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How strong Tang Yilei is, it was revealed just now when he dealt with Nine Tune Yellow River Array.

With the power of one person, the Heavenly Sword Sect 1000 Army is hard to beat, and the strength of Halfly Heavenly Emperor is by no means comparable to Gold Immortal Peak.

However, his second attack was blocked, blocked by a red fairy sword.

At this moment, the master Xia Xia of the fairy sword held the fairy sword in her mouth, smirking lightly, and looked at Tang Yilei opposite.

The audience lost his voice again.

This is a situation that no one expected.

Who is Tang Yilei? The Peak master of the Vermilion Bird One family, in addition to the existence of the Heavenly Emperor level of the ancestor of Vermilion Bird, must count their strongest power. The existence of Halfly Heavenly Emperor has just proved his How horrible the power is. It is the top pillar of the Vermilion Bird One family. It is the era when Heavenly Emperor can not see it. The strongest battle strength is the true heritage of the Vermilion Bird One family.

However, such a blow from one person was blocked, and it was only a young girl, the daughter of Yue Tianyu, Yue Xiaxia.

Yue Xiaxia’s name is familiar to many of the Vermilion Bird One tribe familiar with Heavenly Sword Sect. However, her knowledge also stayed at 5000 years ago. At that time, he got the first in the Dragon Court. Name, she cultivates True Solar Fire, he is the Peak master of Yue Tianyu lineage.

This series of information can show that she is a girl with great potential.

But no matter how great the potential is, how can it reach the half-step Heavenly Emperor in just 1000 years?

Everyone looked at the void, as if they felt that all this was not true.

Even Heavenly Sword Sect was shocked. They also knew that Yue Xiaxia was very strong and strong, and knew that she had followed Song Fei’s southern expedition to the northern battle, but no one knew how strong it was because People who deal with her are often punched by her, but even if they are fully prepared, when Tang Yilei shows that horrible strength, everyone does not think Yue Xiaxia can resist it.

However, the facts are so unexpected that everyone, the Heavenly Sword Sect that has repeatedly created miracles, this time seems to have created a miracle. A 3 generation of science dispatched turned out to be a half-step Heavenly Emperor.

Is the background of Heavenly Sword Sect so strong?

Tang Yilei and other three Murderous auras have never been so strong at the moment, so after learning that Song Fei had Chaos Qi, he didn’t want to kill people like he does now.

Looking at Yue Xiaxia with the attitude of 10000 1000 in the sky, they know that Qing Heaven Sword Sect has grown into a huge monster, and it is no longer the Vermilion Bird One family who can suppress it at will, unless it is the one who shot …

While his face was full of killing intention, Tang Yilei and the others’ eyes were surprisingly dignified. Tang Yilei looked to Yue Xiaxia’s eyes, and there was no previous look of aloof and remote.

The people of Immortal World, regardless of their size, are superior.

Yue Xiaxia’s strength is enough to make them sit on an equal footing. In the years of 100000000 million and 10000 years, she has no advantage and satisfaction in front of her, but is more like a shame.

“2 people!” Tang Yilei slowly spoke out to the 2 people around him. “The plan has changed. It has become difficult to besiege Heavenly Sword Sect, but the Vermilion Bird One tribe stands proudly. Immortal World 100000000 10000 years I once saw the splendor and rise of Vermilion Bird, and also encountered countless crises, but we all survived it. This time, we cannot retreat, we have no chance to retreat, the enemy’s growth rate exceeds our imagination, 5 Brother, sister 8, fight with me. If you do n’t kill this woman today, our heads will become her merits. ”

After 5000 years of entanglement between the Vermilion Bird One and Qing Heaven Sword Sect, you killed me, I killed you. The number of people who died on each other’s hands was uncountable. It has become an irresolvable contradiction. Only if you win the court, can it be resolved.

Vermilion Bird One, after all, there are ancestors, and patriarch, and their 8 Great Elder, and countless masters. They have experienced countless crises, how could they easily concede, and found out Heavenly After the potential of Sword Sect, it will only fight with all its strength.

Tang Yihong and Tang Yixin silently nodded, and the faces of the two people silently burned the flames of azure, and then the red flames on Tang Yilei’s body were also transformed into azure.

This is the Vermilion Bird Skyfire, and now the Vermilion Bird One family ’s cultivation technique at the bottom of the tank. If you do n’t understand Vermilion Bird Skyfire, it is not worthy of being ranked in the 8 Great Elder.

“How many 100000000 million years haven’t really been shot. Today, let my sword be stained with blood again.” Tang Yilei murmured softly.

The crutch of a bird’s head is cracked, and inside it is a red sword that is as red as jade, dazzling around the body, pure and flawless, like jade more like metal.

The palms of the other two people also emerged as fairy swords. Three of the older generation simply did not have the mind of fighting alone. They were here to kill, not to compete.

“To have no shame, it’s more people bullying less people.” Yue Xiaxia took a sip, but her face was replaced by excitement, and the colorless flame on her body burned silently, wrapping her lovable body with one person. Force, Ti Jian rushed to Tang Yilei 3 people.

In the battle line below, Yue Zimo shouted loudly: “Retreat, retreat quickly.”

Around the Nine Tune Yellow River Array, the masters of the Vermilion Bird One clan also directed their respective Formulas to step back, leaving the battlefield to Tang Yilei and the others.

After seeing their strength, simply did not dare to approach the battlefield where these people were. The leaked power, accidentally, will cause the casualties of the master, even if there is a large array of guards, they may not be able to resist.

“Sister, I’m here.” Yue Sihua’s body turned into a blue water person who slowly disappeared into the air, and then appeared next to Yue Xiaxia. Water and fire in this brief moment are not exclusive, as if the water and fire blend together. 2 people showed a near perfect tacit cooperation.

In Nine Tune Yellow River Array, each and everyone was astonished to watch Yue Xiaxia’s demonstrated power, especially Yue Xiaxia’s younger brother younger sisters, they were completely shocked.

Yue Shiling cried and said, “My sister always bullied me when I was a kid. I always wanted to grow up to avenge myself. I didn’t fight for so many years. I thought I was about to catch up with her.

“Well, Demoness is the one.” Yue Ziwen sighed softly. Because he and Bi Haoyue were handsome, they were often rubbed by Yue Xiaxia when he was young. He naturally did not want to, and was honest after Yue Xia Xia’s meal. Now, this enmity, he keeps remembering it.

None of these people have not been ravaged by Yue Xiaxia. They originally sought revenge from Yue Xiaxia, which was the motivation for their cultivation from childhood.

“Miserable, miserable.” Yue Zixuan couldn’t find a more precise word to describe his mood.

Xiao Jing pinched the belly of Yun Yuexuan and said quietly, “We are not the worst, look at the two.”

Following Xiao Jing’s eyes, Yue Zimo looked towards Hei Yilin and Yang Xiujie. These two were the most naughty and the most captivated 2 people in their childhood. They were embarrassed when they were young. Get revenge on Yue Xiaxia.

With their contrast, Yue Zixuan and the others suddenly found that their mood was much better.

Now these two people are as black as carbon.

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