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Sudden enemies, so that purple can be vigilant, can easily ambush their enemies, will certainly not be mediocre.

Ziyan gritted his teeth and said, “How did you find out, no, how did you know that, did you know that you would be ambush?”

Zi Yan was not angry because of the strength of the opponent, but Song Fei was really capable of doing things. Every time I went out for a walk, I was fine. I walked for a few hours without saying that I let myself drop the army last time. This time is more troublesome than last time.

Song Fei shrugged: “What do you think?”

This answer is even more gnash the teeth.

The other party didn’t give the two people extra talking time. The two came from behind. One drove the current. The other’s body was like a rubber. They could easily stretch and turn.

2 powerful abilities.

Song Fei said with a smile: “It’s over to you.” Song Fei moved towards the side road next to him, and without anyone’s attention, pulled out a bench from the Storage Ring, then opened a bottle of beer, aside Drink slowly.

Ziyan naturally won’t let Song Fei charge, and the flames between his hands suddenly burst out, fighting with 2 people.

The speed of 2 people is fast, and the water power is the main attacker. After all, the water stream has the function of restraining the flame, and the rubber man keeps stretching or turning his limbs to perform a sneak attack. However, although his power can give People unexpectedly attack, but they seem to be a little afraid of flames. Even so, Ziyan is also a little messy by the rubber man. It is really that the rubber man’s fighting method is too unreasonable to play cards. Not yet, people’s legs can become like whip.

It’s not enough to hide, the soft legs may suddenly harden, and then they become hard and hard.

Fortunately, Ziyan’s fighting experience is very rich, and a set of boxing methods is quite well-organized. The shadow of the Chinese ancient martial arts should be the boxing method from Sect of Hidden World. In addition to the flame ability, Ziyan can still prevail.

Song Fei drank his beer bit by bit. No one noticed him at first. After half a minute, Ziyan was shouted angrily: “Run a bit further.”

It was Song Fei’s attitude that once again angered her. She was fighting in the Life and Death Battle. How could you drink beer and watch a show? How do you bully people?

Song Fei said with a smile: “No, 10000. As soon as 1 miles away, there are powerful enemies. How can you protect me?”

Let a woman protect it, Song Fei is talking about righteousness.

Zi Yan’s heart did not at all mean that Song Fei was far away. It was really annoyed that he was on the sidelines of life and death. He probably lost his life. He was drinking beer leisurely, and he didn’t know where it came from , There is a bag of seeds, he is not afraid that he is not an opponent, will he suffer in the end?

Ziyan was furious, and the flames on her body were burning fiercely. Two daggers appeared in the hand. At this moment, Ziyan’s attack power increased greatly, and the rubber man’s arm was cut in 2 or 3 times.

A water snake formed in the hands of another power blast and blasted towards Ziyan’s back.

Ziyan turned back and punched out, a group of flames and water snake strikes together, Fireball broke the water snake’s power, and then carried the remaining power to the Water Element abilities.

The Water Element horrified, and quickly backed away to avoid, cry out in surprise: “The purple flames really are not in vain.”

Ziyan turned, faced the rubber man again, and then strode out. The 2 daggers were waving like dense nets. The rubber man who had just fisted out was terrified. He wanted to retreat too late. It was cut out piece by piece, and then, Ziyan’s dagger was inserted into the forehead of the rubber man, and the other party finally softened, and returned to the normal person’s appearance. His body was no longer soft, but he was dead.

Taking advantage of Ziyan’s efforts to kill the rubber man, the Water Element phantom turned into a stream of water that quickly disappeared, disappearing without a trace.

Song Fei stood up from the bench, said with a smile: “I know, you will win.”

Ziyan said rudely: “Aren’t you afraid I will lose?”

Song Fei said, “That’s no way. I can’t run far without a transport.”

Ziyan’s eyes slightly deviated from Song Fei, and said, “Where did the bench come from?”

Song Fei said with a smile: “I don’t know, it may be left by someone else after watching the show.”

Ziyan was not tangled, and it was only possible that someone else left it. Song Fei went out without a bench.

Ziyan said: “You can go back now.”

Song Fei said: “Not yet.”

Zi Yan’s eyes glared: “Everything happened to the major event, love is not over.”

Song Fei laughed again, the expression in his eyes was like looking at a fool, and said, “I don’t know that they will appear suddenly. Why do you say that I deliberately took you to fight with them?”

I have to say that Song Fei was very reasonable. Zi Yan rubbed his head and found that he was still a little emotional, so he said, “Let’s go.”

Song Fei pointed at the rubber man and said, “This corpse is here?”

Ziyan said: “Tomorrow the police will deal with it, let’s go.”

Song Fei said: “Who is it?”

Zi Yan said: “You don’t understand it!”

Song Fei said: “Is here to kill me, or to kill you.”

Ziyan said: “It was natural to kill you, let me tell you, it is a master of the Assassin Organization. It seems that someone has spent a lot of money to kill you.

“So that’s how it is.” Song Fei complied, then walked forward.

Zi Yan followed Song Fei’s footsteps and asked, “Are you not afraid? The other party is the most powerful Assassin Organization in the world.”

Song Fei said with a smile: “Isn’t there still you? You are Huaxia’s famous power master.”

Ziyan said: “I can’t follow you for a long time to be your bodyguard.”

Song Fei said with a smile: “You are gone and the big goat is back.”

Zi Yan was speechless for a while, so when he was around him, he was the weakest moment. After reaching this conclusion, Ziyan was a little bit messy, and he condescended to be a bodyguard.

After walking for another hour, Zi Yan looked at the increasingly barren environment and asked, “Haven’t you arrived yet?”

The walk from the city to the countryside, which cannot be seen by ghost shadow, should be the second one in the world, Zi Yan thought.

Song Fei pointed to the front and said, “Here it is, just ahead.”

Along the direction of Ziyan’s finger, there was a faintly abandoned building, which seemed to be an abandoned factory.

Ziyan looked towards Song Fei’s eyes more confused? Just 4 hours away, just to come to such a place? You can’t see anything special here.

Ziyan couldn’t help thinking about last night, secretly thought that no girl would be brought here, and if so, that person would be too troublesome.

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