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“Ah! Ah!”

There was a scream of screams and the sound of a broken bowl in the ward.

Xiaomei hurried out of the ward, and soon the whole floor was shocked. Bai Shijie hurriedly trot into Ma Tao’s ward.

Ma Tao was lying on the bed, and the whole man was in a coma. His breathing was weak and he was about to die.

Bai Shijie quickly grasped Ma Tao’s right hand, and his right hand put his fingers on his pulse, and then complexion changed greatly, his eyes seemed to be full of anger.

“Abominable, even joking about the life of ordinary person.” Bai Shijie whispered coldly snorted, and then pressed a few times on various parts of Ma Tao’s body.

Then Bai Shijie took out a small porcelain bottle, opened his mouth with two fingers in his left hand, and dropped a drop of pale-yellow liquid into Ma Tao’s mouth.

Several doctors at work are standing behind Bai Shijie, with various expressions on their faces, some are sorry, and some are taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. For being so young, they can be famous all over the country. It is false not to be jealous.

Noda is standing behind Bai Shijie. The expression on his face is no different from that of others. The first is the expression of taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune, which makes people see nothing special.

“You all go out,” Bai Shijie said.

A doctor in his 40s said: “Professor Bai, the patient is dying and should be sent to the emergency room for rescue.”

Bai Shijie knew that the poison in Ma Tao could not be treated by the instruments in the emergency room and modern medicine.

Bai Shijie waved his hand: “It’s useless to enter the emergency room, rest assured, I will do my best to save him.”

The middle-aged doctor said coldly, “If we don’t send it to the emergency room, our hospital can’t explain to the patients’ families.”

Bai Shijie looked back at him and said firmly: “If something happens, I will be responsible.”

The middle-aged doctor said, “Okay, this is what you said, you testify.” After speaking, the middle-aged doctor sneered out of the ward. For Bai Shijie’s young age, he can mix well-known professors. His mind is 100 Be convinced.

Bai Shijie is responsible in public, solemnly vowed, and everyone can only leave silently. After all, Bai Shijie has a certain background. The crowd cannot afford to offend, and they prefer to see Bai Shijie bad luck. If he ca n鈥檛 save this person, Bai Shijie Healing people’s affairs, they will certainly help propaganda, well known.

In fact, for a doctor, the best thing is to immediately push the patient into the emergency room, and then let the patient’s family sign it. Then, even if the doctor is not good, you can talk to the patient’s family to do their best and push the responsibility clean.

The doctors were puzzled by Bai Shijie’s behavior, but the taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune was even more so.

After the doctors left, Bai Shijie pulled a few silver needles from his waist and inserted them around Ma Tao’s body.

When he was busy, an old man with white hair pushed the door to enter. After Bai Shijie saw the person, he quickly ran out in surprise: “Martial Uncle, come and see.”

This is a master of Hundred Herb Hall with Bai Shi’s outstanding experience. Bai Lanfeng is also a master of medical practice, and his level is higher than Bai Shijie.

After seeing Ma Tao’s condition, Bai Lanfeng stretched his face to the bed, and then touched Ma Tao’s pulse.

At the next moment, Bai Lanfeng shouted angrily: “Impossible. Little devil bully intolerably.”

Bai Shijie said: “Martial Uncle, I was not sure just now, this is really a little devil …”

Bai Lanfeng said with a grimace, “That’s right, this is the ghost ghost of the little devil. Nourish with Li Gui and Resentful Soul’s Yin Qi for 100 years. After the mortal takes it, the body’s yang is corroded, and he must be rescued unless he uses the Supreme Treasure Dayang Dan. “

“What to do then.” Bai Shijie was also anxious. He had only heard of such a tricky poison, and Dayang Dan was in the Hundred Herb Hall. Even if it was sent by people now, I was afraid it was too late.

Bai Lanfeng sighed lightly: “At this time, you are afraid to carry your heels, and your reputation in Hongchen will be damaged. Notify the patient’s family and let them see the last one.”

Bai Shijie said: “Martial Uncle, I’m not a red duster anyway, it’s okay to damage the reputation. Can’t I really save him? This time, the little devil poisoned me, obviously it was me who killed him.”

Bai Lanfeng shook his head gently: “Healer of the healer, why don’t I want to save him, but I can’t save him at all because of my strength. I can use a needle to keep him awake for ten minutes and let him see the last side with his family. If it is delayed Go on, I’m afraid it’s hard to see even this last side. “

In the office, Ma Xiaoyun is talking to customers on the phone. Because the medical expenses of Father and Guo Hai have been resolved, Ma Xiaoyun is in a good mood, and even the phone call is smiling.

When the call was hung up, the company’s colleague and girlfriend walked by Ma Xiaoyun, jokingly said: “Today is the same as eating honey. Honestly, is it about falling in love?”

“Confidential!” Said Ma with a smile, “Want to know, invite me to dinner at night.”

“Beautiful you, I’m going to date, let alone pull down.” My girlfriend walked back to her desk with a smile.

Ma Xiaoyun continued to pick up the phone. Perhaps because of a good mood, the business has succeeded several times in a row, making Ma Xiaoyun’s heart happier.

This is a new customer. Ma Xiaoyun has been following it for a long time. Only recently has the intent to buy products appeared. Naturally, he must strike the iron while he is hot and make the business successful.

“Hello, Mr. Zhao, this is Ma Xiaoyun from the advertising company. The billboard I told you last time, have you noticed it when you were driving by, have noticed it, that is very good, you should see that advertisement Do you have time for the advantages of the brand? Let’s talk about it in detail. “

Just when Ma Xiaoyun was selling enthusiastically, his cell phone rang. Seeing this familiar number, Ma Xiaoyun’s heart slightly startedled. This turned out to be the phone number of the hospital inpatient department.

“Mr. Zhao, that’s the way to do it next time. I’ll meet you next time.” Ma Xiaoyun swallowed a lot of what had already been thought, hung up the phone, and then quickly connected the mobile phone. Something in his heart said, “Hey! “

On the other end of the phone was the voice of the nurse Ma Xiaoyun was very familiar with. The voice was urgent: “Is Ma Xiaoyun? Your father is critically ill and wants to see you for the last time.”

Ma Xiaoyun’s professional smile was stiff on his face, and some couldn’t believe it was true. For a while, he was at a loss, and the whole person was panicked.

“Father is critically ill, Father is critically ill, what to do, what to do!” After all, it is just a young woman, even if she has been independent for a long time.

“Xiao Yun, Xiao Yun, what’s wrong with you?” When the girlfriend on the side saw that she was wrong, she quickly shook her body.

Ma Xiaoyun finally responded, hurriedly picked up the bag and key on the desk, and hurried away towards the door of the company.

“Ma Xiaoyun, where are you going?” The male manager in his 40s saw the rushing silhouette, shouted sharply, saw that Ma Xiaoyun ignored him at all, and resentfully said: “impossible, despite repeatingly disregarding the discipline, it seems you are Don’t take the company seriously. “

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