flashing looking thoughtful.

“Sect Leader, I’ll go too,” Bi Song said.

“Well, okay!” Song Fei took out a jade slip to Qin Shihu, “second uncle, this is a jade slip capable of sound transmission across the plane. If there is something wrong with Immortal World, you sound transmission to me.”

Qin Shihu accepted jade slip: “How long will it take for the Sect Leader to go out.”

Song Fei said: “Maybe one or two years, maybe more than ten years, it should not exceed 2 years.”

Farewell to Qin Shihu, Song Fei and led 3 people to the Transmission Array.

After several Transmission Arrays, the entire group came to Lingyun City, and then Song Fei used sound transmission jade slip to Feng Xian sound transmission.

“Tian Yu, you’re here.” Not long after, an azure light was drawn in the sky, and Feng Xian fell in front of Song Fei. In this Lingyun city, ordinary people are simply not allowed to fly.

Feng Xian looked at everyone and said, “You guys, if I don’t go to you, you won’t come to me, Xiaoru, we are still not good sisters.”

Qin Xiaoru said with a smile: “Fu Jun said the little 7 sister, you are a busy person now, please let us be fine and do not disturb you.”

Feng Xian said unpleasantly: “No matter how busy you are, there will be free time. Don’t listen to him in the future. Come whenever you want. Go, go sit with me.”

Feng Xian pulled the entire group to her palace, and now her status and strength also have her own independent small palace.

Where Feng Xian lives is an elegant bamboo building built in a jade green bamboo forest.

Sitting in a bamboo building, Song Fei said with a smile: “It’s a luxury to get a bamboo forest in Lingyun City in this extremely expensive land.”

Feng Xian smiled and said, “You big landlord also said I was extravagant, or should I change this palace with your engine Tian City?”

Song Fei laughed, took the tea and drank slowly.

Feng Xian then looked at Song Fei said with a smile: “Every time you don’t visit a temple without a cause, let’s say, what is this time.”

Song Fei said: “This time is really okay, mainly to play out.”

“Play?” Feng Xian took a big look at Song Fei with a very distrustful look, eccentrically authentic, “Song Great Gang Lord can have leisure and elegance to play everywhere? It’s strange.”

Song Fei said: “Why tight or loose, but this time looking for you is also related to playing.”

“Let me hang out with me?” Feng Xian’s eyes had rays of light flashed.

Song Fei didn’t know how to respond to Feng Xian’s remarks. After thinking for a while, he said, “I want to play in the world, don’t you say that Xiao 9 is very happy on a small blue planet. I also want to check it out. Of course, I don’t know if you are free, so it’s not good to invite, I’m afraid you’re not good at rejecting. “

“Blue planet? Okay, I’ll go to Fenghua Sect Founder and ask him for a vacation.” As soon as I heard about it, Feng Xian’s interest was very high, his body drifted to the void, leaving an echo, “wait for me , Come and go. “

(Many friends have been urging back to Earth, and finally kicked off!)

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