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When Song Fei climbed the mountain, troops from various countries submitted documents at the border of Huaxia, and then a combined force of more than 500 people entered the Sea Territory of J province and entered the territory of J province.

Because of satellite positioning, their vehicle went straight to the mountain range where Song Fei was located.

Looks like an ordinary bus, but there are elite troops wearing each and everyone wearing camouflage and painted with oil paint on their faces. Among them are the seal forces of the United States, the Imperial Family Marine of Britain, and the 9th border of Germany. Defence Force, Italy’s Special Operations Group of 5 …

Although the name each and everyone 5 takes Eight Sects, but can be sent by countries to perform such a major task, each one is an elite among the elite, 100 war veterans, and all-around fighters.

These elite units are fully armed, united, and equipped with the country’s most advanced individual weapons.

A black man was wiping his heavy machine gun. His name was Frank. He was an elite member of the Rice Seals. He had participated in many battles and was a heavy fireman.

There are a total of 6 members in his group. In addition to him, there is Jack the sniper, and Jerry the observer who is configured for Jack.

A sniper is not simply aiming and firing, because the distance is too far. Considering Earth’s gravity, when aiming, it is generally placed above the target. As for the position above it, you need to observe the information provided by the hand, including the distance. Wind direction, wind power, in short, sniping a target outside 1000 meters, it is difficult to achieve a high hit rate without 5 years of hard training.

In addition, the team members also include team leader and commander Jonathan. This is a white man with a beard in his 30s. His arms are as thick as the thighs of others, like a powerful polar bear, a rough man. In commanding the battle, everyone in the group was worshipped.

The remaining 2 were armed with assault rifles and belonged to the spearheads. During the battle, they were charged under the cover of firefighters and snipers. They also required extremely sophisticated combat literacy and 100 Spear Art in 100 rounds.

Holding a heavy machine gun in his arms, Frank wiped it carefully as if he were his own child, and then turned back to the sniper Jack, who was smoking a cigar, and said, “Hey, Jack, can you get the first credit?”

“Come on!” Jack exhaled a cigarette and touched the sniper rifle in his hand, said with a smile, “Your guy is close and heavy, hitting you is not as far away as my baby, this time is catching people, you back With such heavy stuff, I can’t run fast. “

Frank said: “Who said it was just one person, I swear to God, it must not be one person, it must be a group, but I can’t figure out why so many people are sent, in Chinese terms, to kill the chicken and kill it. Bullsword. “

Jack shrugged: “Who knows, in my opinion, this is a very simple task. I hope to have a body, so my sniper rifle will work.”

Although some elite troops are strictly trained, they are allowed to relax for a while before the war. With their absolute confidence, the elite soldiers took a bus to know the hillsides far away, and led them to a fate that no one could predict.

Song Fei is standing on a hillside, and the big goat takes off a huge backpack behind him. This is a backpack made of nylon cloth. It is one meter long and half a meter wide. If this large climbing bag is full, Things, ordinary person simply can’t carry it.

With the removal of the big goat backpack, the eyes in front of countless large screens condensed on the big goat backpack. They were very curious to know what the big goat backpack contained, the machine gun? Sniper rifle? Or heavy firearms and bullets.

In the White House of the United States, Oba sheep played the soot of a cigar, said with a smile: “Three of them, I bet there is a machine gun and a sniper rifle inside.”

Ms. Secretary of State said with a smile: “I bet there are camouflage clothes and submachine guns in them. They are few people. If they stick to them, they will definitely die, so they will not use heavy machine guns. Instead, they will use guerrilla tactics. However, under the surveillance of satellites, guerrillas The tactics are not easy to use, and the surrounding forests are not lush and are not as secretive as the big forests. “

Like the White House of the United States, many people are laughing at the contents of the big goat’s backpack, but they can’t get rid of weapons and combat tools.

In the Conference Hall of Imperial Capital, Zhou Qun said: “I guess it should be a cold weapon. You have not seen the skills of big goats. People like them are like the Shi Family, and they disdain the use of hot weapons, so they must be swords and bows. Nothing, maybe a gun. “

Cold, Wu Guoxing asked: “The fighting power of the big goat is really so terrifying?”

Zhou Qundao: “It’s really terrifying. I think it’s more terrifying than Hidden Shi Family.”

Wu Guoxing said: “In any case, after this matter is over, must understand their origin. It is too dangerous for such a force to be hidden in the country.”

Zhou Qun is nodded, and understands Wu Guoxing’s concerns. If such a powerful force causes damage, the loss will be incalculable, and the secret means will make the country unable to find any clue. Does n’t it mean that if the damage is done? That can easily escape the hunt of the country? Similarly, if someone commits a crime and seeks their asylum, wouldn’t it be easy to walk away? For a country, this kind of power is absolutely not allowed to exist. It is like an uncontrollable nuclear bomb. Maybe it will explode someday.

Soon after, the big goat opened his backpack and saw what the big goat took out. Zhou Qun couldn’t help cursing: “Go to ***.”

Similarly, this scene shocked countless people. The first thing the big goat took out was a folding bench, and then took out 3 benches, and then took out a small table, followed by a tea plate, teapot, tea cup, The electrical outlet, a mobile nuclear power charger, and several bottles of mineral water at the end.

3 people set up a small table in front of the eyes and boiled tea.

They really seem to be on vacation, not to deal with the special elite coming soon.

All the people in front of the camera were speechless, and the Leaders who had guessed what was in their bag were all beaten, and suddenly they dared not speak.

A helicopter flew over Song Fei’s head. From the helicopter’s head, one silhouette suddenly fell down. The silhouette opened the parachute in midair and slowly landed towards the hill where Song Fei was.

Not long after, the silhouette came to the ground with a parachute. It was a very beautiful woman. After seeing the tea tray in front of Song Fei 3, the woman was also a little dreadful, and smiled bitterly: “I came here with desperate determination, the enemy At present, as a party, shouldn’t you be serious? This style of painting is too bad. “

The person who came was actually Ziyan.

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