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Report Chief?

When the lieutenant colonel shouted this sentence out loud, everyone was dumbfounded.

What is the commander of a lieutenant colonel, a colonel, a colonel, or a general?

The battalion of flames, this battalion is not only not heard by Sun Licheng, not even the old Liu of the armed police detachment, it only shows that this is a secret force, the trump card in the trump card.

It is impossible to increase the number of simply such troops. One battalion is at its peak. Then a company commander can call the commander and bring the army to the scene, for fear that only the highest commander can do it.

Such a person, let alone his Sun Licheng, can be forcibly taken away even if it is the Patriarch of the Yang Clan family.

Although everyone’s eyes were involuntarily thrown into Zi Yan’s body, why Sun Licheng couldn’t figure out why he had unknowingly provoked a woman with this identity.

Old Liu even wanted to understand that he was just on a mission. Why did he provoke such a great god, so young is a senior commander of an ace army. This is a scary existence. Old Liu felt that he was too wronged, and he couldn’t help but set his sights on Sun Licheng, secretly thinking what you were doing.

All the soldiers of the Armed Police Force have no complaints. They are ace troops, and these people themselves play with them.

Sun Licheng was trembling, Ding Baoshan was trembling, and the bald man was also trembling. They finally knew that they looked down on others.

Sun Licheng and Ding Baoshan are both scolding their mothers. Isn’t this an ordinary 100 surname? fuck The ordinary little 100 can make a commander of an ace special force be a bodyguard? These two brothers have the heart to die.

Ziyan turned to the old Liu and said, “The Flame Camp is here to work, and now there is nothing for you, take the team back.”

As soon as the old Liu heard, flowers suddenly bloomed on his face, and he stepped heavily on the ground with his right foot, and performed a solemn military salute, loudly said: “Yes!”

Among the military salutes that Lao Liu carried in his life, he was afraid that he would never be as happy as he is now.

“Follow me!” Lao Liu waved his hand, and all the armed police forces began to gather.

“Wait a minute!” Song Fei said this time.

“Ah!” Lao Liu turned back, looked at Ziyan with some fear, and then looked towards Song Fei.

Song Fei said: “Get all the employees here, no matter what reason you use, detain them for 3 months. In addition, all the police officers and soldiers who came this time, all have a password.”

Old Liu looked at Ziyan again.

Ziyan shouted: “What are you still doing? Go ahead and do it, I will say hi to your superior.”

Old Liu eagerly’s gone.

The special police are still there because Sun Licheng is the leader, so there is no Sun Licheng’s order. Unless a higher-level official from the special police comes, even Ziyan cannot order them.

Zi Yan pointed at Sun Licheng’s deputy Xiao Ning and said, “Come here!”

“Ah, yes!” Xiao Ning ran to Zi Yan 3 2 steps, performed a military salute, and Zi Yan returned one.

Later, Ziyan took out a certificate and said to Xiao Ning, “Do you know what this is?”

Xiao Ning widened his eyes and murmured, “National Security Agency, Major General Ziyan.”

Security Bureau, Major General? Oh my god, what kind of big shot is this. If such a person thinks that you are endangering national security, they can be killed immediately, without having to report in advance. Small officials like Xiaoning are completely within the scope of being killed.

Sun Licheng and the others are completely frightened. This status is more terrifying than bringing troops. If you are at first, you will be declared Major General of the National Security Bureau if you are at first. Whoever dares offend you, who does n’t take you seriously Great aunt.

Ziyan said: “Now you are the special police commander, take someone back immediately, and at the same time these people are waiting in the special police team, and you will arrange a secret mission later.”

Thinking of Song Fei’s request for a password just now, Ziyan thought of closing the mouth of these special police officers, and it was most appropriate to arrange secret tasks. At that time, they would be pushed into the mountains, and no one could find out their time.

At least Ziyan can guarantee that the forces of the Yang Family can’t reach their hands over there.

Song Fei said: “It’s a good idea, then the armed police will also perform secret tasks together.” Song Fei’s fluttering sentence destined those armed police forces for 3 months of hell training, but unfortunately, they are still working eagerly , Do not know that doom has come.

The special police also lined up, leaving Sun Licheng, Ding Baoshan, and the bald man to stay in place and tremble. It is difficult to not tremble. They all signed a password. No matter what happens here, it is impossible to know outside, and above It is not yet possible to ask, if you want to ask, you must first ask the person who issued the password, a major general of the National Security Bureau.

Sun Licheng glared at the bald man. At this moment, he even had the heart to kill him. I only need 20% of the shares in Fuck, and you *** put Lao Tzu in the dead.

Bald man was even more aggrieved, glaring at Ding Baoshan, Fuck I was just lending you a place for you to be a woman. You *** have caused a lot of things to Lao Tzu, I don’t know if I can survive, *** It ’s better to be terrifying than catching a drug dealer. I ’m better off trafficking.

Ding Baoshan even had a dead heart. He ran to hold Yang Junkun’s thigh for nothing and asked him stupidly if he had any help. *** This help made me meet Yama and moved a A big shot woman, the major general of the National Security Bureau of *** became his follower. This is piercing the heavens. What’s wrong with being a rich man?

Unfortunately, no medicine for regret in the world, some things have to be held accountable, if in Immortal World, those who dare to touch Song Fei are lucky to die.

Song Fei stood up and lightly faced Ziyan said, “I have already said about Ding Baoshan’s arrangement, so follow this.”

Ding Baoshan then remembered what Song Fei had said before, letting himself squat in prison for a lifetime, and being locked up with a group of the most fierce criminals. He just scoffed at the words, and now I remember how terrifying.

Ding Baoshan suddenly remembered something, and said to Ziyan: “Sir, you can’t do this, you can’t use lynching, you are breaking the law.”

Ziyan said with a sneer: “Rest assured, I will check everything you have done over the years. As the water recedes, the rocks appear, I do n’t know if those things you do can make you sentenced to death, if you can , I will plead with the judge and give you an indefinite period. “

Hearing here, Ding Baoshan’s face was pale, and even his last hope was shattered. What he has done over the years is clear to him, simply cannot afford to check it.

For the bald man and Sun Licheng’s two accomplices, Song Fei lightly said: “Just hold them secretly, and then check their criminal evidence. If they are innocent, let them go, otherwise act according to law.”

Two people are hearing this, and their faces are equally pale. If Guoan went to check them carefully, the found evidence could be folded for a few meters, and they would have no time to die if they did not die.

Such a disposition is so harsh that there is no chance for me to turn around.

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