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For Yang Junkun’s explanation, Feng Ling continued to tilt her head and looked at her with black jewel-like eyes. The exquisite and perfect face made Yang Junkun agitated.

The next moment, the wind chimes bloomed with a brighter smile, said with a smile: “What does it matter to have a family and he is so good, even if I like him, there is nothing wrong, not only do I like him, my sister also likes him And my sister has more vision than me, she is my idol. “

“Your sister!” Following Yang Feng’s gaze, Yang Junkun finally set his sights on Feng Xian next to him. Starting from Yang Junkun’s entrance, his full attention was focused on Feng Ling and Song Fei. As for being ignored by him, now that Feng Ling said so, Feng Xian also turned his head and looked at Yang Junkun with an inexplicable smile.

Yang Junkun was stunned, and his heart was shocked to heaven. There was such a beautiful woman in this world. For a time, I felt that all the women in the world were not as good as the fairy woman in front of me.

Feng Xian’s appearance is well-known in the beautiful Immortal World, a crane in a flock of chickens. And the women of Immortal World, because of the cultivation of relationships, every person placed in the world is a scourge, and Feng Xian’s appearance is not difficult to cause surprise.

A few days ago, Yang Junkun received news from a few friends, saying that a beautiful beauty of bringing calamity to the country and the people appeared next to Fengling. At that time, Yang Junkun only smiled slightly. In his opinion, how could it be Someone is more beautiful than the wind chimes.

But now that he sees Feng Xian, his mind has changed again. He not only has to get the wind chimes, but also to get the sister of the wind chimes. If the two sisters are put on the bed together, it must be a very wonderful treat. .

Yang Junkun said with a smile to Feng Xian: “Is Windbell’s elder sister? How do you call it, Yang Jun, Yang Clan Group.” He stretched out his hand and planned to shake hands with Feng Xian.

Generally facing a girl, as long as Yang Junkun has the name of the Yang Clan family, the women are posted upside down, but this time, he was disappointed. Feng Xian didn’t mean to shake hands with him, but turned his head over, facing lightly Feng Ling said: “Look at all the messy people you deal with.”

How could her jade hand be in contact with someone like Yang Junkun, even more how was in front of Song Fei.

Yang Junkun’s “elegant” smile was fixed on his face, and the anger in his chest could no longer be restrained from burning, thinking of Yang First Young Master. When has he been so insulted, he even had a desire to rob the grocery store and take Feng Xian The urge to forcibly take it home was only for the sake of forbearance, considering that there were many reporters who followed the wind chimes outside.

He is crazy, he feels that everyone is crazy, a garbage-like character, or a wife, and there are 2 role beauties who are embracing him, but they are ignored by such a handsome person. .

Yang Junkun no longer elegant, but said solemnly: “This beautiful lady, I hope you do not regret what you said today.”

Feng Xian simply ignored him.

Then Yang Junkun set his sights on Song Fei again: “Song Fei, I have never served Yang Junkun before. I am convinced today, we will meet again, let’s go.”

Song Fei lightly said with a smile: “Go!”

The arrival of Yang Junkun is just a small episode for Song Fei and the others, not even qualified to disturb their interest.

Feng Xian said with a smile: “Little 9 is crazy.”

Song Fei said with a smile: “Aren’t you tired of playing?”

Windbell’s head shook like a rattle: “You don’t know, I stayed in Lingyun City for 10000 years, and Sister 7 took me out once for 10000 years. How long have I played now? Where is it? I want to continue Continue to play, in fact, although the people in the world are weaker, the society is still very fun. “

Song Fei said with a smile: “It’s fun.” It can be seen that she is really immersed in the fun of fun, and the whole person is much more cheerful than before.

Feng Xian said: “Don’t you use your strength to cheat?”

Fengling shook his head and said, “I have done bad things before, but I find that it is not interesting, so I now follow the rules of the game here to play, so it ’s fun. Heaven Brother Yu, I will take you to a dance party the other day Well, there are celebrities in society. “

Song Fei said with a smile: “So-called celebrities, do you think it would interest me?”

“Well!” Feng Ling said bitterly, “To be honest, I want to use you as a shield. There are many flies like the surnamed Yang just now, and people turn around me every day, and I don’t want to use power to take them all Shooting dead, really doing that would cause a social sensation and affect my interest in playing. Would n’t it be a good thing for you to be my male friend? ”

Seeing that Song Fei didn’t answer, Feng Ling shook Qin Xiaoru’s hand again and coquettishly said, “Sister Xiaoru, please advise Tian Brother Yu, OK?”

Xiao Ru was the most soft-hearted, and when she saw the begging of the wind bell, she could not help looking at Song Fei.

Song Fei said with a smile: “Okay, the so-called prom, I haven’t experienced it yet, I’ll go with you, do you want to change clothes?”

“No, no, no! Your clothes are good-looking.” Feng Ling said with a smile, and then chatted about the past few years, this girl was originally a nonsense. Every now and then, he would return to Immortal World to find Fengxian to talk. At this moment, when he encountered so many acquaintances, where was he willing to leave, until the 2nd day morning, the wind chimes left reluctantly.

Song Fei sent the bell to drive away and secretly thought this girl was devoted to the amusement. Even when she saw herself, she drove over without using her power.

In the morning of 2nd day, all the headlines in the major news newspapers were all about the wind chimes: “Goddess Little 9 is hugging with a strange man, who is you?” “Little 9 enters a grocery store until 2nd day in the morning , Has the goddess already entered the wolf paw? “” My godious private mysterious man has not returned to the night, what is the identity of the other party? “

A variety of eye-catching words hang on the headlines, not only pushing the wind chimes to the fengjianlangkou, but even Song Fei is also famous, and many people even come to the grocery store to see Song Fei, and even The fan group came here to give Song Fei a good look.

Song Fei, as if nothing had happened, was still lying on the Imperial Tutor chair, shaking lightly. For those who were in trouble, all the big goats were thrown out.

At 8 am, Old Li hurried to Song Fei’s grocery store and said to Song Fei: “I’m all together, I don’t know when Big Brother Little Brother can pass by.”

Song Fei said with a smile: “The action is fast, so I can delete it so soon?”

Old Li said with a smile: “One day, one night is enough time to delete, and they all came to H by helicopter. Hehe, thank you, we have 2 more places in H.”

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